LABMAX - What does it really test?

this exactly how labamx works, it is explained on their web site, there is no misleading information.

those idots buy $5 test tube and expect it to be HPLC, you want more then go to lab and pay $200 for analysis

it is pointless to argue with those guys because they have been exposed many times with simple labmax test that they sell corn oil

I do not know what people like sworder and bunch of other idiots try to achieve except to discourage people form testing their bunk gear.

and who the fuck is some Bill ?

He is an educated person, far more intelligent than you are. You're not going to push Labmax by taking shots at Bill Roberts credibility. You are a poor salesman, I can take what little evidence you provided on the other thread and actually give M.M.C. International B.V.'s Steroid Check, Steroid Test B some credibility, since it has been approved by the Virginia Department of Forensic Science. I don't necessarily believe you are stupid, but you do have a poor proficiency in the English language and it makes it difficult for you to communicate with English speakers. However, you could have spent a few minutes and provided more information about the M.M.C.'s Steroid Check preliminary testing kit, and explained what it is, where it came from, and who backs it. I don't even know why the fuck it is called a labmax because I have no idea what has to do with that product. Are they just reselling the product? I am not sure why they are selling M.M.C.'s product but have their URL address ( written across boxes in the kit (photos). I guess they just edited the photos and it doesn't actually come like that. - M.M.C. -Labmax
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After following undercover agents to a hotel parking lot, a Missoula, Montana, man attempted to sell them a sheet of paper that he claimed was “blotter acid.” Even though the paper tested negative for LSD, the man was charged with criminal fraud and faced a five-year prison sentence and a fine of $50,000.

That was in Montana, for Christ's sake. Find me one from a major metro area where they have real crime problems. 5 years and 50K fine is nothing compared to doing 20+ in federal custody for selling the real thing. If you were a prosecutor, which conviction is going to give you more clout? The fake drug bust or the real thing? Not saying it never happens, but this whole argument is a distraction from the real topic at hand:

What good is LabMax? What is it really capable of showing us with any reasonable degree of certainty?

I think we may have the answers to those questions. However, for the reasons I alluded to in my post above, there will be those that will continue to champion the product and continue disseminating misinformation to gullible AAS users.
those idots buy $5 test tube and expect it to be HPLC, you want more then go to lab and pay $200 for analysis

it is pointless to argue with those guys because they have been exposed many times with simple labmax test that they sell corn oil

@mercury , would you then also be willing to admit that based on what we know about product that some ugls may have been falsely accused of selling "corn oil" because of the unreliability of the test?
That was in Montana, for Christ's sake. Find me one from a major metro area where they have real crime problems. 5 years and 50K fine is nothing compared to doing 20+ in federal custody for selling the real thing. If you were a prosecutor, which conviction is going to give you more clout? The fake drug bust or the real thing? Not saying it never happens, but this whole argument is a distraction from the real topic at hand:

Now you are moving the goal posts. Nowhere in our previous dialogue did you mention it had to be in a metro area nor did you say the severity of he punishment had to be the same.

Anyway, is New York City enough of a major metro area that has real problems to suit your new qualifiers?

For Tourists Seeking Drugs, an Experience That’s Less Than Authentic

Lace Gentlemen’s Club, on Seventh Avenue in Manhattan, has posted a sign warning customers about “street hustlers and con men” who work nearby.
JANUARY 30, 2015
Crime Scene

P. T. Barnum declared over 100 years ago that there is one born every minute. But where, when they grow up to become adults who visit New York, do they go to buy cocaine?

One answer can be found in recent arrests in Midtown Manhattan, specifically on Seventh Avenue in the upper 40s. As good an example as any played out on Sept. 12 at 2:40 a.m., when an unidentified man wearing a suit struck up a conversation with a 26-year-old stranger, Mohamed Saho, on the street, according to a criminal complaint.

Mr. Saho offered to sell the man cocaine for $60, the complaint states. The pair walked to West 47th Street, and the man in the suit handed over the cash and tucked his drugs into the breast pocket of his jacket.

A police officer saw it all happen, and approached to make arrests. The officer examined the contents of the pocket, calling upon “my training and experience in identifying drugs,” according to the complaint.

“I placed the substance in water,” he wrote. Plopping and fizzing ensued. The powder caused the water “to bubble like Alka-Seltzer,” the officer wrote, adding: “I know based on my training and experience that cocaine does not react in this manner when mixed with water.”

Whatever disappointment the man seeking drugs felt upon realizing he had been duped and how close he had come to snorting cold medicine was presumably offset by the relief — and oh, as the jingle goes, what a relief it is — of being free to go. Mr. Saho was not quite as lucky, but almost: He was charged with lesser offenses than selling cocaine, including a misdemeanor charge of possessing an imitation controlled substance and another of fraudulent accosting. He accepted a deal under which the case would be dismissed in the future if he stayed out of trouble.

It was not an isolated incident. On Feb. 2, the police arrested a 51-year-old man, on West 46th Street, who was carrying marijuana but who told officers, “I sell fake cocaine,” the police said. And on July 24 at 4 a.m., a suspect who offered to sell a stranger cocaine was arrested and admitted the drugs were fake, according to another criminal complaint. This time the substance was the pain reliever BC Powder.

“Aspirin, baby powder, talcum powder,” said an employee at Lace Gentlemen’s Club on Seventh Avenue near West 48th Street. The employee, who declined to give his name, said he had seen many fake-drug deals conducted outside the club. The dealers seem to be targeting the club’s customers, who are, rightly or not, believed to be tourists who are gullible and have cash in their pockets.

“Old-school stuff still works here,” the employee said. “They’re blatant. If you’re standing around outside, they’ll walk up to you.”

It has become enough of a problem that Lace printed a warning and mounted it inside the front door. “Be advised,” it reads, “street hustlers and con men work on 7th Avenue.” The sign cautions against talking to men posing as Lace employees who will attempt to lure the customers elsewhere.

Lace is next door to a building with offices and recording studios. An employee at the Steve Maxwell Vintage and Custom Drums store next door said he had been approached on the sidewalk. “They say, ‘Coke, weed, whatever you want, man, I got it,’ ” he said.

The Lace employee said he had seen men prop open the neighboring building’s doors late at night and invite passers-by inside with promises of women or drugs, only to rob them. He said the victims do not call the police because of the circumstances of the robbery.

He said he tried not to get involved. “You don’t mess with our business, we don’t mess with your business,” he said.

Deputy Inspector John Hart, commanding officer of the local precinct, said that the selling of fake drugs had been an issue since 2007. “Their goal is to get drunk people,” he said.

The police provided information on three arrests involving drugs or fake drugs, but added that six other arrests had been sealed, a likely result of drug charges having been dropped when police lab results indicated there were no illegal drugs present.

Some of the drugs would seem to be the real thing, as the Lace employee said he had noticed regular customers returning. A host at TSQ Brasserie, near 48th Street, said he had seen men on the subway he recognized from Seventh Avenue, asking “tourist ladies” if they wanted anything.

“It seems like it’s back in the ’80s, before Giuliani took over,” a different Lace employee said. “The tourists, they fall for it. ‘I’ve got girls around the corner. I’ve got drugs.’ Whatever. The cops lock them up every night. They get right back out.”
The police provided information on three arrests involving drugs or fake drugs, but added that six other arrests had been sealed, a likely result of drug charges having been dropped when police lab results indicated there were no illegal drugs present.

As your own post states, fake drugs are not as tasty to LE as the real thing. If they had such a hard-on for fake drugs as you suggest, they would have prosecuted all nine cases. Why do you continue pursuing this insignificant argument when we have a much more serious concern at hand for the members of this board? Let's stay on topic.

What good is LabMax?

What is it really capable of doing with any reasonable degree of certainty or consistency?
Let's not take things too seriously. I was just pointing out the faults of labmax testing for everything but the hormone according to the BR article.

Has anyone actually confirmed what the article said about LM being unable to detect raw powders of test? That's pretty damn important. Of course I'm just a damn retard because I have no faith in LM and want some science instead of color changes. Mood rings also change color.
Let's not take things too seriously. I was just pointing out the faults of labmax testing for everything but the hormone according to the BR article.

Has anyone actually confirmed what the article said about LM being unable to detect raw powders of test? That's pretty damn important. Of course I'm just a damn retard because I have no faith in LM and want some science instead of color changes. Mood rings also change color.

Maybe we should start a Science Retards Club here? I'd be a proud member.
As your own post states, fake drugs are not as tasty to LE as the real thing. If they had such a hard-on for fake drugs as you suggest, they would have prosecuted all nine cases. Why do you continue pursuing this insignificant argument when we have a much more serious concern at hand for the members of this board? Let's stay on topic.

What good is LabMax?
What is it really capable of doing with any reasonable degree of certainty or consistency?

It says LIKELY result of charges being dropped. It's just as likely that that the arrest records were sealed bc they turned CI or something else. Just bc an arrest record is sealed does not mean the charges were dropped although it's one possibility.
It says LIKELY result of charges being dropped. It's just as likely that that the arrest records were sealed bc they turned CI or something else. Just bc an arrest record is sealed does not mean the charges were dropped although it's one possibility.

Really, let's not continue this. You are totally right about everything and I am completely wrong. Can we let it go now? Please? I would rather focus on the welfare of the members of this board.

What good is LabMax?
What is it really capable of doing with any reasonable degree of certainty or consistency?
Really, let's not continue this. You are totally right about everything and I am completely wrong. Can we let it go now? Please? I would rather focus on the welfare of the members of this board.

What good is LabMax?
What is it really capable of doing with any reasonable degree of certainty or consistency?

It has nothing to do with who is right and who is wrong but when you post something that is incorrect I will happily correct it. When you persist on pushing it I will persist on correcting it. Then, when you specifically ask me to find you an example from a large metro area I will. Is it you want me to stop bc I found you an example?

As to labmax:

We have a labmax shill continuously pushing labmax (Mercury). To me it's a waste of time and money. I have no reason or desire to use labmax. As far as what it can consistently show with reasonable certainty, as far as I'm concerned it's nothing. Nobody to my knowledge has seen documentation from labmax. I've checked their site and can't find anything n
It has nothing to do with who is right and who is wrong but when you post something that is incorrect I will happily correct it. When you persist on pushing it I will persist on correcting it. Then, when you specifically ask me to find you an example from a large metro area I will. Is it you want me to stop bc I found you an example?

As to labmax:

We have a labmax shill continuously pushing labmax (Mercury). To me it's a waste of time and money. I have no reason or desire to use labmax. As far as what it can consistently show with reasonable certainty, as far as I'm concerned it's nothing. Nobody to my knowledge has seen documentation from labmax. I've checked their site and can't find anything n

You do realize how utterly ridiculous that sounds, right? Nothing to do with right or wrong but if you are incorrect I will correct you? When I persist on pushing? Go back and look at the post I made that triggered you:

LABMAX - What does it really test?

I agreed with you. Then I added the caveat that fake drugs were simply not as of much interest to prosecutors as the real McCoy. For some reason this seems to have set you off. Maybe you don't like anyone adding anything to what you write. Do you consider such things a challenge to your person? It wasn't, you know.

" Is it you want me to stop bc I found you an example?"

No, I want you to stop because I don't think this incredibly insignificant argument of your own creation that you so desperately wish to win is worth pursuing in this thread. Your own example actually supported my point: fake drugs are of less interest to LE and carry much lighter penalties than the real thing. The subject at the outset of the article was arrested for a misdemeanor, not a felony, which is what you get for the real thing. The felony charge is more serious. That person got a no-time deal from the DA that equated to unsupervised probation. Further, out of the 9 cases the article reported on for "drugs and fake drugs", only 3 got criminal complaints, and one of those appeared to be be for actual marijuana - he just admitted that he was a fake drug seller. The third and final individual's fate was not specifically mentioned nor what charges they faced.

The real topic:

In conclusion, I agree with you once more: Mercury is an LM shill. I have been reticent to come right out and say that, but based on reactions from him every time LM comes under scrutiny, it is extremely hard to come to any other conclusion.
Let's not take things too seriously. I was just pointing out the faults of labmax testing for everything but the hormone according to the BR article.

Has anyone actually confirmed what the article said about LM being unable to detect raw powders of test? That's pretty damn important. Of course I'm just a damn retard because I have no faith in LM and want some science instead of color changes. Mood rings also change color.

BR has NOT written an "article" investigating, documenting or reviewing the credibility of LM per/say. What he did do is write a logical and well versed OPINION about the void in LM testing.

The bottom line LM results are "hit or miss" bc they have NOT been proven to be reliable by the company selling this product, as compared to contemporary analytical standards such as MS, HPLC or LCMS.

Now it's very important to remember this distinction bc HPLC and/or LCMS are the current GOLD STANDARD by which the accuracy, reliability and reproducibility of any "new" or old, assay will be judged.

Thus as BR mentioned, if the manufacturers of LM ever want to achieve anything more than the credibility of a "bro" assay, put up or shut up about it's capabilities and post the data (whatever there is) documenting it's usefulness and/or limitations!

(Oh and incidentally Merc HAS admitted he IS the LM SALES REP FOR MESO!)


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What good is LabMax?
What is it really capable of doing with any reasonable degree of certainty or consistency?
Every time you say this I manage to agree and disagree with you at the same time. It lacks the credibility and accuracy of other testing methods, and could definitely benefit from more (any) verifiable evidence from the manufacturer to prove it is reliable.

But every time I have used it and determined something is NOT what is claimed, subsequent lab testing or blood work has proven me correct. I know that is a very small sample set, void of any controls or even properly documented procedures. In effect, bro science. But given the lack of alternatives, I believe it provides a much greater degree of certainty than not using it.

It is up to the user to determine if that is a REASONABLE degree of certainty. My feeling is that it is not, and that all UGL products should be avoided without reliable testing - in a lab. But for those who are going to use them anyway, labmax provides at least some protection against bunk or substituted products.
This was a sticky, it's not a sticky anymore.


Probably because you started the thread from a point of view that was "just trying to understand" what labmax was good for. It generated quality discussion. Then you morphed into (made yourself apparent as) a completely pretentious douchebag who thinks it is completely useless and anyone who puts stock in it's results is an idiot. That just created massive backlash in the form of a thousand arguments that you perpetually fanned the flames of- as all of your threads do. You troll around creating dissent and then blame everyone else for their point of view or method of delivering for the ensuing cacaphony in almost every discussion you are engaged in. I would say it is indicative of how very worthless everyone thinks you are from the newbie on up to the administrator. Sad that once again. You take no responsibility and choose to believe it was a money generated desicion as opposed to the accurate assessment of how very worthless you and your opinions are.
Probably because you started the thread from a point of view that was "just trying to understand" what labmax was good for. It generated quality discussion. Then you morphed into (made yourself apparent as) a completely pretentious douchebag who thinks it is completely useless and anyone who puts stock in it's results is an idiot. That just created massive backlash in the form of a thousand arguments that you perpetually fanned the flames of- as all of your threads do. You troll around creating dissent and then blame everyone else for their point of view or method of delivering for the ensuing cacaphony in almost every discussion you are engaged in. I would say it is indicative of how very worthless everyone thinks you are from the newbie on up to the administrator. Sad that once again. You take no responsibility and choose to believe it was a money generated desicion as opposed to the accurate assessment of how very worthless you and your opinions are.

It's funny how your posts never contain anything I can respond to.
Probably because you started the thread from a point of view that was "just trying to understand" what labmax was good for. It generated quality discussion. Then you morphed into (made yourself apparent as) a completely pretentious douchebag who thinks it is completely useless and anyone who puts stock in it's results is an idiot. That just created massive backlash in the form of a thousand arguments that you perpetually fanned the flames of- as all of your threads do. You troll around creating dissent and then blame everyone else for their point of view or method of delivering for the ensuing cacaphony in almost every discussion you are engaged in. I would say it is indicative of how very worthless everyone thinks you are from the newbie on up to the administrator. Sad that once again. You take no responsibility and choose to believe it was a money generated desicion as opposed to the accurate assessment of how very worthless you and your opinions are.

Awww CBS & Brutus love fest. Keep the circle jerking for the locker room will ya?

Edit: Hopefully it's to get rid of this forum and the actual lab testing by Millard will be the only source...
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LOL regarding the labmax testing of test p, one of the cheapest hormones you can get from the chinese.