Oh but it's not that easy fella, bc this guy scammed thousands out of Meso members and my objective is to diminish any further scamming on his behalf. Ergo only when G/D departs with minimal cash form Meso mate, is he no longer a threat and I have made my point.

Let me put it to you this way although I strongly encourage the testing of any UGL products (which SHOULD have been done by this Clown already) G/D can never be trusted, bc he is already a PROVEN SCAMMER!

And I'll even make a G/D a deal, whenever he conducts his own analyses on his products (at least FOUR of MY CHOOSING) I will post very good evidence Gary IS David was once the "owner' of the scamming lab once called GETM, that many of us "vets" CERTAINLY REMEMBER!

What you suggest make sense. Is there an unbiased lab that we trust? Maybe Mr. GENTECH can send some samples there to get a final answer.

I strongly believe that every UGL needs to test their products. Period.
I already know for example that my Test Enanthate claims to be 300mg/ml but in actual fact is 380mg/ml TRUE dose


The ONLY way for G/D to "know"" the concentration is higher than that which is listed on the label is thru analytical testing, so he can use the lab which made that determination.

And why are YOU mediating for GENTECH anyway, bc if my memory serves me correctly "we"
had "the intent to expose the lab dr Jim uses".

Taking that adversarial statement into consideration your now asking me to suggest a lab, are U nuts.

Fella your either blind, have an unannounced agenda, or failing miserably to not reveal your a GENTECH plant!
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I am not working with Gary or David or whatever. I have 0 benefit from all this. I have not received ANY benefits what so ever. I ordered anonymously and payed in full for the products I received.

I am asking as this whole thing is starting to becoming ridiculous.

Also, "we" (in the context that Gary used it) meant the the "royal we" or "nosism", which It is very commonly used (in EU) to as a plural pronoun to refer to a single person, or to refer to oneself when expressing a personal opinion. He did not used we as an inclusion term for me and him.
And what is the evidence Dr Jim that you claim I am someone called DAVID from GETM?
You keep repeating yourself to no end - you still havent come up with anything better than "I have someone on the inside" - which how can that be given any weight, be believed or true about from "your say so and your bitterness at being scammed by someone".

Game, set, match. You have no answer.
I am not working with Gary or David or whatever. I have 0 benefit from all this. I have not received ANY benefits what so ever. I ordered anonymously and payed in full for the products I received.

That might be true but you're trying very hard to be GT's mediator. It's not the customer's job to mediate and history has shown that whenever a customers does this, it's because they have a vested interest. Your job as a customer is to use the gear and give your review. Nothing more, nothing less.
And what is the evidence Dr Jim that you claim I am someone called DAVID from GETM?
You keep repeating yourself to no end - you still havent come up with anything better than "I have someone on the inside" - which how can that be given any weight, be believed or true about from "your say so and your bitterness at being scammed by someone".

Game, set, match. You have no answer.

This is getting ridiculous.

I don't think you are getting it. Most members of this forum know & trust Dr.Jim. He has helped out MANY members with sound advice on many issues. He has earned our trust through his actions.

That being said I would take his word over your word any day of the week. Period! You are an unknown, who is selling a product that we know nothing about. If Dr.Jim says you are and/or are affiliated with the Getm UGL that scammed many members out of their hard earned money then I for one believe him. You are a UGL source; around here you are considered guilty until proven innocent. I'm not sure why you continue to push the issue here. There are many other boards out there that you could peddle your wares on, so why do you keep coming back here? It doesn't make sense to me..?

And quit with the fucking chess game analogies. This may be a game to you, but to us it's not only our money that we are trusting with a UGL, but also our health.

Email from the tech. He partially replied to your questions as he is on holiday.

Q1) This refers to this question: "Ask him why no calibration curve was printed for comparison or why the procedure used was not mentioned."

I don't undestand what exactly does he mean.

Curve from spectrophotometer? Sorry for sarcasm but is also a video of my mate doing the necessary calculations needed? (those gotta be done manually, also the picture of the curve is useless as there is no public standard db for that available, I could just put my sock into the machine and nobody would find out, probably)

Also the procedure I believe I mentioned to you in mail several times - spectrophotometry, or does the guy want to see a writeout on how it's done with a standard?

Q2) This refers to this question: "Finally also ask him how he obtained results using a device with an absorbance range of 340 to 910nm on a substance, such as Tren-A, with an optimal absorbance of 240nm! You just can't slam all that crap into a Spec and obtain results, the constituents MUST first be isolated into individual compounds and then run SEPARATELY. If this is not done the absorbance measurement will be that of all the constituents COMBINED!"

> The light source for the UV wavelength range is a deuterium lamp with a shine- through aperture. As a result of plasma discharge in a low pressure deuterium gas, the lamp emits light over the 190 nm to approximately 800 nm wavelength range.

Tell the guy when he wants to act like a smartass he should at least read the whole machine manual.

You just can't slam all that crap into a Spec and obtain results, the constituents MUST first be isolated into individual compounds and then run SEPARATELY. If this is not done the absorbance measurement will be that of all the constituents COMBINED!

Actually you can when there is a compound with unique absorbane wavelength in there, but what do I know.

Also, how would it be suggested to separate thermally unstable compound like trenbolone from oil? Or if you already isolated the compound wouldn't it be easier to weight it rather than using fancy stuff like spectrophoto? I don't even...

He will reply to more later this week after he is back from his holidays. If you have any more questions let me know, and I will pass them to him.
That might be true but you're trying very hard to be GT's mediator. It's not the customer's job to mediate and history has shown that whenever a customers does this, it's because they have a vested interest. Your job as a customer is to use the gear and give your review. Nothing more, nothing less.

I am defending the test I did after being burned by 3 labs. Dr Jim called bullshit and I called the tech to tell me whats up. I am not defending the lab I am defending the legitimacy of my test.
He needs to answer all my observations. He doesn't know what I mean by a "calibration curve", then have that "tech" friend of yours ask one of the lab CHEMISTS, or send him one of mine or Capt's from our analytical threads.

I read "the manual" and the Absorbance range the MANUFACTURES list is 340-910nm, and AAS have an optimal UVA of 240nm

Obviously it's not surprising your blind support for this form of PROOF will continue since you have already admitted to ordering a "boat load of GENTECH products".

If you think I'm the only one on Meso that believes your overt support of GENTECH has not blinded your judgement, for whatever reason, your living in the land of OZ

So welcome to the GENTECH TEAM, scam away!
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? (those gotta be done manually, also the picture of the curve is useless as there is no public standard db for that available, I could just put my sock into the machine and nobody would find out, probably


XUPC, this is unequivocal evidence your "tech" did NOT use a standard for comparison. This is obviously some foreign lab your using who is not familiar with traditional USP (pharmaceutical), CEILA (laboratory) analytical REQUIREMENTS.

Read my earlier statement, bc I already made that clear a DEA number is REQUIRED to obtain a TREN-A standard, so no shit Sherlock it's not available for PUBLIC PURCHASE, ah duh!

I appreciate the effort but this "evidence" is GROSSLY flawed bc of the reasons I've already mentioned and bc your trusting some amateur "tech" to do the job chemists direct or actively supervise in the US!

This is one reason why it's often very useful for unregistered labs to send one of their reps to "chat" about lab results of this nature, bc in almost every instance it becomes even more clear some unqualified employee performed an analysis they knew little about, or overt scamming was the objective!
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The Tren-A standard is listed under lot # A1462. Notice the SPECIFIC DEA requirement I mentioned earlier.


  • USP std Tren-a.pdf
    51.2 KB · Views: 17
XUPC, this is unequivocal evidence your "tech" did NOT use a standard for comparison. This is obviously some foreign lab your using who is not familiar with traditional USP (pharmaceutical), CEILA (laboratory) analytical REQUIREMENTS.

Read my earlier statement, bc I already made that clear a DEA number is REQUIRED to obtain a TREN-A standard, so no shit Sherlock it's not available for PUBLIC PURCHASE, ah duh!

I appreciate the effort but this "evidence" is GROSSLY flawed bc of the reasons I've already mentioned and bc your trusting some amateur "tech" to do the job chemists direct or actively supervise in the US!

This is one reason why it's often very useful for unregistered labs to send one of their reps to "chat" about lab results of this nature, bc in almost every instance it becomes even more clear some unqualified employee performed an analysis they knew little about, or overt scamming was the objective!

Your argument is fundamentaly flawed about the test as let me repeat that in case you didnt got it.

As you notice from the map above Europe is NOT USA. This is clearly illustrated in the following map as well. Orange is the USA, Green is Euope. See? Not the SAME FUCKING COUNTRY (Europe is not a country technically) OR EVEN CONTINENT.

We do not have DEA numbers in Europe.

DEA numbers are ONLY FOR US labs. They do NOT exist in EUROPE.

. There is NO UNITED STATES PHARMACOEIA in EUROPE. There is Greek pharmacopeia, UK pharmacopeia, Czech pharmacopeia, Italian pharmacopeia etc. The document you uploaded is NOT APPLICABLE IN EUROPE as there are different laws and regulations here (which change SIGNIFICANTLY country by country). In some AAS are completely unregulated, while in other they are class I (same with heroin) drugs).

I do not even know what the CEILA (laboratory) analytical requirements are but I suspect that it is US ONLY.

Each country has its own regulating bodies here. For example, AAS are legal to own for personal use (I can shoot in front of a copper or in a middle of the street) and research here in the UK.

I cannot believe that your argument is that the lab in Europe has no US credentials, and you ad hominem the technitian as he answered to your quetions, and you provided nothing to advance the argument.

Jesus Christ man. This is beyone stupid slander. You provide 0 evidence in everything and trying to argue with your reputation here only. As I said before the labs illustrate a point in time. Gary, David or whatever the fuck his name is can scam us and fuck us with fake gear. We have to be smart and keep testing, and keep querying his quality. It is not rocket science.
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Great then why the excuses for NOT using a standard.

I'm no attacking the lab but the less than traditional/accurate testing procedures

The most important being the use of a standard to compare an UNKNOW to.

That's just for starters.

I can wait to here about his explanation about the MW issue I raised.

If you don't not believe ensuring these tests meet existing lab criteria WHY were they done.
Great then why the excuses for NOT using a standard.

I'm no attacking the lab but the less than traditional/accurate testing procedures

The most important being the use of a standard to compare an UNKNOW to.

That's just for starters.

I can wait to here about his explanation about the MW issue I raised.

If you don't not believe ensuring these tests meet existing lab criteria WHY were they done.

MW issue? I copied your whole thread to him but can you please point it out?
Your argument is fundamentaly flawed about the test as let me repeat that in case you didnt got it.

As you notice from the map above Europe is NOT USA. This is clearly illustrated in the following map as well. Orange is the USA, Green is Euope. See? Not the SAME FUCKING COUNTRY (Europe is not a country technically) OR EVEN CONTINENT.

We do not have DEA numbers in Europe.

DEA numbers are ONLY FOR US labs. They do NOT exist in EUROPE.

. There is NO UNITED STATES PHARMACOEIA in EUROPE. There is Greek pharmacopeia, UK pharmacopeia, Czech pharmacopeia, Italian pharmacopeia etc. The document you uploaded is NOT APPLICABLE IN EUROPE as there are different laws and regulations here (which change SIGNIFICANTLY country by country). In some AAS are completely unregulated, while in other they are class I (same with heroin) drugs).

I do not even know what the CEILA (laboratory) analytical requirements are but I suspect that it is US ONLY.

Each country has its own regulating bodies here. For example, AAS are legal to own for personal use (I can shoot in front of a copper or in a middle of the street) and research here in the UK.

I cannot believe that your argument is that the lab in Europe has no US credentials, and you ad hominem the technitian as he answered to your quetions, and you provided nothing to advance the argument.

Jesus Christ man. This is beyone stupid slander. You provide 0 evidence in everything and trying to argue with your reputation here only. As I said before the labs illustrate a point in time. Gary, David or whatever the fuck his name is can scam us and fuck us with fake gear. We have to be smart and keep testing, and keep querying his quality. It is not rocket science.
Thank you.

Clear bias and prejudice from Dr Jim on his onslaught against me, Gentech and our products. His manipulation to construe that I am David from some other lab called Gentech, when I am clearly not is just an attempt to silence this up and coming brand/website with 0 complaints, 100% successful deliveries and 100% happy customers. A distinct threat to whoever he is allegianced with....but no matter, I keep coming back to this forum and replying because it is one of the few UN-cencored forums where I am be open about being a source and products available.
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@dr.jim direct reply from the tech. I copy and paste his email here.
Just a short answer again, won't get holidays screwed up for this :( 8453/Manuals/8453 Service manual.pdf
Point me to the page that could confirm the > I read "the manual" and the Absorbance range the MANUFACTURES list is 340-910nm

Also... err did the smartass, if he realised where the europe is by now, consider the fact that we might have our own standard that wasn't obtained through way I'd not spill my beans over to him? Or that I might not actually be doing this 100% legally all approved way? like what the hell?

I can't be arsed to read through his stuff or register on the forum yet, so please, quote me on this again.

also for the smartass:


1. What is the absorbance range of Trenbolone acetate?
Thank you.

Clear bias and prejudice from Dr Jim on his onslaught against me, Gentech and our products. His manipulation to construe that I am David from some other lab called GETM*, when I am clearly not is just an attempt to silence this up and coming brand/website with 0 complaints, 100% successful deliveries and 100% happy customers. A distinct threat to whoever he is allegianced with....but no matter, I keep coming back to this forum and replying because it is one of the few UN-cencored forums where I am be open about being a source and products available.
@dr.jim direct reply from the tech. I copy and paste his email here.
Just a short answer again, won't get holidays screwed up for this :( 8453/Manuals/8453 Service manual.pdf
Point me to the page that could confirm the > I read "the manual" and the Absorbance range the MANUFACTURES list is 340-910nm

Also... err did the smartass, if he realised where the europe is by now, consider the fact that we might have our own standard that wasn't obtained through way I'd not spill my beans over to him? Or that I might not actually be doing this 100% legally all approved way? like what the hell?

I can't be arsed to read through his stuff or register on the forum yet, so please, quote me on this again.

also for the smartass:


1. What is the absorbance range of Trenbolone acetate?

Here are DIRECT copies from the manual and the ENTIRE manual which you obviously didn't read or failed to understand it's importance.

1) Note the "SPECTROPHOTOMETER BASICS" ((AKA the application/or limitations of the device) CLEARY state the range is 340-950 nm!

2) Again indicates the Absorption ranges as being SET to TWO ranges (600-950)
or at (599-340)

3) Emphasizes the ABSOLUTE necessity of a utilizing a STANDARD SOLUTION with a known dilution to determine a SAMPLES CONCENTRATION

4) Explains how to set up a calibration curve using a standard solution, a well established analytical procedure in the US that has yet to hit the shores of "Europe".

5) If you don't' know the absorbance of Tren-Acetate look it up fella or ask someone who does.

6) The oil EXTRACTION process for almost all parenteral AAS requires the use of Methanol and most chemists who work with anabolic agent already know this. It's obvious you don't know why is is so important when working with such impure mixtures such as those sold by damn near every UGL.

7) So now you admit a verifiable standard was NOT used, great then how can you claim the data posted is accurate? Especially since NO STANDARD COMPARISON was displayed as evidence.

8) I only said the lab XPAC used was a foreign based operation, and the last time I checked "foreign" means outside of the US or it's territories, which includes "EUROPE" duh. (Gosh it must suck to be a man wo a country :)

Finally I see there are THREE GS/MS which were posted yet in each the sample contents are listed as "vial 1". An explanation would seem most appropriate since the results obtained vary!

This ass is Dr JIM from TEXAS :)


  • 1-2D084.pdf
    368 KB · Views: 9
  • 2-2D085.pdf
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  • 3-2D086.pdf
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  • 4-2D087.pdf
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  • Spectronic_20_D.pdf
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Your argument is fundamentaly flawed about the test as let me repeat that in case you didnt got it.

As you notice from the map above Europe is NOT USA. This is clearly illustrated in the following map as well. Orange is the USA, Green is Euope. See? Not the SAME FUCKING COUNTRY (Europe is not a country technically) OR EVEN CONTINENT.

We do not have DEA numbers in Europe.

DEA numbers are ONLY FOR US labs. They do NOT exist in EUROPE.

. There is NO UNITED STATES PHARMACOEIA in EUROPE. There is Greek pharmacopeia, UK pharmacopeia, Czech pharmacopeia, Italian pharmacopeia etc. The document you uploaded is NOT APPLICABLE IN EUROPE as there are different laws and regulations here (which change SIGNIFICANTLY country by country). In some AAS are completely unregulated, while in other they are class I (same with heroin) drugs).

I do not even know what the CEILA (laboratory) analytical requirements are but I suspect that it is US ONLY.

Each country has its own regulating bodies here. For example, AAS are legal to own for personal use (I can shoot in front of a copper or in a middle of the street) and research here in the UK.

I cannot believe that your argument is that the lab in Europe has no US credentials, and you ad hominem the technitian as he answered to your quetions, and you provided nothing to advance the argument.

Jesus Christ man. This is beyone stupid slander. You provide 0 evidence in everything and trying to argue with your reputation here only. As I said before the labs illustrate a point in time. Gary, David or whatever the fuck his name is can scam us and fuck us with fake gear. We have to be smart and keep testing, and keep querying his quality. It is not rocket science.

Read my last post for evidence. Some people look at the sky and say it's blue, some say it's orange blue, while others contend it's polychromatic, yet when some look up they "SEE NO SKY".

Unfortunately XUPC you are the latter!
Thank you.

Clear bias and prejudice from Dr Jim on his onslaught against me, Gentech and our products. His manipulation to construe that I am David from some other lab called Gentech, when I am clearly not is just an attempt to silence this up and coming brand/website with 0 complaints, 100% successful deliveries and 100% happy customers. A distinct threat to whoever he is allegianced with....but no matter, I keep coming back to this forum and replying because it is one of the few UN-cencored forums where I am be open about being a source and products available.

Bla, bla, bla, OPEN MOUTH INSERT FOOT, KEEP IT UP, AND THAT FOOT MAY JUST EXIT YOUR ARSE! Damn that's gonna hurt, lol.