
You are doing the opposite for the community. First of all, you were the one who posted that LABMAX is a good way to test. You stated we NEED more LABMAX tests. Labmax is shit, you are doing the opposite for the forum because of your lack of knowledge on what LABMAX tests. So you got that going. Misinforming members of what tests are to be ran.

Secondly, you pay no attention to actual problems that can occur and focus only on how many mg/ml a vial contains. Not to mention you and your circlejerk crew spams the board so much that intelligent responses become sucked into a blackhole because you are spamming the board with garbage.

Harm-reduction? You don't give a flying fuck about any VIRUS or potential lethal substances in the gear how is that harm reduction? You are wanting to get a HPLC/MS on a lab and when a lab presents it Dr Jim is the one that has monopolized that area and criticizes anything that he doesn't post. The information he posts gets backed by the circle jerk crew and to the regular member here on Meso they actually believe you guys.

You tell me, what have you accomplished with this testing?

I can tell you for damn sure you have made a lot of people throw away tons of vials of gear which is probably good because you managed to convince people LABMAX is a good way to test. You are doing the forum a disservice with your ignorance and lack of comprehension of these tests. Not to mention you don't even put a disclaimer that ALTHOUGH this vial tested good, THIS WILL NOT APPLY TO YOUR VIAL THAT YOU RECEIVE IN THE MAILBOX.

Brutus, to be quite frank. Your posts are stripped of any information that is applicable and most of your posts contain personal attacks and childish remarks that make the whole forum look bad.

You and your gang is doing the forum a disservice with all the BS you are doing.

IF you want to state otherwise, present it in a intelligent way. But follow suit of CBS:


Another essay that NO ONE will read. You are really a very disturbed individual, Sworder. Seriously, I'm not just saying that. Is that why you were fired from the trt clinic? Go back on your Thorazine or you're going to end up back in the banana room with the droolers.
Gentech Labs is a source . Meso is a source board. Meso has always been a source board whether it was intended to be or not as far back as I can remember ( 17 yrs) . Meso is a source board .

Why do you keep saying otherwise ? o_O

Because the owner says so.

OGH, you really need to stay in your food thread posting pictures of a piece of toast. Every time you venture out, you make yourself look as dumb as Sworder.

Here, this will help you find your way home, not to mention get you a dozen 'likes':

CBS starts his slander and deflect, glad that you admit you don't actually read what I write. This is starting to make more sense now. Remember the golden rule:



Because the owner says so.

OGH, you really need to stay in your food thread posting pictures of a piece of toast. Every time you venture out, you make yourself look as dumb as Sworder.

Here, this will help you find your way home, not to mention get you a dozen 'likes':


Yes sir Mr. Wannabe Policeman , I"ll go straight home to my foodie thread and not talk to anyone . Thanks for looking out for us good folks here in Mesoland , you know how dangerous the Underground is at night
But follow suit of CBS:

You know your buddy, Censoredboardsuck

CBS states I keep spamming it.

not just CBS

CBS starts his slander and deflect,

CBS starts his slander and deflect, g

I'm in you're head, Sworder, and the echo is deafening. You're absolutely obsessed with me. I'm flattered! Really I am. :rolleyes:
CBS starts his slander and deflect, glad that you admit you don't actually read what I write. This is starting to make more sense now. Remember the golden rule:




Do you have a mental disability? I'm seriously asking... You say the exact same thing over and over and over and over again...

Seriously, it's nauseating..

You wanted to drag me into this shit? Well you got me, loser..

This is what they dedicate their time to. I haven't accused anybody of alternative motives but WHY does CBS, JBZ, Brutus spend so much time smashing down all these sources? Keep in mind too there is no "information" available to prove what they are claiming..

Still not accusing anybody, but why is Dr Jim the only one "in charge" of the HPLC/MS area? Why does all HPLC/MS besides the one he posts seem to be the "legit" ones? Does he seem to be affiliated with CBS, JBZ and Brutus? Not accusing, just asking questions that come to my mind.

Your credibility here has been shot for years.. You were the first failed rep for SteroidsFax, before Stretch.. You went on to scam labs for free gear.. (It's all in his post history) Yepp, Sworder never finished a log he was fucking paid to do. You are a complete piece of shit and your punk ass has the audacity to say I have a fucking motive for helping protect our community from scumbags like yourself?

I don't make money here, I don't need to. I don't ever talk about about it here (why would I?) but I do ok for myself.. I have time to be here and I enjoy tearing scammers like yourself apart.. I'm just posting this to make sure no one reading this thread believes I have any ulterior motive for being here.. I've been fucked more times than I can remember in the past few years here. Not only is this the black market but it's an anonymous black market on the Internet!! More than 99% of the labs that show up on here (where it doesn't cost a nickel in sponsor fees) are out to fuck people.. Why wouldn't they pay the fees on an actual source board and why have they ALL failed?!

I do what I can to help people.. You have proven you're only here because you can't afford to buy gear.. You're currently unemployed and I imagine you'll be here until you find a job or you finally realize whatever sleazy shit you're trying to accomplish isn't going to work.
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Your credibility here has been shot for years.. You were the first failed rep for SteroidsFax, before Stretch.. You went on to scam labs for free gear.. Yepp, Sworder never finished a log he was fucking paid to do. You are a complete piece of shit and your punk ass has the audacity to say I have a fucking motive for helping protect our community from scumbags like yourself?

And don't forget how he tried to extort money from Steroidsfax. Stretch exposed Sworder's scam. And he's tried to do it with other UGLs. This piece of shit is only here for free gear. He'll never get another foothold on Meso as long as I'm here.

Did I ever mention that I was right about this guy and distance myself from him a long time ago?:)

You asked for payment for your help in promoting the site.
You were respectfully denied, because we (SF)felt your services were no longer needed.
Then (within 48hrs) you "distanced" yourself, with a post lambasting SF where you failed to mention the fact that you were a recently dismissed, former employee.

I tread where and how I want to, bitch.

I would bet my right arm that YOU approached Astro with the possibility of doing a review. Just like you approached SteroidsFax.

I remember when you asked for your "salary" from SteroidsFax. You lost it, when I told you we didn't want you to "work" for us anymore.

You were supposed to given free gear to review. You weren't posting ANY type of a say this is because you were busy...that's fine. So, we decided to go in another direction, and we informed you of this.

You were pissed, you made statements such as: "ALL of SF's business is because of me". Even though business did much better in the few months after you left, than it was before. You then lashed out attacking steroidsfax on the open forum within 72 hours of us telling you that we didn't want you to work for us anymore.

Mind you, you had JUST ASKED for your free gear and been denied, so you didn't have any problem with SF, until they told you NO. To anymore free gear.

Your word is/should be shit here. Your reputation is nothing. Tread on that.

It's obvious to anyone with a brain why you review every new lab that shows up here.

Astro, did you approach Sworder? Or did sworder approach you, the same way he approached SF? He's written reviews for many of the new labs that have popped up here over the last 6 months.


Just to clear this $75/post thing up.

Sworder demanded $150/month. And he was pissed when he didn't get it, he argued for why he was deserving of the compensation. He was told that he wasn't writing enough reviews. He was reminded midway through the month to be more diligent in keeping the review updated, but he never did so, even though he had already been paid for the month in question. During the month he was paid $150 he posted updating his "cycle log" 2 times.

So, when sworder started bitching to the forum, I made the statement, "sorry we can't pay you $75/post like you're requesting"

Sworder never came to us and said: "pay me $75/post" but that's exactly what he wanted anyway. And when he wasn't given what he wanted, he deceitfully tried to hurt the business for having the audacity to fire him.

That's who sworder is.

Period. End of Story.

He's here for the gear.

Should read: requested $150/month as payment for his services.

You were politely refused. You acted like you were fine with it.

Then you recommended everyone stay away from the source within a day or two of being refused your free cycle. If you would have been given the cycle you requested you never would have advised people stay away.

Your credibility here has been shot for years.. You were the first failed rep for SteroidsFax, before Stretch.. You went on to scam labs for free gear.. Yepp, Sworder never finished a log he was fucking paid to do. You are a complete piece of shit and your punk ass has the audacity to say I have a fucking motive for helping protect our community from scumbags like yourself?
Want to see a gear whore in action? Read the first few pages of the steroidsfax thread. SF came to Meso on Dec 28, 2012. They had a ton of security risks and red flags and no one with any sense was willing to take the risk.

But who should come to the rescue? None other than gear whore Sworder who anounced two days later that he had his ass greased up and ready for love.

Gonna give these guys a try!
I do what I can to help people.. You have proven you're only here because you can't afford to buy gear.. You're currently unemployed and I imagine you'll be here until you find a job or you finally realize whatever sleazy shit you're trying to accomplish isn't going to work.

If you were doing something to help people you would have scrutinized the testing, and maybe added something about being weary of lethal substances being injected to instead of just mg of a hormone. So either A. you don't do what you can to help people or B. You do not have the tools available to help people because you are always too focus on attacking people and being immature.

If you want to discredit my persona go ahead. Nothing I am posting is in regards to my personality or my persona so the writing on the wall can be read for what it is. If you ever need references to what the writing on the wall is saying I can provide it.

However poor Johnny doesn't like what the writing on the wall states, nor does he like the writer. Poor Johnny, more personals. I could do the same but honestly I don't care about anybody persona on here. Somebody with a title or self-proclaimed title, or somebody with DR in the title doesn't mean shit to me. The message they are presenting does.

You are a member on a forum, I will read and interpret what you write just like anybody else's comments. And from what you write you seem very disgruntled and mad! Don't be so mad Johnny!

CBS & You don't have much to say, it all follows the same suit, I need to add personal attacks, should have done that a while back. I think this encompasses 99% of your posts and CBS's:




Want to see a gear whore in action? Read the first few pages of the steroidsfax thread. SF came to Meso on Dec 28, 2012. They had a ton of security risks and red flags and no one with any sense was willing to take the risk.

Steroidfax's Sciroxx gear was really good btw. :) Didn't need Labmax to tell me that LMFAO. CBS you weren't even on the board then huh? What were you doing?:(
Fuck Sworder and fuck Stretch. That's some shady shit right there. Not that I am suprised.
How are you able to "fuck" an alias? A board name. Oh yeah I was going to tell you as friendly reminder stop posting pictures of yourself with the exif data in it. When you take a picture with a camera/smart phone. There is tons of data in that photo, when it was taken, the GPS location, the phone/model. Just saying don't post too much. A lot of people out there can track shit down really quick.
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If you were doing something to help people you would have scrutinized the testing, and maybe added something about being weary of lethal substances being injected to instead of just mg of a hormone. So either A. you don't do what you can to help people or B. You do not have the tools available to help people because you are always too focus on attacking people and being immature.

If you want to discredit my persona go ahead. Nothing I am posting is in regards to my personality or my persona so the writing on the wall can be read for what it is. If you ever need references to what the writing on the wall is saying I can provide it.

However poor Johnny doesn't like what the writing on the wall states, nor does he like the writer. Poor Johnny, more personals. I could do the same but honestly I don't care about anybody persona on here. Somebody with a title or self-proclaimed title, or somebody with DR in the title doesn't mean shit to me. The message they are presenting does.

You are a member on a forum, I will read and interpret what you write just like anybody else's comments. And from what you write you seem very disgruntled and mad! Don't be so mad Johnny!

CBS & You don't have much to say, it all follows the same suit, I need to add personal attacks, should have done that a while back. I think this encompasses 99% of your posts and CBS's:




Steroidfax's Sciroxx gear was really good btw. :) Didn't need Labmax to tell me that LMFAO. CBS you weren't even on the board then huh? What were you doing?:(

That was absolutely horrible. You were just exposed, just freaking exposed!! And that's all you could think to write? Try again in the morning when you're not this fucked up..

And this shit about testing for "lethal substances"? Ummmm, is there an epidemic of bodybuilders dropping dead all of a sudden? What the fuck are you talking about?! hahaha note to Sworder: take that part out of the spiel..
When Sworder received his FREE gear, the sale's pitch began. He "knew" the gear was fire before he ever took a shot. Sadly, Sworder sucking them off was all it took to give SF instant credibility and the orders started coming in. This led to dozens of members getting ripped of.

You'll never see anyone give a glowing review on gear they haven't even tried except from a gear whore:

Got my stuff!

x2 Hexdex ( Sustanon 450mg/ml)
x1 Nandrodex (Deca 300/mg/ml)
x4 Trenadex (Tren Acetate 100mg/ml)
x3 Mastodex (Masteron Propionate 100mg/ml)

This shit is going to be fire!! The purchase went well, he didn't offer domestic services when I ordered but it's all good. Honestly, waiting 11 business days during the holiday season isn't bad internationally. Domestic service I would have probably gotten it within a 3-5 Business days.

The package was bubble-wrapped twice and taped. No fishy sender or anything that would indicate something of a pharmaceutical nature.

Everything went great and I am super excited to start!!!

I will be posting a cycle log and taking some pictures too.

I am very confident in Sciroxx products and would like to use him in the future if it is grade A stuff. As some of you may know, I used Power-Pharma before as my main supplier but he left the game. I think Steroidsfax can keep up with the prices/quality. We will see!

Steroidsfax is really cool to deal with, answers emails very quickly and is polite.

I was exchanging emails with him and told him that if his gear is fire, which I am certain it is. Stay tuned in my cycle log for the results which I will be getting from the stuff. So far everything is looking great! He is a verified reseller and I spoke to Karl(sciroxx owner) and he vouched for him as well.

Steroidsfax, let's see how much muscle you can get me to grow(coupled with a great diet and training program of course; )
I was exposed? Okay. Maybe next time try to "expose" truth in statements instead ;)

Am not gonna sit and argue with you guys all night, write whatever you want. Am not going to defend myself in anyway if it has to do with my persona, 'cuz honestly, it doesn't change any of my points made in regards to this discussion.

Bye and have fun :)

If it gets back on topic I will reply.
When Sworder received his FREE gear, the sale's pitch began. He "knew" the gear was fire before he ever took a shot. Sadly, Sworder sucking them off was all it took to give SF instant credibility and the orders started coming in. This led to dozens of members getting ripped of.

You'll never see anyone give a glowing review on gear they haven't even tried except from a gear whore:

Total scumbag/gear whore.. He was a big reason SF took off here and brand new guys, like myself at the time, got fucked.. Hey, I guess that was the point I started hating scamming shills like yourself Sworder!! That's when it all started for me. Oh, the memories...