LABMAX - What does it really test?

Initials that I didn't know then I said yes the first name I do remember ..
From the initial but I didn't remember otherwise ..

You know Stretch better than I do
I think a lot of guys here do

You said you knew his name and wouldn't do business with someone who you didn't. You lied. Just like the other bullshit that came out of your mouth in this thread.

I didn't say CBS did business with
Him ..
I said he knew his name and told
It to me ..

If I did business with the guy
Would I not at least know his name
Accusing Johnny of repping is a serious accusation. Your credibility is on the line so you need to prove it or withdraw the accusation and apologize. Questions about your credibility won't go away until you do.

I have proof he's accused me of this same bullshit before when I've said something against him. And proof of him taking it back in PM. Pathological fucking liar..

Please stop stating your opinions in testing decisions. You're completely biased and you've admitted many times that you don't understand or believe in testing.

All started with me making this simple request ^^ about his constant snide comments about testing. I though it was a reasonable request...
I would hope that anyone even considering purchasing from this deranged lunatic reads this thread and see's how dangerous he truly is.

His ridiculous lies and shit posting is right up there with Shamrockbear.

Fuck Manwhore / Voodoo. Meso members deserve better than this retard.
Accusing Johnny of repping is a serious accusation. Your credibility is on the line so you need to prove it or withdraw the accusation and apologize. Questions about your credibility won't go away until you do.
My credibility with who ?

You guys don't come here
And run the board after 6 months

No one spends this much
Time bashing sourced with lies and backing scammers unless they are lacking attention at home, are very board or has something else in the works ..

I am not the only one who thinks
He is still at it ..

I bet Johnny s butt was sore last night ..

And now GETM mentioned in the thread ..
Yup someone is up to something
Time bashing sourced with lies and backing scammers unless they are lacking attention at home, are very board or has something else in the works ..

Prove it, or you are full of shit. Prove just ONE of these claims.

You can't, because you are a liar.

You guys don't come here
And run the board after 6 months

You can't go one fucking second without mentioning your join date. Congratulations you fucking idiot, you've been here for 10 years talking about licking asshole.

And now GETM mentioned in the thread ..

I don't know who mentioned GETM but I am certainly glad they did.

For those of you who want some insight into how shady this asshole truly is, take a look a the last few pages of the GETM thread. You will see on display some of the finest damage control work the world of scamming sources has ever seen.

Did I mention no disclosure was provided about his 'relationship' with GETM?

Sounds like a real trustworthy fella....

I am not the only one who thinks He is still at it ..

How come none of these other people ever bring this up?

Because they don't exist.

This isn't the first time you made up lies about members in order to discredit them, and each time you do this you end up backtracking on your statements and deflecting because you are a gigantic pussy.

You're losin' it bud.....
Labmax shows fail for Prop that is causing night sweats like strong androgens do and giving results to many guys ..

Stop arguing and let's figure
Out why this high tech instrument is doing this ..

It's definitely not Tren because I
Am a baker and I baked it ..

For those of you who don't know ,
Test Prop looks like sugar and it takes a very long time to dissolve into an already heated solution ..

I look to Mercury for all Labmax
Threads so maybe he can figure this out ..
