The joke makes perfect sense if you think about it. I mean mom jokes over the internet are pretty lame regardless but the joke is an oldie
Much more lame when they're supposedly from a "lab teach" of a university, I mean most 12 year olds aren't even that pathetic. What kind of credibility can you give someone when they come out with shit like that.
Let me guess, the other "tests" will say that the other labs are bunk which coincidentally will make gentech look even better. Predictable...

I dont know. I will keep you updated and post everything. I am testing AM-tech, Noble, Renvex, and AP. I doubt any will be bunk. Maybe AM-tech severely underdosed going from the eroids comments. We will see.

For the record I am out of the whole argument about the tests as it is completely stupid. Lets wait for the other reviews on gentech and lets take it from there. I seriously cant be arsed anymore.
I dont know. I will keep you updated and post everything. I am testing AM-tech, Noble, Renvex, and AP. I doubt any will be bunk. Maybe AM-tech severely underdosed going from the eroids comments. We will see.

For the record I am out of the whole argument about the tests as it is completely stupid. Lets wait for the other reviews on gentech and lets take it from there. I seriously cant be arsed anymore.

What's so stupid Jane-o has yet to reply to any but one of my questions regarding the data he posted. Now why is that? Bc these "GENTECH" tests are BS and/or he doesn't understand their contents.

So it's no wonder PAC-S NOW decides it's time to bail out of the "test discussion", well how convenient several days ago you agreed to "wait on the test result" well clown they are here and they can't be defended by your BOY. So now you believe we should wait on the "results of other members", damn shill!

So I'll ask ONE MORE TIME JANE-O explain the differences in the THREE MS you posted!

Poor Jane-o came to Meso and got his feelings hurt
wha, wha, wha, LMAO

This is the kind of crap that is so "simple" PAC-S yet you refuse to acknowledge it's importance and in fact have been more than willing to ignore or excuse.

Now who is being a TARD, shill!
Last edited:

100% happy customers
100% successful deliveries worldwide to USA/Australia/APO's...
100% positive reviews/feedback
100% successful test results thus far.

^^^^ Why it's obvious you have missed your calling, try the circus clown!
Would love to, but your mothers stolen the show with her three finger wank an ape off in 25 seconds trick.... kinda put my simple 4 ball juggling out of business, ya cunt.
It is holidays in EU @Dr JIM. I am sure that Jano will reply.

I am very confident that the results are legit.

Also, I have no affiliation with this lab. I am not part of GENTECH. I NEVER got anything from them. I bought everything. I just tested their gear and posted the results as I got burned thrice.
Would love to, but your mothers stolen the show with her three finger wank an ape off in 25 seconds trick.... kinda put my simple 4 ball juggling out of business, ya cunt.

What kind of swearing is that? AHAHahhahahahahahahahahahah my sides hahahahahahahah
Now your all or nothing argument is about as lame as it gets.

You want to know EVERYTHING that is in an AAS vial, be prepared to spend 2-5K. But then again you could do what most reasonable people would do and it's called compromise, which is being done..........BUT YOUR ANSWER that's not enough so I will test nothing, NUTS.

Hey did I ever mention the "baby and bathwater analogy", yep it applies here also.

I hate to say it but I'm glad your a select minority on Meso Sworder, and I also believe it's useless to debate such senseless issues with you anymore, been there done that.

Good Luck

No, now you are putting words in my mouth.

All I am asking is what are you really testing and to what extent does it apply? You are deflecting all my questions just like CBS does.
No, now you are putting words in my mouth.

All I am asking is what are you really testing and to what extent does it apply? You are deflecting all my questions just like CBS does.

Are you really trying to discuss with CBS and Dr Jim? Can you not see that you cannot discuss with them?

100% happy customers
100% successful deliveries worldwide to USA/Australia/APO's...
100% positive reviews/feedback
100% successful test results thus far.


Do you sell gear on Instagram ?
Not really. Like I said, the Brits are as backward as the french so it's no surprise they arrange the date in a way that doesn't make sense to normal people, i.e., Americans.

But not knowing where you live - the UK or the Czech Republic - takes the mental retardation to a whole other level.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic here CBS, but the U.S. has it wrong. Day/month/year is a natural progression from smallest to largest while month/day/year is simply something that Americans have made up and used. Just like how the U.S. doesn't use the metric system and has their own weird system of feet, inches, miles, etc.

Really sad when again you resort to attacking character and nationality. Let's try to keep that kind of ignorance off meso shall we?
Not sure if you're being sarcastic here CBS, but the U.S. has it wrong. Day/month/year is a natural progression from smallest to largest while month/day/year is simply something that Americans have made up and used. Just like how the U.S. doesn't use the metric system and has their own weird system of feet, inches, miles, etc.

Really sad when again you resort to attacking character and nationality. Let's try to keep that kind of ignorance off meso shall we?

It's not the first time it's happened and I doubt it'll be the last.
@GaryG you got Mom jokes? So do I! I love Mom jokes.

"Your Momma's so fat, bitch jumped up in the air and got stuck!"

Or the old staple.
"Your Momma's so stupid, I came in the house and said "damn it's chilli outside". Your Momma jumped up, ran to the kitchen and got a bowl!"
Not sure if you're being sarcastic here CBS, but the U.S. has it wrong. Day/month/year is a natural progression from smallest to largest while month/day/year is simply something that Americans have made up and used. Just like how the U.S. doesn't use the metric system and has their own weird system of feet, inches, miles, etc.

Really sad when again you resort to attacking character and nationality. Let's try to keep that kind of ignorance off meso shall we?

What country are you from @I_know_nothing? Some superb country that does everything in a very logic manner and I'm sure have no flaws what so ever...

Go fuck yourself ass fuck!!
Yes, I knew that. I know you are smart enough to know that Labmax is shit. Do the other members know it's shit?

The point I have stated before. First of all, HPLC/MS on one vial, what does that tell you? How does that enlighten you? Does it extend to that vial, batch or the entire lab?
To me it seems like it's creating an illusion that the lab is good, and as long as a lab can get ONE good HPLC/MS then they are "reliable" so it is creating a false sense of security. What do you feel is enlightening you now versus "the dark ages" and to which extent does it apply? One vial, batch, or the entire lab?

Yes, the GETM concern is raised because I know first hand that gear was really fucking good in the beginning. I am sure that a HPLC/MS would show that as well from them in the start. For entertainment purposes, let's say we got a good HPLC/MS from GETM when they first got on the board. The sales go up and under the false presumption of an initial HPLC/MS people will IGNORE that the gear may be bad because there is paperwork showing the gear is good. If you do repeated tests of a lab or not I don't know. And like I have said before, nobody on this board is free of conflict of interest. I am getting accused of "being a lab" or "distorting the testing here because I want to sell." Do you feel that belonging to a steroid forum qualifies you to fall under the category of having a conflict of interest? I feel everybody on this board has a conflict of interest. If Millard posted an HPLC/MS of a lab I would consider his posts shit as well because there is a conflict of interest. I cannot prove with 100% certainty that there is nothing going on behind the curtain therefore any information presented is interpreted as bullshit or possible skewed. Find a 3rd party that doesn't have a conflict of interest in this matter and I would consider it legit, for that vial. ;)

I am asking questions nobody has asked before, I will continue to inform people of flaws in testing due to the overwhelming "testing proves my gear is good." Kind of like in a court of law, there needs to be two parties presenting their case. Mine is that of a logical fashion. Do you feel most of my posts in regards to this matter are illogical? Am I making statements or raising concerns which are not logical? Or do you feel that I am looking at the testing and thinking, what does it really tell me and to what extent can I apply it?

I feel my concerns are legitimate and obviously they are as they are getting responses and people are shutting up as they see the logical fallacies in their reasoning.

You can continue to be perplexed as even if I said that I have no vested interest, isn't that what somebody with a vested interest would say?
Don't trust anybody, trust logic. It was good that Millard removed the Vet status as it was being abused. Form your own opinion and always ask WHY.

I am using logical thinking to come to my deductions. "Ok, this test showed that the vial is good, how about the vial I am getting in the mailbox?"
I do not believe my efforts are in vain and even if they were, the community was informed of a different point of view. This is my point of view:

Labmax is shit, it's the most inaccurate test being used and tons of people are throwing gear away because they think that the results shown in the test are supposed to be accurate. As stated, if you have 10mg of a hormone in a vial, does that really make you happy? I can state that you know it is a piece of shit testing as well that shouldn't be continued AT ALL. If I am wrong please state otherwise.

HPLC/MS is a great way to test, I also believe the rest of the chemicals in the oil should be identified so we know exactly what is in that vial. That information to me is very valuable but the community only cares about the mg of a hormone. The most logical and most important thing to me is "WTF are those other chemicals?" is the contents of this one vial potentially LETHAL?

But like I stated, HPLC/MS applies to one vial, it creates a false sense of security and when a lab knows they posted "legit" HPLC/MS I think that the event of turning scam mode would increase. What are your thoughts on that?

I have also mentioned the perfect scenario of testing that would be considered legit in my opinion. Lab X presents how much powder of Y hormone he has. He labels the vials with unique numbers also referring to the batch. For example if I have 100 grams of tren ace, I would name the batch "Batch 001" and then there would be 100 vials numbered 1-100. Then the next batch is quantified and labeled, for example I have 200grams of tren ace and the batch "Batch 002" with unique numbers 101-201. The HPLC/MS would then apply to a batch at the very least.

And even with this, in my opinion, perfect scenario you are relying on somebody who has a huge conflict of interest. The lab is telling you what you want to hear. The testing should be done by a 3rd party without a conflict of interest.

IMO, the testing here IF the HPLC/MS is correct applies to one vial. It creates a false sense of security for upcoming vials being sold. And as I have mentioned, nobody seems to be interested in what the other chemicals in the oil is besides X mg of Y hormone, to me that is just plain stupid. Basically that is saying that as long as a vial shows that it only has one hormone+ester at a certain concentration it is good to go. No regard for what the rest of the vial contains that can kill you. I see extensive measures and money spent on testing which doesn't apply to the vials you will receive and as stated it creates a false sense of security.

As I stated with the DNP, if a lab is tested for the content of DNP in a capsule and it is shown as "underdosed" @ 188mg and then the next consumer uses that information to dose his DNP cycle that may result in an overdose as he thought the initial test applied to his capsule as well. Which it certainly does not.

Either way, these are just my opinions and my point of view. If you want to discredit them as being delusions or having no context in the discussion just ignore it. Let Sworder be a clown as CBS states.

I am not here to make friends, I am not here to have somebody jerk me off while I jerk them off. I consider you a friend but I will not jerk you off because of it, nor do I expect to be jerked off by somebody else just because they are my friend on the board.
Do I feel that circle jerking is detrimental? Yes, it creates a thorn in the jerking so that an inability to cum occurs. Attack my words, my arguments, my points, my discussion, it's all fair game and that is what makes discussions valuable. Thousands of people reading a post and commenting on it in an unbiased way. Circle jerking leads to bias and has the potential to withhold valid points. I am not accusing you, Dr Jim, of circle jerking.
In the past and present you have had valid points which oppose the popular opinion, and it is beneficial. If humans didn't oppose the popular opinion we would still think the world is flat.

Even CBS can make a comment and I will read the content of which he is posting and try to make sense of it. Information or opinions are subjective and here is mine. Why do you feel my rejection of the testing is detrimental? Are my points not valid?

I am sorry and if you consider this a nuisance I do want to contribute to threads on the flaws of testing. If my statements isn't valid they will get no credit anyway. Idiocy filters itself out.

CBS: Good job! Keep following suit of how I instructed you to respond to arguments.


Sworder is a clown is the proper way to write it? I sincerely complimented you on your English skills because it is something I could improve on. And you go and write this... I am disappointed CBS..

Going to bed, happy Easter to all.

Cbs and Jim are known for deflection. Deflect deflect deflect, they rarely address the issue at hand with logical arguments and often resort to attacks on character, almost always "shill, ulterior motive". It's their type of aggressive behavior along with a few other wkm that make newer members afraid to speak up.