Here are DIRECT copies from the manual and the ENTIRE manual which you obviously didn't read or failed to understand it's importance.

1) Note the "SPECTROPHOTOMETER BASICS" ((AKA the application/or limitations of the device) CLEARY state the range is 340-950 nm!

2) Again indicates the Absorption ranges as being SET to TWO ranges (600-950)
or at (599-340)

3) Emphasizes the ABSOLUTE necessity of a utilizing a STANDARD SOLUTION with a known dilution to determine a SAMPLES CONCENTRATION

4) Explains how to set up a calibration curve using a standard solution, a well established analytical procedure in the US that has yet to hit the shores of "Europe".

5) If you don't' know the absorbance of Tren-Acetate look it up fella or ask someone who does.

6) The oil EXTRACTION process for almost all parenteral AAS requires the use of Methanol and most chemists who work with anabolic agent already know this. It's obvious you don't know why is is so important when working with such impure mixtures such as those sold by damn near every UGL.

7) So now you admit a verifiable standard was NOT used, great then how can you claim the data posted is accurate? Especially since NO STANDARD COMPARISON was displayed as evidence.

8) I only said the lab XPAC used was a foreign based operation, and the last time I checked "foreign" means outside of the US or it's territories, which includes "EUROPE" duh. (Gosh it must suck to be a man wo a country :)

Finally I see there are THREE GS/MS which were posted yet in each the sample contents are listed as "vial 1". An explanation would seem most appropriate since the results obtained vary!

This ass is Dr JIM from TEXAS :)

Passing them to him now. Hopefully we will have an answer soon.
Here are DIRECT copies from the manual and the ENTIRE manual which you obviously didn't read or failed to understand it's importance.

1) Note the "SPECTROPHOTOMETER BASICS" ((AKA the application/or limitations of the device) CLEARY state the range is 340-950 nm!

2) Again indicates the Absorption ranges as being SET to TWO ranges (600-950)
or at (599-340)

3) Emphasizes the ABSOLUTE necessity of a utilizing a STANDARD SOLUTION with a known dilution to determine a SAMPLES CONCENTRATION

4) Explains how to set up a calibration curve using a standard solution, a well established analytical procedure in the US that has yet to hit the shores of "Europe".

5) If you don't' know the absorbance of Tren-Acetate look it up fella or ask someone who does.

6) The oil EXTRACTION process for almost all parenteral AAS requires the use of Methanol and most chemists who work with anabolic agent already know this. It's obvious you don't know why is is so important when working with such impure mixtures such as those sold by damn near every UGL.

7) So now you admit a verifiable standard was NOT used, great then how can you claim the data posted is accurate? Especially since NO STANDARD COMPARISON was displayed as evidence.

8) I only said the lab XPAC used was a foreign based operation, and the last time I checked "foreign" means outside of the US or it's territories, which includes "EUROPE" duh. (Gosh it must suck to be a man wo a country :)

Finally I see there are THREE GS/MS which were posted yet in each the sample contents are listed as "vial 1". An explanation would seem most appropriate since the results obtained vary!

This ass is Dr JIM from TEXAS :)

REPLY fromt he tech. He is really chill.. but man you sure make him angry. Also I realise that your reading comprehension is low. Anyway, the reply:

Hello, dr. JIM, still waiting for my account approval so meanwhile I'm askin' xupc to repost this.

Also, please note I'm making you a great service, as I'm studying a field chosen specifically to not meet retards which you appear to me to be.

1. You are retarded. You realise that's manual to entirely different spectrophotometer than the one THAT IS TAKEN A FUCKING PICTURE OF? WITH A FUCKING PAPER WITH XUPC''S NICKS?

2. You are retarded. You realise that's manual to entirely different spectrophotometer than the one THAT IS TAKEN A FUCKING PICTURE OF? WITH A FUCKING PAPER WITH XUPC''S NICKS?

3. Yes, if you had basic written text comprehension you could've noticed I mentioned I own the standard.

4. You are retarded. Like, what the fuck even? Are you that retarded that you don't even realise that there is possibility of sharing information between continents? JUST LIKE WE ARE DOING NOW? WHAT THE FUCK?

5. You are retarded. I explicitely stated that that was the example of question without ad hominems and shit, so you could at least ask question like a grown, non-retarded man. You failed terribly.
Also, absorbance range of trenbolone acetate is 335nm, not "240nm" as you stated previously, you retard.

6. Yeah, too bad it was GCMS'd first so I actually knew what was in there, so I could know that tren will have unique absorbance in the solution. Which I have mentioned as well. Reading comprehension, retard.

7. You are retarded. Of course I don't get my standards from DEA or something you consider trustworthy. Having a standard with a margin of error at 1% ain't gonna fuck up nothing, retard. Or are you claiming anybody can get data like this absolutely accurate with no margin or error?

8. m'kay, not really a question, just like the others, but whatever

"Finally I see there are THREE GS/MS which were posted yet in each the sample contents are listed as "vial 1". An explanation would seem most appropriate since the results obtained vary!"
You are retarded, if you don't realise why is that so. Do I really need to explain or will somebody do that for me please? I'm losing my nerves here. (hint: sample name is entered into gcms automatically if it's not filled in by the user)
What the fuck, people, I have weak nerves and do I really need to spend myself explaining stuff to a retard?
- Your favourite analyst Jano with fucked up nerves
lab rat here.
Guess my membership got approved already.

Gotta admit I have some anger management issues to sort out - but those are triggered mainly by disrespecful, arrogent and ill-mannered people [esp. when they have no idea what they are talking about and act like they do].

Nevertheless, I am sorry for not managing my behaviour. I understand both sides can get emotional in argument like this and I'm not managing myself well enough. Even though I stand past my words it could've been said in a nicer way and I am a stupid asshole to get carried away by my emotions, which are on a rollercoaster lately.

Anyway, I asked the guy to ask direct questions without any emotionals subtleties (if you can call it so [seriously, my english is getting rusty]) and he failed so it kinda got to me.

I believe, though that I've provided arguments necessary to end this up and not waste anymore of my time, unless we want to get into a flamewar full of ad hominems and stuff.
Dr Jim looks like someone wholly more qualified than you is finally putting you in your place with your selective "approval an disapproval" of labs you have or dont have allegiances or back handers with.... LOL. Your complicated terminology or throwing of complex words isn't gonna confuse this chap old sport.

Quality will prevail,

Still to date,

100% successful deliveries.
100% no complaints.
100% satisfaction on all forums.

I am still waiting for a screenshot, complaint or evidence to proove of an unhappy customer or bloodwork or test results from anything produced from


And I personally will see to it that this remains so.

Many thanks for your guy's help.
REPLY fromt he tech. He is really chill.. but man you sure make him angry. Also I realise that your reading comprehension is low. Anyway, the reply:

Hello, dr. JIM, still waiting for my account approval so meanwhile I'm askin' xupc to repost this.

Also, please note I'm making you a great service, as I'm studying a field chosen specifically to not meet retards which you appear to me to be.

1. You are retarded. You realise that's manual to entirely different spectrophotometer than the one THAT IS TAKEN A FUCKING PICTURE OF? WITH A FUCKING PAPER WITH XUPC''S NICKS?

2. You are retarded. You realise that's manual to entirely different spectrophotometer than the one THAT IS TAKEN A FUCKING PICTURE OF? WITH A FUCKING PAPER WITH XUPC''S NICKS?

3. Yes, if you had basic written text comprehension you could've noticed I mentioned I own the standard.

4. You are retarded. Like, what the fuck even? Are you that retarded that you don't even realise that there is possibility of sharing information between continents? JUST LIKE WE ARE DOING NOW? WHAT THE FUCK?

5. You are retarded. I explicitely stated that that was the example of question without ad hominems and shit, so you could at least ask question like a grown, non-retarded man. You failed terribly.
Also, absorbance range of trenbolone acetate is 335nm, not "240nm" as you stated previously, you retard.

6. Yeah, too bad it was GCMS'd first so I actually knew what was in there, so I could know that tren will have unique absorbance in the solution. Which I have mentioned as well. Reading comprehension, retard.

7. You are retarded. Of course I don't get my standards from DEA or something you consider trustworthy. Having a standard with a margin of error at 1% ain't gonna fuck up nothing, retard. Or are you claiming anybody can get data like this absolutely accurate with no margin or error?

8. m'kay, not really a question, just like the others, but whatever

"Finally I see there are THREE GS/MS which were posted yet in each the sample contents are listed as "vial 1". An explanation would seem most appropriate since the results obtained vary!"
You are retarded, if you don't realise why is that so. Do I really need to explain or will somebody do that for me please? I'm losing my nerves here. (hint: sample name is entered into gcms automatically if it's not filled in by the user)
What the fuck, people, I have weak nerves and do I really need to spend myself explaining stuff to a retard?
- Your favourite analyst Jano with fucked up nerves

I rest my case, lol!
Dr Jim looks like someone wholly more qualified than you is finally putting you in your place with your selective "approval an disapproval" of labs you have or dont have allegiances or back handers with.... LOL. Your complicated terminology or throwing of complex words isn't gonna confuse this chap old sport.

Quality will prevail,

Still to date,

100% successful deliveries.
100% no complaints.
100% satisfaction on all forums.

I am still waiting for a screenshot, complaint or evidence to proove of an unhappy customer or bloodwork or test results from anything produced from


And I personally will see to it that this remains so.

Many thanks for your guy's help.

Great David now that all your shills have cleared the way to sell your BUNK scam away, SUCKERS!
Dr Jim looks like someone wholly more qualified than you is finally putting you in your place with your selective "approval an disapproval" of labs you have or dont have allegiances or back handers with.... LOL. Your complicated terminology or throwing of complex words isn't gonna confuse this chap old sport.

Quality will prevail,

Still to date,

100% successful deliveries.
100% no complaints.
100% satisfaction on all forums.

I am still waiting for a screenshot, complaint or evidence to proove of an unhappy customer or bloodwork or test results from anything produced from


And I personally will see to it that this remains so.

Many thanks for your guy's help.
You've been in production for what? a couple of months max? (since last november if I recall correctly and you're already boasting about 100% deliveries etc etc. There's labs that have been going consistently for nearly a decade. I don't care about this whole argument both sides talk shit. But fact of the matter is you're still a new lab and haven't proved shit yet until you pass the test of time and consistency so until then I would keep the boasting to a minimum and stay humble
And xupc shut the fuck up and sit down son. You've used 30 or 40 ml of 2 labs, who do you think you are to go around and slate every uk lab like you know what you're talking about. You're not qualified to go around saying the uk market is full of shit when fact of the matter is you're an inexperienced noobie. And go ahead and team up with your buddy karbonk on other forums to rep this lab when a couple of weeks ago you called him a 3 post newbie, hypocrite.
I'll say one more thing.

The users manual I posted is an identical copy of the same device XUPC displayed a picture of on Meso.

So if it's "wrong" then ask him why, AND post the CORRECT ONE by all means.

I'd love to see it, what you think only Europe uses such a device, NOT'

Also the only question I asked you answered IN PART, bc Tren-A
has THREE levels of absorbance
240, 340 and 410nm, with OPTIMAL absorbance at 240 and if you read my earlier post, rather than loosely all intellectual function, you will note those were my EXACT words, "optimal absorbance".

Fact is Tren the only parenteral AAS which absorbs UV light outside of the 240nm range.

Yet the standard issue remains, you never revealed how your "standards" were used, or verified. And you never posted a standard for comparison, did you?

Finally the reason you posted three MS absent an traditional explanation also remains unanswered. Nope again you went on some emotional rant bc you were challenged to explain that which you should have already posted.

Fact is the only thing you did is reveal you have no control of your emotions when challenged to prove a point.

Oh yea and if your not careful Gary will find out "what lab your using" should you decide to post study with a narrative that confirms his AAS are bunk.

Oh and not to be forgotten Gary wipe your ass, I can smell the stench in Texas, bc that foot of yours is sticking out, again!
You've been in production for what? a couple of months max? (since last november if I recall correctly and you're already boasting about 100% deliveries etc etc. There's labs that have been going consistently for nearly a decade. I don't care about this whole argument both sides talk shit. But fact of the matter is you're still a new lab and haven't proved shit yet until you pass the test of time and consistency so until then I would keep the boasting to a minimum and stay humble

Now just hold on one minute fella that's the same point I raised earlier.

Of course it will fall on deaf ears with David bc its reality based argument!

David's next post our products are
-100% delireie
- 100% satifixex
- No complaint 100% of time
- 100% quality prodoct
- 100% safety recard
-100% my country employment
-100% love Elvis
- 10000% customors payed out their ass for BUNK
1. You are retarded. You realise that's manual to entirely different spectrophotometer than the one THAT IS TAKEN A FUCKING PICTURE OF? WITH A FUCKING PAPER WITH XUPC''S NICKS?

No it isn't. Zupac posted a link to a picture of the Spectronic 20, saying the spectrophotometer looked like this:

It should be noted that the spectofotometry machine outputs blinking numbers (they look like this that you compare them to a function from standard. As such I have no spectofotometry report. I am thinking of taking a photo of the actual machine, timestamp it and write my name and meso in it as proof.

After Dr Jim pointed out the wavelength issue, Zupac posted a picture of a completely different spectrophotometer - the Agilant 8453.

I think we have some subterfuge going on right in front of our eyes.
No it isn't. Zupac posted a link to a picture of the Spectronic 20, saying the spectrophotometer looked like this:

After Dr Jim pointed out the wavelength issue, Zupac posted a picture of a completely different spectrophotometer - the Agilant 8453.

I think we have some subterfuge going on right in front of our eyes.

It's become quite obvious Xupac is indeed shilling for GENTECH,

While he may not have started off with that intention he CLEARLY has bc much less than impartial AAS user.

That's when lab results can't be trusted or worse yet when the involved lab is challenged to provide evidence to someone else whom understands enough about analytical chemistry to KNOW what the US accepted standards are.

In this case little has been presented which would be considered acceptable by US standards and since GENTECH is wanting to sell their products IN THE US those standards shall APPLY.

Don't like it, then sell your junk elsewhere David!
Dr Jim's post noting the wavelength issue was made on April 1 at 2:48 AM EST.

Finally also ask him how he obtained results using a device with an absorbance range of 340 to 910nm on a substance, such as Tren-A, with an optimal absorbance of 240nm!

On April 2 at 4:16 AM EST, Zupac posted a picture of a completely different spectrophotometer, and this one (conveniently) doesn't have the issue with wavelength.

As promised photo from the spectofotometer with my username in 3 different forums in order to prove that I indeed have access to the machine.
I have emailed the tech. He is off till Monday. Hopefully I will have the replies soon.

Very strange, very convenient, but very unconvincing.

Prove that the report I produced is fake. If you cant please dont post crap.

See above.
Dr Jim's post noting the wavelength issue was made on April 1 at 2:48 AM EST.

On April 2 at 4:16 AM EST, Zupac posted a picture of a completely different spectrophotometer, and this one (conveniently) doesn't have the issue with wavelength.

Very strange, very convenient, but very unconvincing.

See above.

I honestly believed that was a portion of the GC/MS that was being used, and obviously paid it no attention. I also believe it's less than coincidental that XP claims to having been "screwed by several UGL" for oh so long, yet only when GENTECH arrives does XUPC find "employment" with a company capable of AAS testing.

Subterfuge no doubt, overt deception and duplicitous activity on behalf of 2-3 "new" Meso members, much more likely IMO!

Like I said THESE are the reasons analytical tests MUST be reviewed for credibility.

Ever asked youself WTF GENTECH does NOT sell their junk on any other AAS forum? Really does that make any sense guys, nope and every damn New lab with such a record SCREWED MESO MEMBERS, and I am trying my best to limit the damage once they leave! Shit I'll even place a $1000 dollar wager IN AN ESCROW ACCOUNT as proof I'm serious!

Hey G/D are you now willing to take me up on that offer of posting FOUR legitimate AAS analyses and in exchange I'll provide proof GARY is DAVID IS GENTECH/GETM?

Last edited:
It's become quite obvious Xupac is indeed shilling for GENTECH,

While he may not have started off with that intention he CLEARLY has bc much less than impartial AAS user.

That's when lab results can't be trusted or worse yet when the involved lab is challenged to provide evidence to someone else whom understands enough about analytical chemistry to KNOW what the US accepted standards are.

In this case little has been presented which would be considered acceptable by US standards and since GENTECH is wanting to sell their products IN THE US those standards shall APPLY.

Don't like it, then sell your junk elsewhere David!

Analoges for mi engish felas, is thet ok :)
I'll just say this, seems like you my friends have seen the light. There are many many inconsistencies to xupacs story and the buddies he sides with, including the things they have said about the labs which he claims screwed him over (which btw I am not saying that they did or did not screw him over, who knows). But I've seen him post in many places. In regards to gentech I will not speak ill about you since I don't know shit about you, but so far it has been all empty promises which mean nothing until proven right. I am curious on one thing however trying to start on meso is a very odd choice, when there are so many other actual source boards or is their fee too much? hmm...
!) I'll just say this, seems like you my friends have seen the light. There are many many inconsistencies to xupacs story and the buddies he sides with, including the things they have said about 3) the labs which he claims screwed him over (which btw I am not saying that they did or did not screw him over, who knows). But I've seen him post in many places. In regards to gentech I will not speak ill about you since I don't know shit about you, but so far it has been all empty promises which mean nothing until proven right.
3) I am curious on one thing however trying to start on meso is a very odd choice, when there are so many other actual source boards or is their fee too much? hmm...

1) I'll admit I've given PAC-Shick more leeway and credibility than I should have

2) Oh indeed poor PAC-S played the part of a BB being victimized by another scamming UGL quite well. However thereafter the arrival of GenTech and the discovery of a "LAB" PAC-S suddenly became employed by is much more than coincidental, it's all prototypical scheming on the part of ANY NEW UGL who's intro starts AND ends on Meso!

3) Bc there is no fee for using a THREAD as a means of advertising on Meso, it's almost guaranteed these GENTECH clowns don't have a pot to piss in!
