Well that claim came from a source that won't be mentioned, so again take it or leave it I could care less.

Oh and if you read the post to HS request for "evidence" I clearly state that which I have posted is circumstantial or coincidental if you prefer. Matters not to me which you choose.

But do post any "evidence" you have to SUPPORT GT I'm dying to see it.
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Raws are real cheap, and most brewers brew up a batch at a time. I doubt UGL's are sending mods good stuff and the rest weak stuff.
Repeat customers have more value than a one time sale of weak/ bunk gear.
What i i mean is recrystallize a small batch like 100-200mls and distribute. Then give everyone else the shaft. These guys aren't looking long term.
If they fuck over 200 clients with leady order of $200 thats a nice chunk of change to close down relabel and start a ne UGL. A lil padding for those rainy days.
But if raws are dirt cheap, why not just dose it right and sell the hell out of that shit?
I must be lucky, all my src's are still in "bait" mode and have not transitioned into "switch"
Muta was a good one, hope that ol boy is chillin on probation.
I must be lucky, all my src's are still in "bait" mode and have not transitioned into "switch"
Muta was a good one, hope that ol boy is chillin on probation.
Now dont get me wrong i have 2 that are my goto. But, ive been with them for so long its just not smart for them to fuck me. There was another he sold me a bad batch. I gave him off/middle bloods and he said no way i was a bull shitter. 2.5 weeks wasn't enough to build up test levels.
I never responded back. Lost me as a customer
Of course I'm just messing w you but I've seen far to many good Meso mate get screwed by UGL and the best means of circumventing it's recurrence is for GT to lay the evidence down before us.

What to date they have sold ONE vial of AAS to one member yet are claiming crap such as; 100% deliveries, 100% satisfied customers, 100% no complaints, bla, bla bla.

Shit I've damn near BEGGED them to post supportive data and when their SINGLE buyer, to date did, there were serious issues about the validity of the analyses.

Now almost TWO weeks later, I have yet to receive a reply from "Jano the lab tech" to my questions about his failure to use and post a comparative standard, or to explain the difference between and utility of the THREE MS that were performed, among a few other observations.

You think it's a pure coincidence GETM was based in CR? Or how about the fact David used a CR University to perform the analytical tests?

This thread is peppered with far to many coincidences or circumstantial evidence to be ignored IMO.

Now add that to the pathetic history of UGL on Meso and you've got a classic prologue to a scamming lab and that's excluding "Jim's source" evidence.

For those reasons I rarely, if ever trust any UGL, but GT is even worse bc they are scammers in the making and as I've already said I'll put a grand in escrow if "GARY" is willing to put his money where his mouth is.

Oh and any "winnings" will be used exclusively to reimburse some of the money GT will have scammed upon their departure!

Of course we KNOW Gary won't do this bc he's so damn cheap or financially destitute he can't even afford to ADVERTISE, which is why he started his lab on Meso!

Finally let's not forget who folks should be asking for evidence, those SELLING A PRODUCT, and that damn sure is not Dr Jim
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But if raws are dirt cheap, why not just dose it right and sell the hell out of that shit?

Because they don't have access to good raws and they don't test, they don't care to. I know if I was a source I would figure out a way to test my raws. The thing is guys like me would never source, I don't need to risk my freedom to make money. Like double-leg said most of these guys are pieces of shit:

These people are born get overs.

Most UGL's are using shitty public powder sources that anyone can find in 10 minutes. They get good powder the first time or two then they get fucked by the Chinese. It's their fault the customers then get fucked though because they don't bother to test the powder!! The onus seems to be on the customer to test, how fucked up is that?!

I've had decent sources but NONE have ever been consistent. This game sucks.. After this cycle I'm going to just bite the bullet and pay out the ass from an anti aging clinic. I'm done trying to find the unicorn.
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Behave. :D

Time for Gary to step up and provide test results if he has any intention of salvaging members confidence. Im assuming this wont be too hard for a ugl?

However i cant help but feel anything posted will 100% be called out.
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Because they don't have access to good raws and they don't test, they don't care to. I know if I was a source I would figure out a way to test my raws. The thing is guys like me would never source, I don't need to risk my freedom to make money. Like double-leg said most of these guys are pieces of shit:

Most UGL's are using shitty public powder sources that anyone can find in 10 minutes. They get good powder the first time or two then they get fucked by the Chinese. It's their fault the customers then get fucked though because they don't bother to test the powder!! The onus seems to be on the customer to test, how fucked up is that?!

I've had decent sources but NONE have ever been consistent. This game sucks.. After this cycle I'm going to just bite the bullet and pay out the ass from an anti aging clinic. I'm done trying to find the unicorn.

as a counterpoint johnny, i bet there are a lot of members who can't afford pharma test, don't want to ship internationally from Greece, Turkey, Pakistan, etc, dont have the money to afford TRT clinics, dont have access to TRT clinics that will take $$$ for scripts, etc. I think there's a time and a place for UGL sources, there's obviously a demand because there's a supply. some people can only simply afford UGL, we can't place ourselves in their shoes and say "well i wouldnt buy from X because of reasons a,b,c and why dont you just get pharma", because we're not them. now, the existence of UGLs on meso is another topic
as a counterpoint johnny, i bet there are a lot of members who can't afford pharma test, don't want to ship internationally from Greece, Turkey, Pakistan, etc, dont have the money to afford TRT clinics, dont have access to TRT clinics that will take $$$ for scripts, etc. I think there's a time and a place for UGL sources, there's obviously a demand because there's a supply. some people can only simply afford UGL, we can't place ourselves in their shoes and say "well i wouldnt buy from X because of reasons a,b,c and why dont you just get pharma", because we're not them. now, the existence of UGLs on meso is another topic

I understand that completely. I was ranting a bit at the end but what about the rest of the post?
I understand that completely. I was ranting a bit at the end but what about the rest of the post?

from observations i would agree with what you said, personally i think drug dealers (that's what these UGLs are) are all shady. however, i do believe there are a couple seemly "genuine" UGLs that get fucked by their supplier and in turn fucks the buyers. i think that's part of the consistency problem. i think the other consistency problem is UGLs who start feeling the heat from LE and decide to jump ship with as much money as possible, scamming with a last hurrah. one thing i always look at in sources, is how much money are they putting into their operations? are they doing the bare minimum? or are they actually investing money into stuff like a flow hood, or better labels, or replacing huge batches? i think these sources generally can be "better" than those who try to get away with the bare bare min.

overall, i agree with what you said but sometimes i think meso UG throws a broad net that is "all UGLs are pieces of shit". the longer you've been here the more and more jaded after seeing source after source go sour, but then again we're much more likely to remember getting burned than getting OK gear. i think you would agree with me that education of new/current members is the best way to go but i think we have a different approach on how aggressive we should be with sources
from observations i would agree with what you said, personally i think drug dealers (that's what these UGLs are) are all shady. however, i do believe there are a couple seemly "genuine" UGLs that get fucked by their supplier and in turn fucks the buyers. i think that's part of the consistency problem. i think the other consistency problem is UGLs who start feeling the heat from LE and decide to jump ship with as much money as possible, scamming with a last hurrah. one thing i always look at in sources, is how much money are they putting into their operations? are they doing the bare minimum? or are they actually investing money into stuff like a flow hood, or better labels, or replacing huge batches? i think these sources generally can be "better" than those who try to get away with the bare bare min.

overall, i agree with what you said but sometimes i think meso UG throws a broad net that is "all UGLs are pieces of shit". the longer you've been here the more and more jaded after seeing source after source go sour, but then again we're much more likely to remember getting burned than getting OK gear. i think you would agree with me that education of new/current members is the best way to go but i think we have a different approach on how aggressive we should be with sources

I agree with most of this and certainly the last part.. :)

The reason Meso throws a broad net is these labs don't test!! How could they possibly know what they're selling? Why should they be trusted?
Well I'm fairly new here. I read for about 3-4 months then joined back in December. Then I read for another few months. After all that reading learning who just talks out their ass and who actually makes meaningful post I found 2 places I've ordered from. Neither of which have "sourced" here. But both have been reviewed here and nothing overly negative. One place had an incident with bad test but fixed it as they should. I guess my point for all the new guys is just take your time. Don't just jump on the first source that pops up. especially here. I get where Brutus dr Jim and all these guys are coming from. Have some of them beaten this into ground maybe and maybe not. Most of these guys are looking for the new guys. They may not be the nicest about it but wtf do you expect with all the aas running through everyone. If someone that has experience here says something's up hold off and wait for proof that nothing is up unless you feel the urge to be a test subject. That's all.


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