Cbs and Jim are known for deflection. Deflect deflect deflect, they rarely address the issue at hand with logical arguments and often resort to attacks on character, almost always "shill, ulterior motive". It's their type of aggressive behavior along with a few other wkm that make newer members afraid to speak up.

Yeah I can tell. A lot of talking but rarely saying anything..

They are very adamant about testing but don't understand how illogical some of the tests they do and the arguments are easily won with pure logic lol.

"We care about testing so we know what we are shooting in our bodies"
"Do you test for lethal substances?" - Me

Not sure if you're being sarcastic here CBS, but the U.S. has it wrong. Day/month/year is a natural progression from smallest to largest while month/day/year is simply something that Americans have made up and used. Just like how the U.S. doesn't use the metric system and has their own weird system of feet, inches, miles, etc.

Really sad when again you resort to attacking character and nationality. Let's try to keep that kind of ignorance off meso shall we?

Who said following a natural progression from smallest to largest always makes sense?

When giving the date, saying April 6, 2015 makes sense, but more importantly, it feels natural. Saying 1 April, 2015 might still make sense but it certainly doesn't feel natural.

Regarding the other nonsense, On an uncensored forum, I'll say whatever I damn well please. Capiche?
Who said following a natural progression from smallest to largest always makes sense?

When giving the date, saying April 6, 2015 makes sense, but more importantly, it feels natural. Saying 1 April, 2015 might still make sense but it certainly doesn't feel natural.

Regarding the other nonsense, On an uncensored forum, I'll say whatever I damn well please. Capiche?

Do you think that we should start using that structure for the time as well? Minute/second/hour?
Or Hour/second/minute?
In Europe when we say 1/4/2015 we mean 1st of April 2015. The European format is is REVERSE than the American. Just fucking google it daumb ass


Who said following a natural progression from smallest to largest always makes sense?

When giving the date, saying April 6, 2015 makes sense, but more importantly, it feels natural. Saying 1 April, 2015 might still make sense but it certainly doesn't feel natural.
Do you think that we should start using that structure for the time as well? Minute/second/hour?
Or Hour/second/minute?
And Meso's village idiot strikes again.

BTW, you're a clown.

I don't even need to argue my point, you prove it on your own the more you post.

You don't want to answer if we should apply your logic to how we read time? For fun :)
Who said following a natural progression from smallest to largest always makes sense?

When giving the date, saying April 6, 2015 makes sense, but more importantly, it feels natural. Saying 1 April, 2015 might still make sense but it certainly doesn't feel natural.

Regarding the other nonsense, On an uncensored forum, I'll say whatever I damn well please. Capiche?

the first of april 2015, the 23rd of April 2015. you're incorrectly trying to apply the american pronunciation of April 1st, April 6th etc to what europe and most countries use. you may feel that the "american" way is more natural because you were born here.

just a few things to think about CBS
Damn, away for a day and 3 pages of battle. Must of be a lot of good tren floating around these days :s
I dont know. I will keep you updated and post everything. I am testing AM-tech, Noble, Renvex, and AP. I doubt any will be bunk. Maybe AM-tech severely underdosed going from the eroids comments. We will see.

You doubt any will be bunk but you said AM-Tech "needs to be attacked." Your "lab test" on AM-Tech will be REAL credible. :rolleyes:

that's not a strong response to someone's logical argument. attacks on character often reflect that the attacker does not have any other points to make so they revert to attacks on character

You're starting to figure it out, Knownothing. I have nothing of substance to say to you because you're a fraud who uses multiple impostor accounts to push an agenda. I have nothing of substance to say to Sworder because he's a clown. See how it works?
The American way is the ONLY way because America rules the world.

And btw, America is capitalized. Show some respect.

lol ok now you're being ridiculous. i support the US but i am not so foolish as to think it's the "american way is the only way". only the devil deals in absolutes. i sincerely hope you are saying and acting this way because you are backed into a corner and not how you really think.