I barely sleep. Insomnia or sleep apnea or some shit. Lucky if I get 4-5hrs
Im in the same boat with the apnea... there was an article on elitefts .com about how Dave Tate says his guys hit the numbers they do thanks to getting a sleep study... if you have a neck over 17" or get up to piss during the night, toss and turn and piss off chicks because you sound like you are tossing a pigs salad you have apnea. I have great insurance and no fucking doctor to refer me. I hate doctors. I am rambling becaus because apnea kept me up last night.
Im in the same boat with the apnea... there was an article on elitefts .com about how Dave Tate says his guys hit the numbers they do thanks to getting a sleep study... if you have a neck over 17" or get up to piss during the night, toss and turn and piss off chicks because you sound like you are tossing a pigs salad you have apnea. I have great insurance and no fucking doctor to refer me. I hate doctors. I am rambling becaus because apnea kept me up last night.

17" neck not quite but pretty close
Piss during the nigh usually
Toss and turn all the damn time
Piss off chicks bc I sound like I'm tossing a pig's salad check

I'm fucked aren't I Brutus? :(
We are living the same nightmare. If you dont have insurance you can buy the machines on Craig's list off a recently deceased person's family for a couple hundred... google how to work that shit. Im doing that soon if my ppo plan doesn't get me right into a sleep study like it should.
We are living the same nightmare. If you dont have insurance you can buy the machines on Craig's list off a recently deceased person's family for a couple hundred... google how to work that shit. Im doing that soon if my ppo plan doesn't get me right into a sleep study like it should.

Last time I saw my doctor we had an ummmm disagreement lol. I don't think she likes me anymore
My ex doctor had a disagreement with me and then refused to continue to treat me, forced me to switch. :(

Mine thought I just wanted sleeping pills. We argued and I finally said if I was here for sleeping pills I'd be giving you the dick to get them not argue a made up story lol. She was hot but took offense I guess.
The ravings of either a lunatic or a dog with rabies....

Perhaps but UGL need make a legitimate effort to show what they intend to sell on Meso is worth shit and/or has even been tested.

Fact is few, if any, even ask or obtain any evidence from their sources and expect users to be their testing piglet.

I'm sick of this shit, people asking golly Jim what evidence do you have,,,,,, well crap how about 4 years of witnessing EVERY newly introduced UGL scam Meso members.

But "GenTech" will be different, BULLSHIT, and how many times have we heard that line of garbage!

What more evidence do you need "Hammer".

You didn't know, no shit you didn't know like everyone else that asks that stupid question, especially if you read all 23 pages of the "coincidental evidence" I've posted!

Tell me Hammer where will you be when GenTech scam's Meso members, and THEY WILL, way the F away from this thread that's for sure!
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So EVERY new UGL is a scammer? That's your evidence? Well that's a slight backtrack from what you said earlier.

Now be honest, do you have an affiliation with a particular UGL on here? You are knowledgable enough on the chemistry side to have a UGL of your own. Is that what all this is about?

I started reading this thread as a neautral and a newbie with an open mind and without any knowledge of what's gone on here previously or who you are or what you do and my opinion now having read this thread is that you likely have motives other than protecting meso members. Your attitude in this thread speaks volumes and is classic behaviour of someone in business attempting to discredit a new competitor.

Like i say all this can be ended quite easily by either party providing evidence/lab test. As someone looking to discredit a competitor the only person that benefits from this thread continuing in this way is you. Which is quite clearly why you are intent on dragging it out as much as possible whilst still failing to provide solid evidence.

Btw i'm not saying this UGL is legit, but if you have evidence that it's not then it is in everybodys best interests that you post it.
Read my post. I said EVERY NEWELY INTRODUCED UGL on Meso (and I challenge you to find an exception) but if you want to buy from GENTECH based on nothing BUT promises go for it, otherwise your opinion doesn't mean jack shit Mr 48 post know it all noob!
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I've posted the "evidence" throughout this entire thread take it or leave it, But do tell where will you be when GENTECH scams Meso members! And once again it's the UGL responsibility to prove they are GTG not mine to somehow DISPROVE it!

You disagree so what, then post an opposing view BUT I wouldn't stick around to long after the scamming reports begin to roll in, and THEY WILL!
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Read my post. I said EVERY NEWELY INTRODUCED UGL on Meso (and I challenge you to find an exception) but if you want to buy from GENTECH based on nothing BUT promises go for it, otherwise your opinion doesn't mean jack shit Mr 48 post know it all noob!

So in actual fact you have absolutely no regard for other meso members then?

Congrats, we've now established that the whole basis of your argument is invalid now that you actively encourage members to buy from a suspected bogus UGL rather than providing evidence to prevent it. Now we just need to discover your real motives.

All in good time i guess.
You had to put the word evidence in quotes bc even a blind man would see that's not evidence.

I'll be here still when and if a UGL scams members but that's also the reason why I don't recommend any labs. That is on each and every member to do themselves.

You made a claim that this lab was the same as an older one and is going to scam. That claim needs to be backed up bc until it is, it's simply a like of shit smelling like God knows what.
Nandro- not a scammer
Finafan, not a scammer
European Pharma, not a scammer
One Pharma, not a scammer
Nophat, not a scammer
Hi Johnny, I am wanting to give our free samples to highly respected people for them to verify quality and send bloods/test compouds etc - how am I intending to scam members out of their cash?

Every lab begins somewhere and we are already locally extremely successful and as a group want to move online.

Have a look, have a read in detail our website which goes more than just post pictures and prices up - we go that extra mile and for anyone wanting discounts just email the website directly and mention my name.
This board protects the members. Notably people who are dying to get their hands on some gear. Kinda like a big brother. You will give the mod over dosed gear and sell the bunk shit to the masses .
The M.O. for most UGL'S OUT THERE!

