LABMAX - What does it really test?

He been disrespecting me since day one

You deserve nothing but our disrespect. You are one of the dumbest people I have ever seen on the boards, hands down. No one has even a modicum of respect for you. You are also a tremendous asshole.

You think its just jB who thinks you're a retard? Think again.

You are also probably one of the most dangerous attempts at sourcing I have ever seen.

You treat your customers like shit.

You call them scammers.

You made snide remarks about them.

You make fun of the members who are testing your bullshit gear.

You make shit up when its convenient for you.

You are a garbage source and a garbage person.
He didn't have to back me up. He knows me in real life and is quite aware I don't rep or need to rep for anyone.

Why do you have to make up lies to hide the fact your gear sucks?
I am not making anything up and I don't take any more guys so it doesn't matter what I think about a Labmax report
First you think I work with Stretch which is just retarded ..
No one knows my brother
He isn't on the boards ...
If you knew me you wouldn't say that

I know your type very well. I hate scumbags like you. "Oh, I just make gear for the community to have good stuff!! anyone who says anything different I'll make up stories about"

Who do (did) I rep for you fucking loser?
I know your type very well. I hate scumbags like you. "Oh, I just make gear for the community to have good stuff!! anyone who says anything different I'll make up stories about"

Who do (did) I rep for you fucking loser?
You mad Johnny
Whose ass hurts now

