LABMAX - What does it really test?

LOL regarding the labmax testing of test p, one of the cheapest hormones you can get from the chinese.
What is funny? The greed of a potential ugl scammer or the greed of the chinese? Or perhaps there were so many contaminants that the test failed was the funny part?
What is funny? The greed of a potential ugl scammer or the greed of the chinese? Or perhaps there were so many contaminants that the test failed was the funny part?

The false readings you guys are getting lol. False negatives false positives, not to mention it not having anything to do with the concentration. That's the funny part.
The false readings you guys are getting lol. False negatives false positives, not to mention it not having anything to do with the concentration. That's the funny part.
Not as funny as you still being here when nobody respects you or anything you say- do we just hate you less than other boards you have been laughed off of?
Brutus you might be a good guy but have you ever brewed?
How about Labmax ...
ever use one?

Why does a test prop raw pass but mixed with GSO canola or other oils in a normal recipe with BB and BA and
Filtered with a .22 what man fail the Labmax?

Your assuming and throwing out theories and this is confusing many new guys and having guys throw away perfectly good gear ..

Brutus you might be a good guy but have you ever brewed?
How about Labmax ...
ever use one?

Why does a test prop raw pass but mixed with GSO canola or other oils in a normal recipe with BB and BA and
Filtered with a .22 what man fail the Labmax?

Your assuming and throwing out theories and this is confusing many new guys and having guys throw away perfectly good gear ..

Show me a theory I threw out. What does my brewing history (or lack thereof) and laax skills have to do with it? I appreciate effort people put in to make the board a better place without attempting to profit from it like you. I appreciate people who never sold shitty gear to members and laughed it off like you. I appreciate people who train hard, eat hard and try to score the best gear they can so their efforts are enhanced - TOTALLY UNLIKE YOU. I am here to learn and apply that knowledge to enhancing my physique and increasing numbers so that I can be successful in my first powerlifting meet and make some friends. You are a slimy fuck who is here to make money and apparently start an army of brewers so that you can use them for financial gain. Are you starting to see the differences between us? Why my name should never leave your mouth? You are someone with downs syndrome bagging my groceries, a washed up loser greeting me at the Walmart door. Be quiet.
Blah blah blah

You comment on things you don't know and then bring up bullshit to throw people off your lack of knowledge On the subjects ..

Have a nice day

Brutus you might be a good guy but have you ever brewed?
How about Labmax ...
ever use one?

Why does a test prop raw pass but mixed with GSO canola or other oils in a normal recipe with BB and BA and
Filtered with a .22 what man fail the Labmax?

Your assuming and throwing out theories and this is confusing many new guys and having guys throw away perfectly good gear ..

Just means you dropped more powder into the first LM vial than there was powder in the oil you added to the second vial. I have some t-p from Steroid Edge that did the same thing. Waste of time brewing it IMO.
Just means you dropped more powder into the first LM vial than there was powder in the oil you added to the second vial. I have some t-p from Steroid Edge that did the same thing. Waste of time brewing it IMO.
Was not my test ..
testing my own products doesn't
hold up in Court ..

When prop passes bloods with a good score then Labmax fail means nothing to me but some guys love to see the glow ..

What if it fails Labmax but passes blood work ?

Labmax is better thaN blood work ?


how long is it going to take you to understand simple color test ? 5 years old would understand long time ago, go to the fucking labmax site and read how it works.

if your test is mixed with other shit of course it will fail if it does not meet pharma grade

but there is still some test and blood work will show it.

Do you understand it now, that your shit is not pharma grade and do not pin it ?
What if it fails Labmax but passes blood work ?

Labmax is better thaN blood work ?

Blood work is great and labmax is good. It's a tool to help you from getting screwed. Can there be false negatives? Absolutely. You seem to want to use that to your advantage. Fucking scrub.
how long is it going to take you to understand simple color test ? 5 years old would understand long time ago, go to the fucking labmax site and read how it works.

if your test is mixed with other shit of course it will fail if it does not meet pharma grade

but there is still some test and blood work will show it.

Do you understand it now, that your shit is not pharma grade and do not pin it ?
so your saying labmax is only good for pharma aas?? then why even test ugl you already know its not pharma
so your saying labmax is only good for pharma aas?? then why even test ugl you already know its not pharma

listen go to labmax site there are tons of material and examples, people do not read this and are coming up with some ridiculous conspiracy theories.

if your ass contains only one steroid, oil, BB, BA (or just pure powder ) no other shit (mixed with no other steroids) then it is pass even if it is underdosed, it is g2g.

if you get the right colors it is good quality except it might be underdosed.
Blood work is great and labmax is good. It's a tool to help you from getting screwed. Can there be false negatives? Absolutely. You seem to want to use that to your advantage. Fucking scrub.
This has nothing to do with a Labmax on my gear ..

This has to do with Labmax questions in general ..

listen go to labmax site there are tons of material and examples, people do not read this and are coming up with some ridiculous conspiracy theories.

if your ass contains only one steroid, oil, BB, BA (or just pure powder ) no other shit (mixed with no other steroids) then it is pass even if it is underdosed, it is g2g.

if you get the right colors it is good quality except it might be underdosed.
I am not arguing with you I want you to know that ..

This was brought to my attention and I was just wondering how GSO BB and BA confuse Labmax

My question on labmax, and I believe it's been asked before, why do raw powders give different results compared to oils? With that in mind it has to effect the reliability, as you don't know how much your results will be scewed because you have a different oil then the labmax was intended for. I have seen what MW is talking about. I had some stuff brewed in GSO fail labmax, but when I went back and tested raw it passed. I have some NPP in GSO now that failed labmax. I have more of the same raw that I will brew with mct and recheck. I suspect I may see the same thing, where it will pas in the mct.
My question on labmax, and I believe it's been asked before, why do raw powders give different results compared to oils?

this is just another example that people do not read the instruction and spread misinformation.

This test is based on fluorescence on UV light.

It does not matter oil or powder,

see the color table, for example

tren enan oil green fluorescence in vial B

tren enan powder green fluorescence in vial B

etc. applies to all

it is the same
this is just another example that people do not read the instruction and spread misinformation.

This test is based on fluorescence on UV light.

It does not matter oil or powder,

see the color table, for example

tren enan oil green fluorescence in vial B

tren enan powder green fluorescence in vial B

etc. applies to all

it is the same
Oh, the UV is all that matters. So how to I tell Tren fro nandrolone ?
Oh, the UV is all that matters. So how to I tell Tren fro nandrolone ?
If you wanna sit back and watch a nice love story with you girl it's nandrolone .
if you want your girl to invite over 6 of her friends for a gang bang, then it's tren :)