When did I say millard censored anything. He made a playground for us. He doesn't want people selling drugs in that playground... they continue to do so. I help drive them off. You touch the kids when you think nobody is looking.... this is not an allegation of pedophilia- I am using the playground as a metaphor- just like what you do here is equally useful to pedophilia, understand?
You said that Millard wanted the board to be ran a certain way, I thought that implied he would censor things if they weren't ran "the way he wanted". If my implication was incorrect, my bad.

And no, I don't know what you mean. I do not understand what you are saying and how it is relevant to this conversation.
@Sworder youre making great points and im really glad this conversation is happening. For too fucking long has cbs, Jim and to some extend Brutus, Johnny and a few others try to harass members to fit what they want. About time all their bullshit is exposed.
@Sworder youre making great points and im really glad this conversation is happening. For too fucking long has cbs, Jim and to some extend Brutus, Johnny and a few others try to harass members to fit what they want. About time all their bullshit is exposed.

I agree, but this is only one thread. The struggle will continue to keep information out there. It's up to the reader to see both point of views and decide for themselves, not just CBS and the circle jerk crew to spam the board with "their truth" and force it down their throat.
I agree, but this is only one thread. The struggle will continue to keep information out there. It's up to the reader to see both point of views and decide for themselves, not just CBS and the circle jerk crew to spam the board with "their truth" and force it down their throat.

Agreed, but it finally feels like there are more people who are willing to come out and speak again the circle jerk police. They use harassment to keep dissenting options shut out and they use defection until members are tired of their unless attacks that add nothing to the discussion
I too believe this is now. What Millard wants. But I also see why people feel this way. As this is supposed to be a no rules board.except 2 spamming and death threats. Also for about 2yrs its been allowed to happen. With no one technically disagreeing. Until recently. All a sudden. It did bring alot of members to meso for that reason. Also the fact that we have advertisement of steroid companies that are selling. Kinda implies the wrong idea. If we are going in this direction we need to strip that advertisement off. There are plenty reaserch and peptide companies that could take there place as far as that goes. Also just make it a dam offical rule. (No Sourcing) very simple.
I too believe this is now. What Millard wants. But I also see why people feel this way. As this is supposed to be a no rules board.except 2 spamming and death threats. Also for about 2yrs its been allowed to happen. With no one technically disagreeing. Until recently. All a sudden. It did bring alot of members to meso for that reason. Also the fact that we have advertisement of steroid companies that are selling. Kinda implies the wrong idea. If we are going in this direction we need to strip that advertisement off. There are plenty reaserch and peptide companies that could take there place as far as that goes. Also just make it a dam offical rule. (No Sourcing) very simple.

So PI , with rules in place you could come here and talk about steroids and sources but not actually engage in buying or selling of steroids ? Just a chat club . My prediction ? The board would die out ....
So PI , with rules in place you could come here and talk about steroids and sources but not actually engage in buying or selling of steroids ? Just a chat club . My prediction ? The board would die out ....
Wow- with that kind of foresight you must manage a hedge fund... speculation perhaps? Commodities broker?

News flash- the sum total of what you help with makes this the fucking food network. Congrats.
I too believe this is now. What Millard wants. But I also see why people feel this way. As this is supposed to be a no rules board.except 2 spamming and death threats. Also for about 2yrs its been allowed to happen. With no one technically disagreeing. Until recently. All a sudden. It did bring alot of members to meso for that reason. Also the fact that we have advertisement of steroid companies that are selling. Kinda implies the wrong idea. If we are going in this direction we need to strip that advertisement off. There are plenty reaserch and peptide companies that could take there place as far as that goes. Also just make it a dam offical rule. (No Sourcing) very simple.

I disagree, all the advertising is actually helping to keep the board up and running. Now in regards to the advertising themselves, for example the "Buy anabolics" banner that is on most forums. Do they actually sell steroids? No! Is it your choice to mindlessly click on whatever advertisement you see and buy from them? Yes, however, the forum is here so that you can share experiences and contribute as well and after that make an educated decision on if the choice to purchase from advertised website.

Educate, learn and make your own decisions. You are responsible for your own health and even if there are tons of advertisements, learn about the products and educate yourself. Be held accountable for what you are buying and don't do the "it looked like a good website" or the "well it's advertised on the board so it must be good."

I believe in more of a survival of the "smartest" concept, the educated will prevail and make better decisions than those whom chose to not do their own research.

Every week we get new articles from Bill Roberts whom whether you like him or not is a very educated person in this field. Maybe Bill is dropping articles for free, or maybe Millard is paying for the articles so that we can read them and educate ourselves?

Isn't that what the original plan was from Millard? To create a forum where intelligent discussions can be held and people can educate themselves and determine the risks and benefits from using steroids and that applies to purchasing from a source or advertisement as well. The choice is yours.

I believe that there should be source discussions and why not sourcing? The choice is yours whether you buy from them or not. The level of knowledge you have when making the purchase is your choice as well. AAS are illegal as many other drugs because people are not educated enough when they are using them and end up hurting themselves. In this country we are restricted because it is deemed to be "too risky" when the proper reason is that people are "too uneducated."

Is there a risk involved with using steroids? Yes, being educated on what steroids do help us minimize the risk greatly. Is the risk a lot higher to harm yourself when you have no clue on what or how steroids and hormones work? Hell yeah it is.
I too believe this is now. What Millard wants. But I also see why people feel this way. As this is supposed to be a no rules board.except 2 spamming and death threats. Also for about 2yrs its been allowed to happen. With no one technically disagreeing. Until recently. All a sudden. It did bring alot of members to meso for that reason. Also the fact that we have advertisement of steroid companies that are selling. Kinda implies the wrong idea. If we are going in this direction we need to strip that advertisement off. There are plenty reaserch and peptide companies that could take there place as far as that goes. Also just make it a dam offical rule. (No Sourcing) very simple.
Great post PI. This board seems to be taken advantage of by shills and any source that comes out of the woodwork soliciting customers, so it is time to end this free ride they are getting. Shame it comes to that as too many members are getting burned
Wow- with that kind of foresight you must manage a hedge fund... speculation perhaps? Commodities broker?

News flash- the sum total of what you help with makes this the fucking food network. Congrats.

I for one enjoy OGH's what are you eating thread. I mean for one you wouldn't have all that mass without nutrition and I find it intersting to see what other people are eating and how they make it.
Also the Nutrition/Supplement thread would be pretty much dead without it.

Also, I don't contribute much to this forum as I do not use AAS. Most of my replys are ignorant dribble at best but I do enjoy reading what information is here for my future AAS not right now though.
Great post PI. This board seems to be taken advantage of by shills and any source that comes out of the woodwork soliciting customers, so it is time to end this free ride they are getting. Shame it comes to that as too many members are getting burned

If members are getting burned they aren't doing enough research themselves. Don't rely on other people to do it for you. Mama ain't here to spoon feed you anymore. Take some responsibility.

Do you lift weights?
I posted pics of myself 3-4 years ago, I started to realize it might not be the smartest move to post pics of oneself on an account while admitting to using AAS. Do you think it is smart to post pics online of yourself? What about if you have tattoos? The police take pictures of tattoos and keep it on file and they do serve as an identifier even if you face is not in the picture.
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I for one enjoy OGH's what are you eating thread. I mean for one you wouldn't have all that mass without nutrition and I find it intersting to see what other people are eating and how they make it.
Also the Nutrition/Supplement thread would be pretty much dead without it.

Also, I don't contribute much to this forum as I do not use AAS. Most of my replys are ignorant dribble at best but I do enjoy reading what information is here for my future AAS not right now though.
I enjoy his thread as well. Eating is the hardest part of what we do whether we run gear or not. While I suppose what I wrote could be construed as an attack on the thread or his contributions it certainly was not; what I was getting across is that his "version" of meso could be doomed to failure as well. No single part is more important than the whole- the sources don't make the place, the "meso police" assholes don't make the place and the food thread doesn't make the place.
If members are getting burned they aren't doing enough research themselves. Don't rely on other people to do it for you. Mama ain't here to spoon feed you anymore. Take some responsibility.
That should already been done by whoever places an order with a source. Once a source gets the order its out of the buyer's hands and into the source's.
I for one enjoy OGH's what are you eating thread. I mean for one you wouldn't have all that mass without nutrition and I find it intersting to see what other people are eating and how they make it.
Also the Nutrition/Supplement thread would be pretty much dead without it.

Also, I don't contribute much to this forum as I do not use AAS. Most of my replys are ignorant dribble at best but I do enjoy reading what information is here for my future AAS not right now though.

I've participated in the "food" thread on 4 forums posting meal ideas, pics, recipes, and I've received everything back in spades. It seriously is a thread where no flaming happens, except the one instance I was apart of, and everyone is supportive of another. I don't see why there's any hate towards that thread at all. Sure it's not helping a newbie learn to run his first cycle or teaching him how to treat gyno but for damn sure it's giving people meal ideas, I've learned and given recipes to others who've loved the new dishes they made, we are free to talk about anything in there, and most importantly, everyone supports everyone else which is what a "community" is supposed to be about. Now correct me if I'm wrong but Millard above all wants Meso to be a community/family right? So stop shooting that idea in the foot so to speak by trashing the one thread that exemplifies that on A DAILY BASIS.