LABMAX - What does it really test?

I still can't find that Tren E HPLC
Did someone's dog eat it

You know what it says... You've openly stated its fake, if you didn't think it existed you would've said it didn't exist, you're aware of the results.. And you know perfectly well how the sample was sent in.. The last time this was brought up you stated for days on end your customers love your tren ace after repeatedly being reminded the test was on TREN E, trying to cover it up.

You can send me another friendly PM if you want but it's not going to stop me from posting. You've gone way too far the past few days with your sour grapes regarding all the testing..

I'll see if I can get you another copy of the report if you can't find it.. But also multiple labmax, bloodwork, HPLC report, and the experiences of people including another 10 year vet say your gear isn't what you say it is..

You want to take your stuff off the board then take it off the board but stop being butthurt and whining in all the testing threads how you think all the testing on your stuff is bullshit.
Ask Jim
The testing was on the Tren A..

One thing your still not getting ..
I have way too much time EVERYWHERE for you to be
Questioning me and I already told you , my brother knows what your
Up to so go do your thing Johnny ..

It's so obvious you trash sources
And why is that ..
You've already been caught and
Someone was asked to back down
So being nice they did ..

I know you and so
Do a lot of other guys but we
Let you be because your a waste
Of our time ..

Now go play with your blocks

4,000 posts in a year
And backing up a scammers bloods ..

O now that doesn't seem right Johnny ..
People know me
And people know you ..

Pretty soon everyone will know you
4,000 posts in a year
And backing up a scammers bloods ..

O now that doesn't seem right Johnny ..
People know me
And people know you ..

Pretty soon everyone will know you
You have just crossed a line... for someone too fucking stupid to remove exif data from photos I am sure it ain't tough to know you.

Just to be clear- are those threats? Accusations? Something to do with your business partner stretch? You are the one in business with a scammer- stretch amd all the bunk gear you stole from getm.
This is my house ..
Your only a guest...
you will get it soon enough


Ask Jim
The testing was on the Tren A..

One thing your still not getting ..
I have way too much time EVERYWHERE for you to be
Questioning me and I already told you , my brother knows what your
Up to so go do your thing Johnny ..

It's so obvious you trash sources
And why is that ..
You've already been caught and
Someone was asked to back down
So being nice they did ..

I know you and so
Do a lot of other guys but we
Let you be because your a waste
Of our time ..

Now go play with your blocks

Ask Jim
The testing was on the Tren A..

One thing your still not getting ..
I have way too much time EVERYWHERE for you to be
Questioning me and I already told you , my brother knows what your
Up to so go do your thing Johnny ..

It's so obvious you trash sources
And why is that ..
You've already been caught and
Someone was asked to back down
So being nice they did ..

I know you and so
Do a lot of other guys but we
Let you be because your a waste
Of our time ..

Now go play with your blocks


You're a lying/deceiving piece of shit you broke fucking loser..

You accused me of being a rep for CEM which it's been well documented that I hate them. Shit PCT and the CEM rep tried to say I was a rep for some other bullshit Chem company. Everyone knows I only use pharm ancillaries. Who am I a rep for now? How have I been "caught"?

I know that's the go to for any source when someone says something against them but you can't back it up because I'm not whoever you or your imaginary brother thinks I am.

Backed down from what? You're the one always sending me these bullshit PM's trying to keep me quiet..

You're a dumb, natural born fucking loser, pal..
You have just crossed a line... for someone too fucking stupid to remove exif data from photos I am sure it ain't tough to know you.

Just to be clear- are those threats? Accusations? Something to do with your business partner stretch? You are the one in business with a scammer- stretch amd all the bunk gear you stole from getm.
I didn't threaten his whereabouts..

I wanna know what that cock sucker
Has going on that he makes up shot against me and I know he does ..

He been disrespecting me since day one
I didn't threaten his whereabouts..

I wanna know what that cock sucker
Has going on that he makes up shot against me and I know he does ..

He been disrespecting me since day one

Because I call you out on your bullshit!! who the fuck do you think you are? You're an 8 buck an hour loser that's trying to get over on the community because you can't do anything else right in your life.
Call me Brutus ..
I will give you a phone number ..
Get a pre paid and call me so
We can talk about stretch and GETM ..

So am I now to guess you are
David or working with him

I never stole anything
I was fucked just like everyone
Else and I thought David was my friend just like you thought that one source was your friend
Call me Brutus ..
I will give you a phone number ..
Get a pre paid and call me so
We can talk about stretch and GETM ..

So am I now to guess you are
David or working with him

I never stole anything
I was fucked just like everyone
Else and I thought David was my friend just like you thought that one source was your friend
What makes you think I would rep for a ugl? I have this thing called a career... I make excellent cash. I have a nice home. I pay for all my gear. People who dont have these things (you) rep. Sorry for your luck, but you just look fucking stupid trying to accuse me of being a loser like you.

Say hi to stretch for me asshole.