i have felt the same way before. i dont really think cbs and crew are making their own gear as i havent seen them post the knowledge or hint at it at all. i sometimes do think there is some motive. the amount of time they spend on here is quite crazy
Who knows? Time will tell, am going to go to bed. Have a good night let these fools ramble :)
And don't forget how he tried to extort money from Steroidsfax. Stretch exposed Sworder's scam. And he's tried to do it with other UGLs. This piece of shit is only here for free gear. He'll never get another foothold on Meso as long as I'm here.
I remember that. A trip down the yellow brick road.
@Dr JIM I have read through 25 pages of this bullshit, do you have actual evidence (Other than both beginning with G) that GetM is Gentech??

If your primary objective here is to protect Meso members then you NEED TO post any evidence you have that Gentech is GetM to prevent the members that have already stated they are going to buy from this source from doing so.

You keep saying you're protecting members yet YOU are putting them at risk if you are sitting on evidence that says this UGL is a scammer and not posting it. We're talking members' health here as well as finances.

Post the evidence, if you can't do that then it's nothing but hot air IMO. If you had evidence and had members' best interests at heart, you would post it. Simple.

Now I will sit back and await the attacks for daring to speak out against certain members, no doubt I will be a shill and working in association with Gentech. :rolleyes:
Thank you........! Finally people are realizing what inbreds they are....!

If you read all 25 pages, you would know why he hasn't posted proof. Jim doesn't owe you anything. He said Gentech is GETM and Meso members can either accept it or not.

It wouldn't matter what evidence he posts. People are going to do what they want. If you want to order from Gentech, go ahead.

So this whole thread is fucking pointless then? If it doesn't matter to anyone if this UGL is a scammer or not why the fuck have you, Dr JIM et al put so much time and effort into it??

I'm not saying Jim owes ME anything, he's the one that says he's doing this in the best interests of Meso members yet is doing NOTHING to back up his one claim that these labs are connected.

"He owes you nothing" is a lame as fuck response btw.
Couldn't have put it better myself brother.

This is what they dedicate their time to. I haven't accused anybody of alternative motives but WHY does CBS, JBZ, Brutus spend so much time smashing down all these sources? Keep in mind too there is no "information" available to prove what they are claiming..

Still not accusing anybody, but why is Dr Jim the only one "in charge" of the HPLC/MS area? Why does all HPLC/MS besides the one he posts seem to be the "legit" ones? Does he seem to be affiliated with CBS, JBZ and Brutus? Not accusing, just asking questions that come to my mind.
Precisely...who made him judge and jurey? Clear evidence on this thread that a junior (DR JIM) is arguing with a PROFESSOR .. and trying to scare the majority with his complex terminology with abso-fuckin-lutely no real substance behind him except the BASICS. I refuse to suck such people's dick (would be the first time for him and would have to spend 30-60 minutes dusting that thing off the amount his legs are behind a computer and under a desk posting his hate posts). I tried to be reasonable, polite, curteous on my first posts on first few pages towards Dr Jim as I am introducing myself here...but now its plain for all to see he has alterier motives than to really look after the brothers on here.

@Sworder youre making great points and im really glad this conversation is happening. For too fucking long has cbs, Jim and to some extend Brutus, Johnny and a few others try to harass members to fit what they want. About time all their bullshit is exposed.
Thank you........! Finally people are realizing what inbreds they are....!


Couldn't have put it better myself brother.

Precisely...who made him judge and jurey? Clear evidence on this thread that a junior (DR JIM) is arguing with a PROFESSOR .. and trying to scare the majority with his complex terminology with abso-fuckin-lutely no real substance behind him except the BASICS. I refuse to suck such people's dick (would be the first time for him and would have to spend 30-60 minutes dusting that thing off the amount his legs are behind a computer and under a desk posting his hate posts). I tried to be reasonable, polite, curteous on my first posts on first few pages towards Dr Jim as I am introducing myself here...but now its plain for all to see he has alterier motives than to really look after the brothers on here.


Take a look around, David. It's over. You're thread is a pathetic joke. It's become a public toilet. Guys are just stopping in to take a piss on the floor and then they leave. And it's not going to get better. Whatever chance you had to source here is long gone. The only supporters you have are your rep and a couple of trolls. An ugl can't survive on that. It's time to admit that you failed and leave Meso with whatever reputation you have left. Maybe you can still swindle those boys on the UK boards.
Take a look around, David. It's over. You're thread is a pathetic joke. It's become a public toilet. Guys are just stopping in to take a piss on the floor and then they leave. And it's not going to get better. Whatever chance you had to source here is long gone. The only supporters you have are your rep and a couple of trolls. An ugl can't survive on that. It's time to admit that you failed and leave Meso with whatever reputation you have left. Maybe you can still swindle those boys on the UK boards.
Is this dude blind...!? lmao
I have had plenty of business through Meso to date and everybody is happy. Your just a dickweed, distraught with anger that its doing well and whatever lab your cock is firmly wedged up in with both butt cheeks spread is experiencing a reduction in business due to some healthy competition.

Sit back, relax for 5 mins, go rub your sisters breasts some you inbred fuck, sip some water and then read the above quotes I quoted again.



GENTECH LABS [UK] ... sold exclusively on UKROIDS247
Well, the thread is thrashed because some people have spent a great deal of time starting flamewars and posting personal attacks and no evidence based attacks on integrity of people.

All this while ignoring any question pointed on them and ignoring points made, just to shitpost some more.

Why would anybody spend so much time doing something like that without an ulterior motive?

For the good of community? Why would the fine points made be left unnoticed and direct questions unanswered, then?

I am unwilling to particitape in helping with shitting up the thread any further and hope my post will make people here think and make up their own opinion.
Is this dude blind...!? lmao
I have had plenty of business through Meso to date and everybody is happy. Your just a dickweed, distraught with anger that its doing well and whatever lab your cock is firmly wedged up in with both butt cheeks spread is experiencing a reduction in business due to some healthy competition.

Sit back, relax for 5 mins, go rub your sisters breasts some you inbred fuck, sip some water and then read the above quotes I quoted again.



GENTECH LABS [UK] ... sold exclusively on UKROIDS247

The only business you have is from two reps that came from the UK. Save the bullshit, I've heard it all before. No one here is interested in an international source with a bad reputation.

Personally, I don't care if you leave or stay but if you stay, you can expect this thread to continue like this. This is what happens when the board has no respect for an ugl and there's nothing you can do to change that. The big boost in business you think is going to come once guys test your gear isn't going to happen. The only thing you're going to accomplish is damaging your reputation in the UK - those guys are reading this thread.
I am unwilling to particitape in helping with shitting up the thread any further and hope my post will make people here think and make up their own opinion.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Jane. Come back when you can't stay so long.
5 more pages of absolute nonsense and the below conveniently ignored.

Why dont we address this before we get to 50 pages of deflection?

Until then all i hear is opinion without substance.

@Dr JIM I have read through 25 pages of this bullshit, do you have actual evidence (Other than both beginning with G) that GetM is Gentech??

If your primary objective here is to protect Meso members then you NEED TO post any evidence you have that Gentech is GetM to prevent the members that have already stated they are going to buy from this source from doing so.

You keep saying you're protecting members yet YOU are putting them at risk if you are sitting on evidence that says this UGL is a scammer and not posting it. We're talking members' health here as well as finances.

Post the evidence, if you can't do that then it's nothing but hot air IMO. If you had evidence and had members' best interests at heart, you would post it. Simple.

Now I will sit back and await the attacks for daring to speak out against certain members, no doubt I will be a shill and working in association with Gentech. :rolleyes:

I'd like to believe this also, but this whole thing could be put to bed simply by posting the evidence and we can all move on.

Beginning to think certain members get wood from flaming round here without backing it up with anything substantial.

I will say this though, Gentech also NEED to post lab results. Whoever posts their shit first wins.

Thank you........! Finally people are realizing what inbreds they are....!


Couldn't have put it better myself brother.

Precisely...who made him judge and jurey? Clear evidence on this thread that a junior (DR JIM) is arguing with a PROFESSOR .. and trying to scare the majority with his complex terminology with abso-fuckin-lutely no real substance behind him except the BASICS. I refuse to suck such people's dick (would be the first time for him and would have to spend 30-60 minutes dusting that thing off the amount his legs are behind a computer and under a desk posting his hate posts). I tried to be reasonable, polite, curteous on my first posts on first few pages towards Dr Jim as I am introducing myself here...but now its plain for all to see he has alterier motives than to really look after the brothers on here.


Evidence, WTF should we/I wait until a lab screws Meso members to provide more evidence than Gentech has to prove their products are GTG.

It's GTs obligation to prove their AAS are worth a crap rather than mine to disprove it, something you have yet to get thru that brainless skull of yours, Clown

But if I recall correctly your familiar with screwing Meso members aren't you Hammer"!

Why hell yea what perfect bedfellows GT and HL,
buyer beware!

Incidentally I'm sure 23 measly pages has overloaded that pea sized brain of yours, but your free to depart any time. I only wish I could watch that door smack you in the ass upon your exit Hammer.
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Evidence, WTF should we/I wait until a lab screws Meso members to provide more evidence than Gentech has to prove their products are GTG.

It's GTs obligation to prove their AAS are worth a crap rather than mine to disprove it, something you have yet to get thru that brainless skull of yours, Clown

But if I recall correctly your familiar with screwing Meso members aren't you Hammer"!

Why hell yea what perfect bedfellows GT and HL,
buyer beware!

Jesus fucking christ. I think this really goes to show your state of mind right now. Seriously. What makes you come to that conclusion genius?

Rather than going on the offensive and attacking people why dont you post evidence of these two labs being connected. Id hazard a guess that you have zero and your only evidence is that they both begin with G so they must be the same. :rolleyes:

Ps - PM me and i will gladly provide evidence that im not this Hammer whoever the fuck that was.
Evidence, WTF should we/I wait until a lab screws Meso members to provide more evidence than Gentech has to prove their products are GTG.

It's GTs obligation to prove their AAS are worth a crap rather than mine to disprove it, something you have yet to get thru that brainless skull of yours, Clown

But if I recall correctly your familiar with screwing Meso members aren't you Hammer"!

Why hell yea what perfect bedfellows GT and HL,
buyer beware!

Incidentally I'm sure 23 measly pages has overloaded that pea sized brain of yours, but your free to depart any time. I only wish I could watch that door smack you in the ass upon your exit Hammer.

The ravings of either a lunatic or a dog with rabies....
I think it's appropriate to thank the tards for continuing to prove my point :)

Guess that's what happens when bogus HPLCs are in danger of being exposed, haha.
Holy damn, JB came in guns blazing....Sworder=owned hard. Meso is a great place to be as everyone comes together to ward off the shills trolls and scammers. Well done!
They are just 2 guys trying to play some game, honestly I don't know their intentions. Obviously there seems to be some alternative motive in which it would make sense, you can make money on the boards believe it or not, or they are just 2 guys that don't have much to do and their level of intelligence is reflective in their post. I really don't like attacking people or calling them something but at this point it is unavoidable.

It actually gives me great entertainment watching them post. Anybody with an IQ can see how silly they look and the more they post the more they seal their own fate of being labeled as (sorry for using the term) "idiots."

What they are doing now is attacking my persona trying to discredit any statement I make by previous actions. And in the grand scheme, they cannot dispute pure content or information so they resort to this. It's funny, watch them do their thing.
Everyone HAS an iq dipshit.
Well, the thread is thrashed because some people have spent a great deal of time starting flamewars and posting personal attacks and no evidence based attacks on integrity of people.

All this while ignoring any question pointed on them and ignoring points made, just to shitpost some more.

Why would anybody spend so much time doing something like that without an ulterior motive?

For the good of community? Why would the fine points made be left unnoticed and direct questions unanswered, then?

I am unwilling to particitape in helping with shitting up the thread any further and hope my post will make people here think and make up their own opinion.

Fuck off "professor". What kind of professor joins up a steroid forum, then argues and to top it off starts coming out with mum insults. You want proof that this whole thing is bullshit? well it's with this idiot. Funny how your english seems perfect now compared to your first couple of posts where you apologized about it not being your native tongue. What a clown
Fuck off "professor". What kind of professor joins up a steroid forum, then argues and to top it off starts coming out with mum insults. You want proof that this whole thing is bullshit? well it's with this idiot. Funny how your english seems perfect now compared to your first couple of posts where you apologized about it not being your native tongue. What a clown
I heart you. Welcome to meso.