LABMAX - What does it really test?

No it's doesn't need to change somebody's stance. But educating and making people aware is important. Now if you want to go labmax crazy when you know exactly how the reagent testing works and all the flaws, the false positive and the false negatives, more power to you! The more educated you are the better it is, do you agree?

It's a freedom of choice to do whatever you want!
I agree
Sworder, I am just going to repeat what Flenser said at the beginning. Since LM came around we've had more UGL 's exposed with bunk Gear than ever. This is why I asked what's your suggestion. I guess we should all brew our own gear is what I gather from you or get a script.
Sounds promising.
Sworder, I am just going to repeat what Flenser said at the beginning. Since LM came around we've had more UGL 's exposed with bunk Gear than ever.

Sorry to tell you but what you have "exposed" is that the gear didn't turn a certain color for you. You didn't prove anything further than that.

If you would read this whole thread you would understand what that means.
I disagree. Most labmax tests done by members who take this seriously also follows up by bloodwork showing the gear was bunk you should read more than just what you want to see. Are you going to discredit bad blood work on, Test p, c,e the cheapest hormones of all too?
Pep, Astro,mfl just to count a few, all failed the labmax right around the time they turned scammer. I guess coincidence since all I can tell us it did not turn a certain color.
I disagree. Most labmax tests done by members who take this seriously also follows up by bloodwork showing the gear was bunk you should read more than just what you want to see. Are you going to discredit bad blood work on, Test p, c,e the cheapest hormones of all too?
Pep, Astro,mfl just to count a few, all failed the labmax right around the time they turned scammer. I guess coincidence since all I can tell us it did not turn a certain color.
Define "bad blood work" does that mean it is low levels or NO levels? Because if the bloods are just low the labmax should still have shown it to be "good."
Why would we use LM to see what's in the vial? Send a couple of samples of all products you want to use to sworder. He will use them and let you know how it feels.

Sworder doesn't even need to use the gear to know if it's any good. Just let him look at the vial and he'll know right away.

"This shit is going to be fire!!"

"I was exchanging emails with him and told him that if his gear is fire, which I am certain it is."

Sworder's right about buying your own powders and testing them. Too many false negatives and positives in this game.

Of course labmax is teh b3st0rz out there. Gospel written by Jesus himself.
Sworder's right about buying your own powders and testing them. Too many false negatives and positives in this game.

Of course labmax is teh b3st0rz out there. Gospel written by Jesus himself.

As opposed to what...blind faith? I'll take testing data before blind faith any day.
As opposed to what...blind faith? I'll take testing data before blind faith any day.

Problem is how that data is obtained. A rival source drops olive oil in a strong acid with a reagent and claims their rival is bunk. Now the opposite could also be true with real tested bunk sent out. Nature of this game. Best to buy your own pow and work with it.

Now to labmax itself. What credibility do they really have? Anyone ever used their other services or are they just catfishing their lab equipment? They might just be an outfit selling relabeled test kits that are owe my g0dz hotfire that verifies all the faith I had in a certain lab.
There are no 100% solutions here. I don't know anything about the guys who run labmax, but i have a couple of kits added to my toolbox for help in identifying/verifying substances. I would never lean on just a labmax for all my data, but it is a tool to be used in conjunction with other things like blood tests and cycle logs with real time data such as body weight increase( or lack of it), strength gains, etc.

Having people come out and hammer labmax kits is like people bashing a certain brand of spectrum analyzer. Chances are the problem doesn't lie in the tool, but in the technician using it. That is a big reason we have posts asking opinions on labmax results with we can pool data and get info. from those with far more experience, like getting a fault repair verified by the technician in a bay over. We should usually defer to the guys who have been doing it for years, especially if it is our first go around with it.

The one downfall i see to labmax is that there may be ways to cheat it a bit. People have found substances that will flag it without containing much, if any of the substance you are really looking for. So, assuming the worst, you can't lean on it to be sure you have what you are testing for. What it can be used for is if it doesn't change color at all, or perhaps catching something that comes up the wrong color and being mis-labeled.

We have fake blood tests all over the web, so i am sure there are fake labmaxes as well. As with any other data it should be taken with a grain of salt and weighed with whatever credibility you give to the user who posted it. There are a handful of guys on here i would trust test results from at a fairly high rate and there are a few that could post up labs run by phizer themselves that i would throw in the trash. Consider the source and try to verify the results if it is something you are interested in.
Sworder doesn't even need to use the gear to know if it's any good. Just let him look at the vial and he'll know right away.

his is scammer pushing bunk gear and trying to discourage people from testing.

you do not spend hours typing your stupidity unless you have agenda
his is scammer pushing bunk gear and trying to discourage people from testing.

you do not spend hours typing your stupidity unless you have agenda

Actually some people write threads to inform, and it's funny how the "stupidity" is correct information that nobody can dispute.

You gonna start falling to CBS style of posting too? Funny how I am a scammer pushing bunk gear now? When did that happen? Care to say what "lab" I am accused of being or something lol.
If you completely understand the limitations how come you haven't made that known before. Everybody is using Labmax as the holy grail. Lol, how is LM a good tool to determine what's "not" in the vial? Explain this to me as you completely understand the limitations of Labmax. Now apply this concept to your next post:



I never stated that it is scientific to "PIN AND TELL," I feel it is a waste of time and money to Labmax because 1: It's a shit test that gives false readings.
I don't need to spend $200+ for a HPLC/MS on one vial, because the same HPLC/MS won't apply to the next vial I am purchasing.

My suggestion, is buy your own raws and get the raws tested with HPLC/MS. Stop relying on other people and become self-reliant. OR start getting your drugs from a pharmacy.

This is blackmarket, I don't know why it is made to seem like UGL's are regulated in any shape or form and trying to act as a regulator by testing random vials doesn't do much but waste time, money, and create a false sense of security for the next people buying from the lab.
Please keep this up... technically you are spamming. You offer no solutions- only trolling for arguments. What do you suggest? Labs sample you for a log you don't keep up with like the old days. Nobody is touting labmax as the holy grail- it's only what you keep saying for some reason.
No it's doesn't need to change somebody's stance. But educating and making people aware is important. Now if you want to go labmax crazy when you know exactly how the reagent testing works and all the flaws, the false positive and the false negatives, more power to you! The more educated you are the better it is, do you agree?

It's a freedom of choice to do whatever you want!
More of the same from you. Have you had an original thought since your reemergence?
Please keep this up... technically you are spamming. You offer no solutions- only trolling for arguments. What do you suggest? Labs sample you for a log you don't keep up with like the old days. Nobody is touting labmax as the holy grail- it's only what you keep saying for some reason.
Lol I don't feel like digging up the hundreds of threads where one single labmax will sink or swim a lab. Check out any of the threads in the testing forum with labmax in title. then the following responses, "oh it doesn't glow this color this lab sucks" many posts later "I might have needed new batteries in my light lol" :D

Brew your own gear. Stop relying on other labs, that way you can test the powder yourself and be solely responsible for the manufacturing of the gear and it would also be worth it to get a MS/HPLC when you have a large quantity brewed for personal use.
Define "bad blood work" does that mean it is low levels or NO levels? Because if the bloods are just low the labmax should still have shown it to be "good."
No. Shit. So now labmax works, just not well enough? What do you consider a good eq blood test? Deca?
Brew your own gear. Stop relying on other labs, that way you can test the powder yourself and be solely responsible for the manufacturing of the gear and it would also be worth it to get a MS/HPLC when you have a large quantity brewed for personal use.
Why? Are you starting a brewing club and you need members? If your purpose is to educate your fellow members why do you feel the need continue to instigate? You have become a parody of yourself.
Please keep this up... technically you are spamming. You offer no solutions- only trolling for arguments. What do you suggest?
Brew your own gear. Stop relying on other labs, that way you can test the powder yourself and be solely responsible for the manufacturing of the gear and it would also be worth it to get a MS/HPLC when you have a large quantity brewed for personal use.
Why? Are you starting a brewing club and you need members? If your purpose is to educate your fellow members why do you feel the need continue to instigate? You have become a parody of yourself.

Brutus, seriously, slow down. You are typing and posting way too fast. It was 2-3 minutes between the posts and you forgot that I was answering your question..

The benefit of brewing it yourself? Does that really have to be explained? Money, quality, no more "scamming by shills" or "gear whores"

Instigating discussions about Labmax? Ooo discussions on a discussion board I am being a dumbass now doing that. I mean, we are supposed to be following you type of posting right?

Brutus, seriously, slow down. You are typing and posting way too fast. It was 2-3 minutes between the posts and you forgot that I was answering your question..

The benefit of brewing it yourself? Does that really have to be explained? Money, quality, no more "scamming by shills" or "gear whores"

Instigating discussions about Labmax? Ooo discussions on a discussion board I am being a dumbass now doing that. I mean, we are supposed to be following you type of posting right?

I find it impossible to believe you have begun spending all this time and energy to finally unveil your answer to our every problem- HOMEBREWING!

Unless you are repping for a raw supplier and are hoping to garner pm's asking for a source. that would make sense.

