OGH I think you made CBS jealous that so many others are getting a lot of internet likes. Pretty soon we'll get a thread/investigation dedicated to how bad your thread is hurting the community.....

Jealous? Hardly. I just think likes should be used for posts that actually contribute something useful to the forum, not to a picture of a bowl of fruit loops.

Why would I start a thread on you? You're pretty harmless. Inshallah, you'll stay that way. :eek:
I noticed your losing alot of LIKES , maybe you need to post another pizza

No I dont come here to belittle people , Im trying to help them with my vast years

Speaking of , you and Brutus need to seriously calm down or your not gonna see my age , or anywhere close to it .
All that anger comes with a price (cardiac arrest/stroke) ;)
Just because we don't seek comfort in a culinary circle jerk with our hands in each others pants doesn't mean this isn't the very definition of "healthy" debate. What the fuck do you care if we fight for what we feel is right, or against what we think is wrong? Nobody is saying food is not valuable and you dont have a swell thread. You dont like this shit? Dont fucking read it. Sticking your nose in the middle of a debate minimizing someone's position in said debate or them as a person is disrespectful and meaningless considering you have no position or revolutionary thoughts of your own. You know I am the king of disrespect- yet I recognize the fallacy of responding to your bullshit in kind.
Jealous? Hardly. I just think likes should be used for posts that actually contribute something useful to the forum, not to a picture of a bowl of fruit loops.

Why would I start a thread on you? You're pretty harmless. Inshallah, you'll stay that way. :eek:

I never asked one person to LIKE any of my posts or other guys posts . They just did it on their own . The thread just turned one year old TODAY , and its never been more popular .

I cant count the times guys have said it was the best thread at Meso and one of the main reasons they return to Meso (scoring AAS being the #1 reason they return)

When a guy loses 10lbs of fat or gains a few lbs of muscle because he got his diet right because of the thread , theres plenty to LIKE about that ....
Well I guess we all have our roles here dont we Brutus ? You and CBS keep policeing the place for baddies and I"ll keep cooking about a donut ?? lol
Jealous? Hardly. I just think likes should be used for posts that actually contribute something useful to the forum, not to a picture of a bowl of fruit loops.

Yea keep telling yourself that then keep complaining about it.

Why would I start a thread on you? You're pretty harmless. Inshallah, you'll stay that way. :eek:

Your Reading comprehension, or lack thereof, strikes again. I didnt say a thread on me. I said a thread on OGH.... I wonder how many other things you've missed with this trait? Inshallah one day you correct it
Your Reading comprehension, or lack thereof, strikes again. I didnt say a thread on me. I said a thread on OGH.... I wonder how many other things you've missed with this trait? Inshallah one day you correct it

You said "we'll," not "you'll." "We'll" implies you and someone else, i.e., "we will..." Inshallah, one day you'll learn how to use proper grammar.

Pretty soon we'll get a thread/investigation dedicated to how bad your thread
Originally yes. But I live in the UK and travel due to my work all over the EU.

Yes, you spend your evenings flying from the UK to the Czech Republic to conduct lab tests on Gentech gear and then fly back just in time for bed.


Have you finished highschool?

I done grajiatid the sixth grade. Does that count?
You said "we'll," not "you'll." "We'll" implies you and someone else, i.e., "we will..." Inshallah, one day you'll learn how to use proper grammar.

Cherry picking again CBS? You're tenacious little bugger aren't you lol.

This was my quote:

Pretty soon we'll get a thread/investigation dedicated to how bad your thread is hurting the community.....

^^^ so pretty soon we'll (we will, as in the community here aka members) get a thread or investigation dedicated to how bad your (OGH's) thread is hurting the community. For an American you sure do need a lot of hekp interpreting your native language man. Put the keyboard down and do some woosa shit bro.
@Dr JIM I have read through 25 pages of this bullshit, do you have actual evidence (Other than both beginning with G) that GetM is Gentech??

If your primary objective here is to protect Meso members then you NEED TO post any evidence you have that Gentech is GetM to prevent the members that have already stated they are going to buy from this source from doing so.

You keep saying you're protecting members yet YOU are putting them at risk if you are sitting on evidence that says this UGL is a scammer and not posting it. We're talking members' health here as well as finances.

Post the evidence, if you can't do that then it's nothing but hot air IMO. If you had evidence and had members' best interests at heart, you would post it. Simple.

Now I will sit back and await the attacks for daring to speak out against certain members, no doubt I will be a shill and working in association with Gentech. :rolleyes:
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@Dr JIM I have read through 25 pages of this bullshit, do you have actual evidence (Other than both beginning with G) that GetM is Gentech??

If your primary concern here is to protect Meso members then you NEED TO post any evidence you have that Gentech is GetM to prevent the members that have already stated they are going to buy from this source from doing so.

You keep saying you're protecting members yet YOU are putting them at risk if you are sitting on evidence that says this UGL is a scammer and not posting it. We're talking members' health here as well as finances.

Post the evidence, if you can't do that then it's nothing but hot air IMO. If you had evidence and had members' best interests at heart, you would post it. Simple.

Now I will sit back and await the attacks for daring to speak out against certain members, no doubt I will be a shill and working in association with Gentech. :rolleyes:

If you read all 25 pages, you would know why he hasn't posted proof. Jim doesn't owe you anything. He said Gentech is GETM and Meso members can either accept it or not.

It wouldn't matter what evidence he posts. People are going to do what they want. If you want to order from Gentech, go ahead.
If you read all 25 pages, you would know why he hasn't posted proof. Jim doesn't owe you anything. He said Gentech is GETM and Meso members can either accept it or not.

It wouldn't matter what evidence he posts. People are going to do what they want. If you want to order from Gentech, go ahead.

So this whole thread is fucking pointless then? If it doesn't matter to anyone if this UGL is a scammer or not why the fuck have you, Dr JIM et al put so much time and effort into it??

I'm not saying Jim owes ME anything, he's the one that says he's doing this in the best interests of Meso members yet is doing NOTHING to back up his one claim that these labs are connected.

"He owes you nothing" is a lame as fuck response btw.
So this whole thread is fucking pointless then? If it doesn't matter to anyone if this UGL is a scammer or not why the fuck have you, Dr JIM et al put so much time and effort into it??

This is what they dedicate their time to. I haven't accused anybody of alternative motives but WHY does CBS, JBZ, Brutus spend so much time smashing down all these sources? Keep in mind too there is no "information" available to prove what they are claiming..

Still not accusing anybody, but why is Dr Jim the only one "in charge" of the HPLC/MS area? Why does all HPLC/MS besides the one he posts seem to be the "legit" ones? Does he seem to be affiliated with CBS, JBZ and Brutus? Not accusing, just asking questions that come to my mind.
@Dr JIM I have read through 25 pages of this bullshit, do you have actual evidence (Other than both beginning with G) that GetM is Gentech??

If your primary concern here is to protect Meso members then you NEED TO post any evidence you have that Gentech is GetM to prevent the members that have already stated they are going to buy from this source from doing so.

You keep saying you're protecting members yet YOU are putting them at risk if you are sitting on evidence that says this UGL is a scammer and not posting it. We're talking members' health here as well as finances.

Post the evidence, if you can't do that then it's nothing but hot air IMO. If you had evidence and had members' best interests at heart, you would post it. Simple.

Now I will sit back and await the attacks for daring to speak out against certain members, no doubt I will be a shill and working in association with Gentech. :rolleyes:
I know you're not a shill big guy. I don't know if Jim has evidence or not.

But I don't believe he would just make an accusation without something.

I know you're not a shill big guy. I don't know if Jim has evidence or not.

But I don't believe he would just make an accusation without something.


I'd like to believe this also, but this whole thing could be put to bed simply by posting the evidence and we can all move on.

Beginning to think certain members get wood from flaming round here without backing it up with anything substantial.

I will say this though, Gentech also NEED to post lab results. Whoever posts their shit first wins.

This is what they dedicate their time to. I haven't accused anybody of alternative motives but WHY does CBS, JBZ, Brutus spend so much time smashing down all these sources? Keep in mind too there is no "information" available to prove what they are claiming..

Still not accusing anybody, but why is Dr Jim the only one "in charge" of the HPLC/MS area? Why does all HPLC/MS besides the one he posts seem to be the "legit" ones? Does he seem to be affiliated with CBS, JBZ and Brutus? Not accusing, just asking questions that come to my mind.
Ill tell you our big secret as soon as you illuminate the crowd on your motives coming out of "retirement" to suddenly troll every thread playing devil's advocate. You have not offered a single solution to anything- just hanging around like an ugly bitch at a keg party hoping for some dick. Run out of free gear? I honestly have seen nothing of value come out of your mouth. What should we do with our free time hotshot? Open the floodgates and let every tom dick and scammer in here so they can give you free samples for reviews? Those days are gone. You are butthurt over it.

