LABMAX - What does it really test?


Labmax is a testing kit that turns a certain color when certain compounds are in a solution..
Is it accurate? No :D
It's a test that has too many variables in there when testing the injectable solution. The fluorescent light that is radiated back to your eye is the result.

You can think it looks red, I think it looks pink, the camera makes it look brown..

The carrier oil can make it a certain color taint that it shouldn't be.

Straight oil can make a glow as well.

The problem with labmax:

1. You don't know if it is the carrier creating the glow, the solvents, or the compound...
2. There is no written report or any way to document what color it is actually glowing.
3. Does the strength of the glow determine the "purity" of the compound you are trying to test? - Answer: No. From their website "The steroids test kit is cheap and vey reliable alternative to expensive laboratory testing. It can detect various substances including steroids, it will not give you concentration of the substance but it will detect its presence only. "

4. Does it show the color of "impurities" or how will "impurities" affect the color? Does the impurities increase glow?
5. Does the color of the raw powder + sterile water produce a different result than the finished product? YES LMAO
5a. Does this make sense that the raw pure product produce a different color? FUCK NO!

Here is a link to the "identification table"


I am not trying to argue, I am asking questions and thinking aloud because I have been reading for so long now about these labmax reports use before people are using a lab; and thinking to myself. What happened to using the damn product and seeing the results?? Isn't that what matters in the end?

If I were to buy a cocaine test kit, should I test it to see the purity of it.... Or should I just rack up a line and see what's up?

I hope to get some constructive feedback on why you use Labmax, how you can find the test credible when you are throwing so many variables into the mix. Like Test P the raw powder states it doesn't glow, but when mixed with oil it does? Does oil mean Oil and the solvent? Does testing the oil alone create a certain color compared to oil and solvent? I personally would think so.

So many questions, not a lot of information available.

And do people post on here about the STRENGTH of the glow? Yes, but even the website it states it doesn't have to do with intensity of the glow. Then it states on that table "(orange with very low concetration)" for the testosterone enanthate; although it previously stated it doesn't detect concentrations...

All you guys spending your money on Labmax rethink what exactly you are getting..

It is my opinion that Labmax doesn't prove shit....
It makes purchasing harder from UGLs because the information being provided from Labmax isn't exactly "information" if you go by my definition.

Labmax users! Explain yourself for using this tool compared to just using the gear, I don't see the reason for it perhaps I have been missing out on something! :)

p.s. Labmax doesn't seem to differentiate much between the esters... Nor the compounds, everything is green yellow orange and the purer raw powders show no color lol.

Edit: Labmax seems to be good to use for var/winny!
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For all their limitations, since they came out Labmax tests have uncovered more bad gear than all the rest of the testing combined. They are reasonably good at detecting when something isn't what is claimed, and they do it BEFORE it goes into your body.

Most of the uncertainty you see in the testing threads is people trying to convince themselves the failed test they just posted is really OK. You just have to squint your eyes and tilt your head to the right to see the glow there between the brown and black layers...

If the labs tried, they could fake some of these tests, but they are mostly clueless. They just buy the powder, brew it and post up a price sheet. We're going to need a better class of UGL owner before Labmax has to worry about their tests becoming obsolete.
I'm a LM user and Im suspect of their results more and more. I think there are plenty of variables that can affect the tests. With that said, if something is supposed glow blue and it's dark brown with no glow, I feel good about tossing the gear and trying again with another UGL. Yah the gear cost money but I'm not going to pin what I don't have confidence in.
It's a very strange paradox that a majority of us here spend significant time and effort counting calories and macros. We are in some cases careful to a fault of what we eat, but a random oil in a vial slap a test label on it and most will just say fuck it and inject who knows what in that same body/temple you won't put 5 extra grams of sugar into. That's fucking weird, and I'm 100% guilty of doing that very thing so I'm not pointing fingers.
I am compiling a list of the most popular drugs and their esters in hope to find a trend. I am thinking it is more ester based if anything at all.

You aren't answering my questions however, you are just stating what has been stated before.
It "shows" what something "isn't". Before it goes into your body? The labmax just said it doesn't show CONCENTRATION so you can be injecting something that is 90% IMPURE and you are happy with it. That doesn't seem to really make sense.

Sorry about being argumentative but at this point I would like to understand the logic better.

@FuriousWO I can understand that, what does the glow mean? I am starting to think it glows more in regards to ester than base hormone, why does the raws not react stronger than the finished product?
It not intended as you said to show concentration, just that the primary substance you are testing for is present
For all their limitations, since they came out Labmax tests have uncovered more bad gear than all the rest of the testing combined. They are reasonably good at detecting when something isn't what is claimed, and they do it BEFORE it goes into your body.

Most of the uncertainty you see in the testing threads is people trying to convince themselves the failed test they just posted is really OK. You just have to squint your eyes and tilt your head to the right to see the glow there between the brown and black layers...

If the labs tried, they could fake some of these tests, but they are mostly clueless. They just buy the powder, brew it and post up a price sheet. We're going to need a better class of UGL owner before Labmax has to worry about their tests becoming obsolete.

Well said!! Labmax is a tool and IMO a useful one but not the end all be all be any means as you still have no clue as to concentration.

Sworder, the cocaine analogy was a horrible one. You'd feel it right away. It takes weeks to see results from gear. While labmax can't tell you how good your gear is it seems to be able to tell you what it's not.
Sworder, the cocaine analogy was a horrible one. You'd feel it right away. It takes weeks to see results from gear. While labmax can't tell you how good your gear is it seems to be able to tell you what it's not.

I like my analogies :( Bang 150mg Tren Ace, if you don't feel it next day it's shit.

Gonna BRB compiling more info from Labmax
I've never tested raws so I have no answer if that's right or wrong. Someone else did do a test I believe it was @jonsal of GSO vs MCT for the same raws and he got wildly different results. Again IMO it's not foolproof in any way, and I may have tossed out decent gear based on it. I'm ok with that if I've also avoided pure shit
I've never tested raws so I have no answer if that's right or wrong. Someone else did do a test I believe it was @jonsal of GSO vs MCT for the same raws and he got wildly different results. Again IMO it's not foolproof in any way, and I may have tossed out decent gear based on it. I'm ok with that if I've also avoided pure shit

Glad to see an open mind! Just wanted to see the general opinion about this topic..
The problem with labmax:

1. You don't know if it is the carrier creating the glow, the solvents, or the compound...
2. There is no written report or any way to document what color it is actually glowing.

let me comment just on some of the nonsense you wrote,

the solvents do not glow, carriers (oils) do not glow, do not produce fluorescence

Color is not glowing, what kind of nonsense is that.

Steroids react with the test reagent producing fluorescence and this is the base how the test works.

the nonsenses you wrote do not stick to the label "Well-Known Member", you might be well know but not well informed.
I've never tested raws so I have no answer if that's right or wrong. Someone else did do a test I believe it was @jonsal of GSO vs MCT for the same raws and he got wildly different results. Again IMO it's not foolproof in any way, and I may have tossed out decent gear based on it. I'm ok with that if I've also avoided pure shit

there is still fluorescence does not matter GSO or MCT

some oils have bigger UV absorption so with very low concentration it will matter GSO or MCT but both with glow bright like sun when the concentration is high.
I understand the science behind melting point, ir spectroscopy, liquid chromatography, and mass spec. Even if I didn't I could youtube it. It's a shame the community colleges around here don't allow auditing of organic chemistry labs.

Why all the secrecy about the theory behind how lab max works?
Yes, I have seen this. I have test both GSO or MCT and when the concentration is high like pharma grade then there is nice fluorescence in both oils.

He has low purity powder this is why, because GSO absorbs more UV, this is why you start to see difference at very concentration between oils.

Labmax states it doesn't measure concentration i.e. purity, what evidence do you have that contradicts the makers of the Labmax?

Why all the secrecy about the theory behind how lab max works?

I don't know what is up with Labmax and am trying to figure it out. What do they actually use to react with the AAS, how do different carriers have an effect, what is the Labmax really telling us about a finished product?
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My pee glows and it
doesnt need a UV light ..

I can make cyanide glow in a Labmax so the " I use it for safety "
Is funny ..

Other than that, I could Care less ..

Learn how to make the Raw
Then I might be impressed

I like my analogies :( Bang 150mg Tren Ace, if you don't feel it next day it's shit.

Gonna BRB compiling more info from Labmax
I always pin tren ace in the mornings now.... For years I'd pin at night and I'd never sleep good. The tren was def keeping me from my beauty sleep.. If you have good tren a, you'll feel it within a couple hours, imo.
I understand the science behind melting point, ir spectroscopy, liquid chromatography, and mass spec. Even if I didn't I could youtube it. It's a shame the community colleges around here don't allow auditing of organic chemistry labs.

Why all the secrecy about the theory behind how lab max works?
Plenty of organic chemistry labs on youtube. Here's a list of free online organic chemistry courses, most complete with lectures.
