LABMAX - What does it really test?

Quoting yourself doesn't help me understand you. Brutus, are you functioning mentally? :)

Labmax shouldn't be used as testing.
You are the one lacking in this exchange... im not sure where you are falling short regarding comprehension.

If labmax pops too many false positives or its an issue because it needs a minimal amount of hormone to show positive then people would NOT BE THROWING AWAY GEAR. You continue to run your cocksucker about all this gear people throw away because labmax does not show a positive with hormone present.

Are you too fucking stupid to realize you are arguing both sides of the coin? Wait! I just answered my own question. Of course you are.

And now it is to labmax the raws and homebrew? Are you switching medications? I never used a labmax in my life. I have, however, sold drugs the majority of my life and routinely scammed people- I can spot it a mile away. I call out these fly by night bullshit operations all the time because that is my expertise- just like they hire ex cheaters in Vegas to catch the cheaters back in the day. Im not a scientist. I am not a lab technician. I am not a doctor. I am an ex scammer and criminal who can smell bullshit a mile away- bullshit like the stuff that pours from your mouth and like most of these labs turn out. I run gear and I train hard- two more things I can tell you lack. You should try lifting sometime- you might get caught in less lies if you were in the gym.
Are you too fucking stupid to realize you are arguing both sides of the coin? Wait! I just answered my own question. Of course you are.

It is hopeless scamming idiot will be always scamming idiot but I admire you patience with the mentally challenged individual.
You have not laid out any solution to any problem. Instead for whatever reason you are very ademen about lab max being useless. Do you want all
My failed vials? We both know you can't turn down free gear
What source were you pimping when you got banned at

Hahaha, ok so here is the situation and you can probably understand it. At steroid . com they have a circle jerk crew. A bunch of "vets" that support each other and back each other up whenever a topic is brought up whether they are right or wrong. So, I think the ban hammer was thrown at me when I was having a discussion with one of the older vets over there. My side of the argument was presented and backed up like I usually do.

Some people do not like to be told they are wrong, especially when you back it up with scientific peer-reviewed studies coupled with LOGIC. Now you may understand the situation here as it pertains to this current thread as well.

People do not like to be proven wrong, they feel embarrassed or something, I don't know why. Personally, if I am proven wrong that makes me a smarter person. The more discussions and the deeper you dig into things the more you learn. At least when you talk to people that have a lot of knowledge, there are some good people over there at that forum but they throw the ban hammer if you don't agree with the general community.

As you have probably notice, I do not care if a topic is "generally" accepted or not. I am not on a forum to be liked, respected or circle jerked. I like to learn more and have discussions, and yes I do g. This is a forum and I am an alias, an internet existence. Some people do care though, they perceive and make themselves out to be something they are not.

Raise a topic, present the evidence or information available and interpret it.

I have some good threads over there at steroid dot com, check em out.

Honestly I should bring some of the threads over here, I spent a lot of time there before and had a lot of info.
You have not laid out any solution to any problem. Instead for whatever reason you are very ademen about lab max being useless. Do you want all
My failed vials? We both know you can't turn down free gear

To what problem? Labmax? Stop using it lol. It can make good gear look bad, and bad gear look good. It leaves you with a fucked up result no matter what.

No, I don't want your failed vials. I make my own gear when needed, I don't need somebody to make it for me.
Im not a scientist. I am not a lab technician. I am not a doctor. I am an ex scammer and criminal who can smell bullshit a mile away- bullshit like the stuff that pours from your mouth and like most of these labs turn out.
You don't have to explain that to me, it's pretty clear.
You don't have to explain that to me, it's pretty clear.
Oh- it's just everything else that eludes your understanding. You know sworder- things really have improved with you around here. Property values have gone up, crime is down.

Not for nothing- we had some divisions among membership but not liking you has been unifying and unanimously accepted.
Oh- it's just everything else that eludes your understanding. You know sworder- things really have improved with you around here. Property values have gone up, crime is down.

Not for nothing- we had some divisions among membership but not liking you has been unifying and unanimously accepted.
Oh no... People aren't liking my posts :(

I was driving on the road when my phone was blowing up with the email notifications and thought, damn. I spend more time writing to these guys than I do to my GF... :)

No homo
This is a forum and I am an alias, an internet existence. Some people do care though, they perceive and make themselves out to be something they are not.

You've said similar things a few times now. ^^

How your "internet existence" is just a "persona". It's clear how you act here isn't how you act in real life. You're making yourself into something YOU'RE NOT. It's clear by the very definitions of the terms you use, "internet existence", "persona"...

I don't get it, just be you man... Whether it's online, with a girl, at a job interview, just be you. I mean, geez.... It's gotta be hard keeping up with all these "personas".
You've said similar things a few times now. ^^

How your "internet existence" is just a "persona". It's clear how you act here isn't how you act in real life. You're making yourself into something YOU'RE NOT. It's clear by the very definitions of the terms you use, "internet existence", "persona"...

I don't get it, just be you man... Whether it's online, with a girl, at a job interview, just be you. I mean, geez.... It's gotta be hard keeping up with all these "personas".

Seriously, look at all this shit.. This is just a game to him and his "persona":

What they are doing now is attacking my persona trying to discredit any statement I make by previous actions.

WTF CBS am I going to have to attack my own persona because you can't do it properly??

Am not gonna sit and argue with you guys all night, write whatever you want. Am not going to defend myself in anyway if it has to do with my persona

If you want to discredit my persona go ahead. Nothing I am posting is in regards to my personality or my persona so the writing on the wall can be read for what it is. If you ever need references to what the writing on the wall is saying I can provide it.
PersonaS - plural. 10-1 says his alters PM each other. Probably argues with them too.
It is, you guys make yourselves out to be some person here. CBS and Brutus, scary criminal tough guys. Been on the forums for a while, seen it before. I am whoever you think I am. A shill, a gear-whore, a scammer, a source undercover, I don't care. Think I am that pussy wimp that got beat up in college with glasses. I don't care. This is a forum guys, most of the guys in real life that post they are bad asses have no life and sit on the forum all day and post shit and establish their "online self." It's an online board, if you want to sit online all day and have that be what you are, "a guy that sits on the forums all day." Go ahead. Have fun with it.
In the end, just read the contents.
I have sat on this forum like 3 days straight now, you get a good grasp of what other peoples lives are like when they sit here all day.
Wake up, forum.
Work... check forum on phone
Come home after gym. Forum

The time spent here can be time spent in a hot girl's pussy. Where are you?
It is, you guys make yourselves out to be some person here. CBS and Brutus, scary criminal tough guys. Been on the forums for a while, seen it before. I am whoever you think I am. A shill, a gear-whore, a scammer, a source undercover, I don't care. Think I am that pussy wimp that got beat up in college with glasses. I don't care. This is a forum guys, most of the guys in real life that post they are bad asses have no life and sit on the forum all day and post shit and establish their "online self." It's an online board, if you want to sit online all day and have that be what you are, "a guy that sits on the forums all day." Go ahead. Have fun with it.
In the end, just read the contents.
I have sat on this forum like 3 days straight now, you get a good grasp of what other peoples lives are like when they sit here all day.
Wake up, forum.
Work... check forum on phone
Come home after gym. Forum

The time spent here can be time spent in a hot girl's pussy. Where are you?
Just like any other douche checks facebook. It hardly takes away from vagina time hotshot. Honestly? If you have to invent who you are here or feel that this has no overlap in your real life I feel sorry for you. You are truly missing out on what this is all about... I met my training partner for the last year here, just met mands a couple weeks ago and that shit made me realize how much harder I could be going in the kitchen... I talk to ben daily and count him as a good friend... mp, pmac, gooooooose just called me today and on and on. It really is too bad you have such narrow vision as far as this is concerned. THAT my friend is what makes me think you do a piss poor job at the game of life- you can't even fit in on a fucking internet forum.
Just like any other douche checks facebook. It hardly takes away from vagina time hotshot. Honestly? If you have to invent who you are here or feel that this has no overlap in your real life I feel sorry for you. You are truly missing out on what this is all about... I met my training partner for the last year here, just met mands a couple weeks ago and that shit made me realize how much harder I could be going in the kitchen... I talk to ben daily and count him as a good friend... mp, pmac, gooooooose just called me today and on and on. It really is too bad you have such narrow vision as far as this is concerned. THAT my friend is what makes me think you do a piss poor job at the game of life- you can't even fit in on a fucking internet forum.
You are responding as if I said you can't meet good people here. You definitely can. However, I don't need to try to make myself out to be somebody on here.

Look through your posts, how reflective are they of your personality?
You are responding as if I said you can't meet good people here. You definitely can. However, I don't need to try to make myself out to be somebody on here.

Look through your posts, how reflective are they of your personality?
100%. Ask anyone who knows me... while I come off hostile here it is exactly how I am to people I dont know who challenge me. I care for those I care about; the few, the proud, the brutus friends. I am an alpha personality no matter how you slice it and often say things people remark they have never heard come out of someone's mouth... unless I am being paid well to give a fuck in a professional setting I truly do not give a fuck and I rarely pretend that I do. I do pretend for "hot pussy" as you say "playboy".
Bump for on-topic discussion regarding the main theme of this thread and any commentary on the article recently released by Bill Roberts.
Good article, brings to light the questions that are never answered by the LabMax "crew". It's unfortunate that LM isn't more reliable because it was the only tool that was readily available to the average user. We'll have every UGL lab now that DOES produce pure shit and garbage discrediting LM. I'll still LM and a pure fail is going in the trash.
Hell, LM doesn't even seem to be producing their own testing product. Like your local grocery store buying from a major manufacturer and slapping on a private label.