A mass spec/HPLC will only prove what is in one vial so you guys are aware of that lol.
All this fussing and fighting over what was tested in one vial!
Even if this source's MS/HPLC is accurate, does that prove what you get in the mailbox???
How many times are you going to SPAM the forum with the same post?
You made your point several times and it was universally rejected by Meso members. Give it a rest.

LOL so you are aware that the vial that is "tested" isn't going to be the same vial you receive in your mailbox and you continue to insist on all this testing? You don't need to answer this :)
It's not spamming, I am contributing to the thread. I feel that it would be rude not to put that obvious point out there and I will continue to do so. :)
LOL so you are aware that the vial that is "tested" isn't going to be the same vial you receive in your mailbox and you continue to insist on all this testing? You don't need to answer this :)
It's not spamming, I am contributing to the thread. I feel that it would be rude not to put that obvious point out there and I will continue to do so. :)

You're not putting any "obvious point out there".. :rolleyes:

If that "one vial" tests well, that's a pretty good indication that the source can at least put a good product out.. Which is more than I can say about most of the "UGLs" right now.
You're not putting any "obvious point out there".. :rolleyes:

If that "one vial" tests well then that's a pretty good indication that the source can at least put a good product out.. Which is more than I can say about most of the "UGLs" right now.
Well now, didn't GETM produce good gear in the beginning as well? HMMMM? :)
Isn't GETM the ones you investigators are saying this lab is???
Well now, didn't GETM produce good gear in the beginning as well? HMMMM? :)
Isn't GETM the ones you investigators are saying this lab is???

While everyone appreciates your attempts at trying to browbeat members for testing gear, most people here aren't completely brain-dead like you seem to think. People here know how to interpret testing and for the most part, understand its limitations.

Your approach is garbage imo. You assume shit is exactly what it says on the tin because it made you big and strong.

I guess it's not a big deal if your gear was given to you in exchange for rep work, but for those of us who actually pay for our gear, testing is a good thing.
most people here aren't completely brain-dead like you seem to think. People here know how to interpret testing and for the most part, understand its limitations.
You guys are using LABMAX to test if gear is good.



We know that. This has been established long ago.

People are using Labmax to identify if it is the correct compound.

Using LM to determine potency is not commonly done anymore and most members know how to interpret LM results. It is a simple pass or fail test.

You are making assumptions absent of evidence.


Who cares if there is 10mg of test e in a vial? Look at all the failed LM tests being posted, its pretty clear that there is a good amount of labs out there who can't even get 10mg of hormone in there.
Who cares if there is 10mg of test e in a vial? Look at all the failed LM tests being posted, its pretty clear that there is a good amount of labs out there who can't even get 10mg of hormone in there.
LMAO you think the vial is bad because it isn't turning a certain color for you?
If you add a different carrier to the vial with the hormone it changes color...
The COLOR test is the by far most INACCURATE way to "test" a vial.
And you guys are throwing away tons of good gear because you believe the LABMAX to actually be able to differentiate one carbon from ester to ester?

It's pretty clear to me that the common denominator in the "failed labmaxes" is LABMAX LOL!
A mass spec/HPLC will only prove what is in one vial so you guys are aware of that lol.

All this fussing and fighting over what was tested in one vial!

Even if this source's MS/HPLC is accurate, does that prove what you get in the mailbox??? :D:D

In this instance the question is not whether one test was conducted but were ANY conducted that comply with traditional standards. UGL scam people in a variety of ways and one is the use of falsified data.

It's probably no surprise but those UGL that are deceitful or fabricate data in any way, are much more likely to screw Meso members, and disclosing that type of information is more revealing than some single vial analysis will ever be.

It's called a discovery process and the intent is to provide Meso members with as much information as possible, to enable the development of an informed decision about which UGL to use or not to use.
I already knew you were lying about your test results when you posted a second picture of the spectrophotometer after Dr Jim pointed out the wavelength issue with the first one. I knew you were lying when you posted the bogus spectrograph. But gathering all the evidence from different forums and putting it all together would have been a time consuming endeavor. When I saw the dates on your UK Muscle post, I thought it would be less time consuming to use the screenshot to make my case. Unfortunately, I overlooked the fact that the British can be just as backwards as the French.

Now, I am human and I make mistakes just like everybody else, and I will admit I was caught me off guard. There's no question I made a mistake with the order of the day and month. However, when I accuse members of duplicitous behavior, I don't take it lightly. I would never accuse someone unless I was absolutely convinced, and had evidence to back it up.

Fortunately, I don't need screenshot. I have the evidence that clearly shows you are lying and I will now present my case.

You're on the record as stating the analytical lab that did your testing is in the Czech Rebublic:


You're also on the record as stating that you work at the lab:


To summarize: In the above posts, you've clearly stated that the lab is in the Czech Republic and that you also work there.

This is where things get interesting. The problem with liars is they always think their memory is better than it really is, and if you search their post history, it is a relatively easy task to find inconsistencies. And you have inconsistent statements, Zupac.

If the lab is based in the Czech Republic, and you work at the lab in the Czech Republic, how is it possible that you live in the UK? See below:


You've also claimed that the tech is a friend:

However, your earlier posts make no mention of the tech being a friend. In fact, it doesn't sound like you know him at all. Referring to him as "one of the techs," and that you don't even know if he is "g2g" doesn't even sound like an acquaintance. It sounds like a complete stranger you found on the internet. If he was a friend, you wouldn't say he "seems 100% legit to me." You would KNOW he is 100% legit. See below:


See the statement below:

If Zupac works at the testing facility as he claims, why would he have to send the sample to the lab? He works there, so wouldn't he just drop it off in person? It makes no sense.

Zupac can't work at a testing facility in the Czech Republic because he's stated several times that he lives in the UK. The evidence clearly shows that Zupac lied about the lab test and where he lives and works. He lied because he is a Gentech rep and is trying to fool Meso members with phony lab tests.
I can't be bothered looking for the quotes. But another point you may or may not have picked up on is that as you clearly pointed out he says he didn't have to pay anything for these tests. However if one was to dig a little deeper you will find he states many times after that he actually does have to pay for these tests apparently. Another inconsistency to the story
The COLOR test is the by far most INACCURATE way to "test" a vial.

Reagent testing is probably the least sophisticated way to test anything, nobody is disputing that.

That is why HPLC is so sought after by members here. But I guess they are wasting their time. They should just pin and tell! After all, how do you know they will be getting the same vial in their mailbox. ;)

Who do these idiots think they are, questioning UGL quality and throwing away tons of good gear.
traditional standards.= LABMAX LOL!

You tell me? Why do you test all this gear, and maybe this is obvious as well. WHY ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT THE MG OF A HORMONE WHEN THERE COULD BE POISON IN THE VIAL?!
Do you even know what a standard in scientific testing is? or are you just going to continue talking out of your ass like you know what you're going on about
Do you even know what a standard in medical testing is? or are you just going to continue talking out of your ass like you know what you're going on about
Please define "traditional standards" or "a standard in medical testing" as it applies to the Meso community.

I should probably add:
A standard in medical testing would PROBABLY test for a POISON however Meso is happy with just the mg of a hormone. LOL? Red flag?
Google it, I'm not your fucking mother. You seem to be the only dumb ass here that doesn't know. What's even your point? that testing is useless? we should all just buy whatever the fuck is out there and just inject it into our bodies without even caring what's inside? We should just let scumbags take peoples money and put out shit without even questioning it?
Google it, I'm not your fucking mother. You seem to be the only dumb ass here that doesn't know. What's even your point? that testing is useless? we should all just buy whatever the fuck is out there and just inject it into our bodies without even caring what's inside? We should just let scumbags take peoples money and put out shit without even questioning it?
Yes, I am seemingly the only dumb ass here that doesn't know. I would have to rethink if "medical standards of testing" would include testing for any LETHAL SUBSTANCES.

Yes, that is my point. Testing is useless. Stick to pharmacy drugs if you don't like the underground market.

This whole testing forum is useless and potentially harming. As Millard stated in another thread, how can you guarantee a dosage of DNP will be accurate from an UGL? In this case, lets say Person A tests Lab X's DNP and finds out there is 188mg in a capsule. Person B will read that information and think it applies to him as well, however, Lab X's DNP that Person A and Person B got was different. So person B takes more than he is supposed to because it was "proven" what the potency of the product was.

Testing doesn't tell you what is in the vial you will get in the mailbox. And testing doesn't tell you if there is something in the vial that can potentially KILL you. And Meso doesn't seem to care to try to test if there is anything lethal in any of these vials. The only question is: how many mg of trenbolone is in it?

Including the one Sworder is working for which is the reason he's trying to discredit testing.
Stick to pharmacy testosterone lol.
Yes, I did work for a TRT company a short period of time but I currently do not have any contracts with any compounding pharmacies. But if you want a prescription of testosterone I can probably get you in touch with a Dr in your area as well as a good compounding pharmacy ;)
You guys are using LABMAX to test if gear is good.


Does repeating yourself help get the point across? Let's see:

Sworder's a clown.

Sworder's a clown.

Sworder's a clown.

Sworder's a clown.

Sworder's a clown.

Sworder's a clown.

Yeah, it works. BTW, Sworder's a clown.
What's even your point? that testing is useless? we should all just buy whatever the fuck is out there and just inject it into our bodies without even caring what's inside?

Testing eliminates Sworder's opportunity for free gear because if people are testing gear, UGLs stop giving out free samples. See, Sworder is an old time gear whore. He'll inject anybody's bathtub brew as long as it's free. If it's good, he'll say so. If it's bad, he won't say anything at all.

He's a leech. And like any parasite, he tries to suck off labs to get that free gear.
traditional standards.= LABMAX LOL!

You tell me? Why do you test all this gear, and maybe this is obvious as well. WHY ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT THE MG OF A HORMONE WHEN THERE COULD BE POISON IN THE VIAL?!

ISworder you KNOW I was not referring to LM as being a "traditional standard" used in analytical chemistry, so is there another point.

I mean you have already raise your objections to LM in a thread you started and went on record stating the AAS analyses many have made painstaking efforts to obtain were essentially a waste of time bc they only tested "one vial"!

So again what's the point? Shall we return to the dark ages when the experience of "bros or moderators" ruled what UGL was GTG and which was not, hardly.

You raise the GETM issue yet overlook the fact analytical testing is what confirmed GETM was selling trash. Again you don't thrwo out the baby with the bath water fella and the problem with AAS testing is NOT ENOUGH assays are being conducted!

I'm perplexed about your objective when making comments of this nature. Are you attempting to be an ankle bitter, the forum naysayer or are you ripening members for your upcoming appearance as some UGL owner or plant?

You honestly believe your going to alter the thoughts and minds of Meso members whom have grown accustomed to doing things the "new evidence based" way. Well your wasting your time bc it's etched in stone now and not even bro lore will excise it.
