LABMAX - What does it really test?

Fucking epic right? I wasn't expecting this outcome at all. Who does all this shit to discredit testing methods but then tests by "feel"
Not discrediting hplc/ms, but it tells you what is in that vial only.
yes that's the thing too people don't even test for potential deadly substances. They care about the gear glowing a certain way or what pervious vials have tested lol.
I'm on 600mg of legit test right now and I don't "feel" it either. But I know for a fact when I get bloods ran in 2 weeks that my levels will be pushing 5000, guaranteed.

I can "feel" 100mg of tren a far as anything else, nah. Maybe anadrol because I feel like shit on it.

We have very limited resources for testing. Labmax def is a valuable tool, imo. It the only one that the majority of users have. Hopefully more ways will be available in the near future.
Not discrediting hplc/ms, but it tells you what is in that vial only.
yes that's the thing too people don't even test for potential deadly substances. They care about the gear glowing a certain way or what pervious vials have tested lol.
Well if I "trust my source" like you do I can test 1 vial and the other 10 should all be the same right?

Sorry said I was done.. I'm done. Night bud.
I don't source, am not related to Sworder and I am no fan of Labmax for two very big reasons: 1. Inconsistency/inaccuracy of results and, 2. The fact that we have a full-time shill promoting the product and disseminating false information regarding the properties of the test right here on this board. Sorry, but I trust the words of no man that puts his own economic gain ahead of the welfare of the board and lies repeatedly regarding his financial ties to the product being promoted. There have been a plethora of cases where myths created around LM have been debunked only to later be reintroduced to a new and unsuspecting audience. This board is all about information, but where LM is concerned, misinformation rules the day.
It seems to me, from what I've seen, that labmax is very inconsistent at best. I'm wondering if with @Millard Baker 's new lab testing program that a sample could be taken from a vial and labmaxed before it's sent to the lab to see if the lab results are consistent with the labmax results. of course by opening the vial that could cause speculation that the vial was tampered with before testing so maybe two vials purchased at the same time. One is lab maxed, one is lab tested.
One could say if the results are inconsistent that even though they were purchased at the same time that they could be from different runs. I think time would show consistency or not. One might say why labmax if we're lab testing. The answer is because Millards lab testing is all about safety and if, in time, this comparison shows that labmax can't be trusted then there are people throwing away good gear because labmax said it was bunk or using potentially bunk gear because their labmax said it was good.
To the contrary, it may show labmax to be a valid form of testing for the presence of hormone. At this point there are alot of people putting their trust in something, that due to many variables, may or may not be trustworthy. We aren't chemists and we only have opinions based on what the labmax test manufacturer is telling us what "their" product does. Isn't that the same thing the ugl labs do. We're using a test that we really don't know for sure works consistently to test a product that we really aren't sure what it is.
I don't know if it's accurate or not...but then again I'm just above idiot.
It seems to me, from what I've seen, that labmax is very inconsistent at best. I'm wondering if with @Millard Baker 's new lab testing program that a sample could be taken from a vial and labmaxed before it's sent to the lab to see if the lab results are consistent with the labmax results. of course by opening the vial that could cause speculation that the vial was tampered with before testing so maybe two vials purchased at the same time. One is lab maxed, one is lab tested.
One could say if the results are inconsistent that even though they were purchased at the same time that they could be from different runs. I think time would show consistency or not. One might say why labmax if we're lab testing. The answer is because Millards lab testing is all about safety and if, in time, this comparison shows that labmax can't be trusted then there are people throwing away good gear because labmax said it was bunk or using potentially bunk gear because their labmax said it was good.
To the contrary, it may show labmax to be a valid form of testing for the presence of hormone. At this point there are alot of people putting their trust in something, that due to many variables, may or may not be trustworthy. We aren't chemists and we only have opinions based on what the labmax test manufacturer is telling us what "their" product does. Isn't that the same thing the ugl labs do. We're using a test that we really don't know for sure works consistently to test a product that we really aren't sure what it is.
I don't know if it's accurate or not...but then again I'm just above idiot.
Why labmax when you get different results on the same product?

You don't have to be a chemist to understand how labmax works, it's well documented and used for a long time. It's not to show AAS ester differences, it's not that sensitive of a test.
If I'm understanding your opinion correctly, you're not a fan of labmax. I see too much inconsistency as well. My point is that if we had positive lab tests to compare to labmax tests that were showing negatives we would know that labmax is inconsistent. I've seen labmax tests where there was a little glow but not much compared to some that look radioactive. color variations. It's supposed to be a pass or fail from what I understand and yet some believe the more it glows the higher the percentage of hormone. some speculate that the oils make a difference. IDK. If we knew that a vial or tab was definately positive for hormone (as in millards testing program) we would have conclusive data to compare to labmax results of the same product. In the end most of the time when I see a labmax posted, very few look absolute. Personally, I wouldn't waste my money.