LABMAX - What does it really test?

Who you fucking bitch? Open your mouth and make yourself look even more retarded... PLEASE!!
That's a lot of posts in such
A short time
And sticking up for guys
Against sources ok maybe but making shit up and following my every post ..

Why are you so threatened by me Johnny
What makes you think I would rep for a ugl? I have this thing called a career... I make excellent cash. I have a nice home. I pay for all my gear. People who dont have these things (you) rep. Sorry for your luck, but you just look fucking stupid trying to accuse me of being a loser like you.

Say hi to stretch for me asshole.
I didn't say you ..
My issue was and is not with you
That's a lot of posts in such
A short time
And sticking up for guys
Against sources ok maybe but making shit up and following my every post ..

Why are you so threatened by me Johnny

I'm not, you're threatened by me which is why every time I call you out you PM me with a sad story about your loser life trying to make nice nice.
It feels like nothing because unlike you I have NOTHING to hide. I call you out for the piece of shit that you are.
I have something to hide ..
Haha I pretty much have everything out there ...

You were caught once reping
I know the story so maybe
You aren't now but it's very strange and not just to me
I have something to hide ..
Haha I pretty much have everything out there ...

You were caught once reping
I know the story so maybe
You aren't now but it's very strange and not just to me

FOR WHO?! Lies... Poor move on your part because you're crossing a line you're not coming back from with me..
You really want me to post it???? What's my business? Trashing bullshit UGLs such as yourself?
If we talked about every issue you
Have with my business , you would come out with nothing ..

I don't like you
I am blocking you
I tried to be nice but I really don't like. You
If we talked about every issue you
Have with my business , you would come out with nothing ..

I don't like you
I am blocking you
I tried to be nice but I really don't like. You

Oh how convenient.. After your baseless, bullshit accusations you won't address you're blocking me.. Quite a shame everyone else can still see my posts, loser..

