I agree with most of this and certainly the last part.. :)

The reason Meso throws a broad net is these labs don't test!! How could they possibly know what they're selling? Why should they be trusted?

they shouldnt be trusted, not saying that at all. only source id trust is if theyd let me order from a CC, and then i can chargeback their asses. moneygram, western union, moneypak, vanilla releod is all just throwing money into the void and hoping something good is thrown back.

there are some sources that do testing and some that dont. hammer comes to mind of those who dont, "everyone who uses it says it's fire" is not testing at all. ive seen some sources that do a little bit of testing, labmaxes and such. nothing impressive but it's something. it shows that they at least put a bit of time and effort into testing. that's absolutely better than nothing. whether it's real or not, who knows but it does take more time for them to do than say "our shit is fire".
Well I'm fairly new here. I read for about 3-4 months then joined back in December. Then I read for another few months. After all that reading learning who just talks out their ass and who actually makes meaningful post I found 2 places I've ordered from. Neither of which have "sourced" here. But both have been reviewed here and nothing overly negative. One place had an incident with bad test but fixed it as they should. I guess my point for all the new guys is just take your time. Don't just jump on the first source that pops up. especially here. I get where Brutus dr Jim and all these guys are coming from. Have some of them beaten this into ground maybe and maybe not. Most of these guys are looking for the new guys. They may not be the nicest about it but wtf do you expect with all the aas running through everyone. If someone that has experience here says something's up hold off and wait for proof that nothing is up unless you feel the urge to be a test subject. That's all.

you're doing it the right way. i know brutus, johnny, and jim have their own way of communicating and it can sometimes come off as harsh but it does feel like sometimes their voices drown out the rest. when you have these new guys seeing these WKM saying "fuck a,b,c UGLs!" these new guys are going to feel inclined to do the same, and why wouldn't they? they want the acceptance and more importantly the guidance and knowledge. so they just aboard that ship and are afraid to voice their trust concerns and opinions. that being said, i can understand the frustration that johnny and other WKM/AM feel. i feel the same way sometimes, sometimes people are just so fucking stupid, impatient, and impotent. you can only tell and say the same shit over and over before you start getting really fed up with it. sometimes members ask questions that make you say "wtf, you should've known this BEFORE you bought your gear/injected". i guesss i just have more patience or haven't dealt with dumbasses long enough. or maybe im on less tren than johnny and brutus o_O
They may not be the nicest about it but wtf do you expect with all the aas running through everyone. If someone that has experience here says something's up hold off and wait for proof that nothing is up unless you feel the urge to be a test subject. That's all.

It's not because of AAS running through everyone, it because we've seen the same thing so many times it's frustrating as hell when noobs refuse to listen. The other reason is because Meso is an uncensored forum, taking the nice approach with sources doesn't work - they'll just ignore you and go about their business. The only thing that's proven effective is to go at them hard. Anything less and they'll take over the forum.
Because they don't have access to good raws and they don't test, they don't care to. I know if I was a source I would figure out a way to test my raws. The thing is guys like me would never source, I don't need to risk my freedom to make money. Like double-leg said most of these guys are pieces of shit:

Most UGL's are using shitty public powder sources that anyone can find in 10 minutes. They get good powder the first time or two then they get fucked by the Chinese. It's their fault the customers then get fucked though because they don't bother to test the powder!! The onus seems to be on the customer to test, how fucked up is that?!

I've had decent sources but NONE have ever been consistent. This game sucks.. After this cycle I'm going to just bite the bullet and pay out the ass from an anti aging clinic. I'm done trying to find the unicorn.
Me too bro. I have a friend who has a doc that has sus, decca,test,hgh. Hcg And always has him run a ai.
So im probably going that route. Only thing I might ever order is the occasional tren which I thinking of just making my self if I can find pellets. Anavar and winny. FUCK this shit.
It's not because of AAS running through everyone, it because we've seen the same thing so many times it's frustrating as hell when noobs refuse to listen. The other reason is because Meso is an uncensored forum, taking the nice approach with sources doesn't work - they'll just ignore you and go about their business. The only thing that's proven effective is to go at them hard. Anything less and they'll take over the forum.

I'm not saying what is being done is wrong by any means. Whatever your approach is by all means take it. That wasn't really anything towards anyone here calling out gentech it was more towards new people researching all this shit.
Me too bro. I have a friend who has a doc that has sus, decca,test,hgh. Hcg And always has him run a ai.
So im probably going that route. Only thing I might ever order is the occasional tren which I thinking of just making my self if I can find pellets. Anavar and winny. FUCK this shit.

Mmm pellet based tren..
I also think in some cases it is the supplier of raws doing the fucking over too. And some UGLs just are prepared enough to compensate for it.

Well of course the raw sources are in part to blame, but that's why testing is mandatory at least until some form of trusting (if that is possible) UGL - Raw relationship is established.

But then ask yourself WTF do so few UGLs ask about testing, bc they DONT WANT TO KNOW!

Most have already committed a few grand in AAS purchases and after the fact testing that FAILS quality standards is not what they want to hear at that juncture, for sure.

So shit rolls down hill with unsuspecting, inexperienced, naive and gullible noobs getting scammed and I'm told that's just how it is!

Indeed some, bc of their impatience, immaturity and bravado, have a destiny with scammers.

However for those whom are trying to narrow the odds, we Meso "vets" have an obligation (as I see it) to assist those exercising due diligence AND as a result post our informed OPINIONS, based on the best information available.

And while I'll admit "the best information" is often far from optimal, it SHOULD be a hell of a lot better than that which they would have acquired absent our assistance.
Well of course the raw sources are in part to blame, but that's why testing is mandatory at least until some form of trusting (if that is possible) UGL - Raw relationship is established.

But then ask yourself WTF do so few UGLs ask about testing, bc they DONT WANT TO KNOW!

Most have already committed a few grand in AAS purchases and after the fact testing that FAILS quality standards is not what they want to hear at that juncture, for sure.

So shit rolls down hill with unsuspecting, inexperienced, naive and gullible noobs getting scammed and I'm told that's just how it is!

Indeed some, bc of their impatience, immaturity and bravado, have a destiny with scammers.

However for those whom are trying to narrow the odds, we Meso "vets" have an obligation (as I see it) to assist those exercising due diligence AND as a result post our informed OPINIONS, based on the best information available.

And while I'll admit "the best information" is often far from optimal, it SHOULD be a hell of a lot better than that which they would have acquired absent our assistance.

I agree on all aspects of your comment. Shit always rolls down hill and in a world of illegal back door deals. Packing up shop after scamming or bunk gear and rebranding is easy to do. Especially with the influx of new people trying to score gear to get "bro" and hot bitches.
I am all about blood and lab tests as in every cycle I have run, i have had pre, mid and post bloods along with logs of food consumption, gear intake times and gym logs. In order to know for my own personal well being that my old source before Army days was a good source.
You could always go the vet route. I have been vetting powder sources for a while now and I have come to the same conclusion: INCONSISTANT. No wonder all these UGL's are putting out crap. The fucking Chinese contacts or proxes or whatever you want to call them, are shady. I'm sticking to straight cow and horse roids from here on out boys! YEEHAW
So EVERY new UGL is a scammer? That's your evidence? Well that's a slight backtrack from what you said earlier.

Now be honest, do you have an affiliation with a particular UGL on here? You are knowledgable enough on the chemistry side to have a UGL of your own. Is that what all this is about?

I started reading this thread as a neautral and a newbie with an open mind and without any knowledge of what's gone on here previously or who you are or what you do and my opinion now having read this thread is that you likely have motives other than protecting meso members. Your attitude in this thread speaks volumes and is classic behaviour of someone in business attempting to discredit a new competitor.

Like i say all this can be ended quite easily by either party providing evidence/lab test. As someone looking to discredit a competitor the only person that benefits from this thread continuing in this way is you. Which is quite clearly why you are intent on dragging it out as much as possible whilst still failing to provide solid evidence.

Btw i'm not saying this UGL is legit, but if you have evidence that it's not then it is in everybodys best interests that you post it.
Hammer time has hammered the nail on the head...... lol, exactly. And thank you for your unbias, neutral look on this. I tried to work with Dr Jim and be as nice as I could but he can go fuck himself with his 0 evidence.

If they fuck over 200 clients with leady order of $200 thats a nice chunk of change to close down relabel and start a ne UGL. A lil padding for those rainy days.
If done right, and sold at correct market prices, of that 200 dollars could be 150 dollars profit.... Be a scum bag and bag that money once and dissapear - or run a good business and have repeat long term customers...? Gentech is not a hotmail email price list spamming seller...we have a solid website which cannot be taken down (registered outside of juristiction of USA/European authority..) and alot has been invested which can be seen on the website...our equipment, etc.

But if raws are dirt cheap, why not just dose it right and sell the hell out of that shit?
Exactly....but people like Dr Jim who run/own/have very serious affiliations with other UGLs and profiteer from them are highly sensitive to new and excellent dose competition such as us......

33 pages and we're here...really? If I want to watch a soap opera I'll put the TV on. Not a single piece of evidence that our gear is BUNK, no one HASNT recieved their order nor is anyone unhappy with their gear they have recieved. And this is fact.
I have a "very serious affiliation with other UGLs", your desperation is telling, LMAO!

No the fact is your a new UGL without any history and should be more than willing to support the PRODUCTS YOUR SELLING in an effort to refute my claims, but instead you continue the same song and dance Dr Jim has "no evidence".

Well get this straight cry baby, I'M NOT REQUIRED TO do your work for you!
I have a "very serious affiliation with other UGLs", your desperation is telling, LMAO!

No the fact is your a new UGL without any history and should be more than willing to support the PRODUCTS YOUR SELLING in an effort to refute my claims, but instead you continue the same song and dance Dr Jim has "no evidence".

Well get this straight cry baby, I'M NOT REQUIRED TO do your work for you!

But you HAVE NOT provided a SHRED of EVIDENCE. Even SENIOR members called you out on this and you didn't replied.
Exactly....but people like Dr Jim who run/own/have very serious affiliations with other UGLs and profiteer from them are highly sensitive to new and excellent dose competition such as us......

I really hope you are prepared to back that statement up with some "evidence " of your own. You are dangerously close to bringing some serious hell down on your on head. Better check your ego before it gets the best of you, mate. If you want to prove to us that you have the "dog's" gear, we will need more than anecdotal comments by unknown entities.
but people like Dr Jim who run/own/have very serious affiliations with other UGLs and profiteer from them are highly sensitive to new and excellent dose competition such as us

IMO, Dr Jim and CBS hate all UGL's equally. Calling all sources scams is just how they contribute to Meso.
If you consider that a ugl does not do laboratory testing on every batch of raws that comes through their doors, and will eventually sell some underdosed or mis-labeled gear.
Then, yes, they will scam you.
But that is all of them. IF you buy black market steroids you will eventually by some underdosed, overdosed, or mislabeled gear.
But you HAVE NOT provided a SHRED of EVIDENCE. Even SENIOR members called you out on this and you didn't replied.

All the CAPS and bold casing in the world doesn't change the fact that Dr. Jim is not the one selling anything. And so the burden of proof/evidence rests with the seller. Not the critic.

Imagine if people were as adamant in demanding "EVIDENCE!!" from all these shit UGLs as they were demanding evidence from Jim (WHAT evidence??)
Hammer time has hammered the nail on the head...... lol, exactly. And thank you for your unbias, neutral look on this. I tried to work with Dr Jim and be as nice as I could but he can go fuck himself with his 0 evidence.

If done right, and sold at correct market prices, of that 200 dollars could be 150 dollars profit.... Be a scum bag and bag that money once and dissapear - or run a good business and have repeat long term customers...? Gentech is not a hotmail email price list spamming seller...we have a solid website which cannot be taken down (registered outside of juristiction of USA/European authority..) and alot has been invested which can be seen on the website...our equipment, etc.

Exactly....but people like Dr Jim who run/own/have very serious affiliations with other UGLs and profiteer from them are highly sensitive to new and excellent dose competition such as us......

33 pages and we're here...really? If I want to watch a soap opera I'll put the TV on. Not a single piece of evidence that our gear is BUNK, no one HASNT recieved their order nor is anyone unhappy with their gear they have recieved. And this is fact.
Exactly what I was thinking, 33 pages and you're still here? why don't you cough up some funds since apparently you're doing so well and join a proper source board and prove how good you are to the world? or are you scared you'll get found out VERY VERY quickly? all this boasting and "promoting" on forums is just making you look like a tight ass quite frankly.
But you HAVE NOT provided a SHRED of EVIDENCE. Even SENIOR members called you out on this and you didn't replied.

You're getting really close to the fire on this UGL bro. You seem to be sticking up for David/Getem a lot. I get that at one point you were trying to defend your lab testing of the gear and I have (for the most part) stayed out of that debate, because I have no dog in that fight and also I know very little about medical science.

But all UGL's eventually go down, it's just a matter of time. And if you don't back away from the fire you're rep around meso will go down with it! I'm just trying to help you out here; you seem like a decent cat so I will leave it at this. Defend your testing and yourself. But don't stick up for this lab and if I were you I would avoid even posting in this thread.

My .02 cents.

I agree that all UGLs go sour
However Dr Jim has gone nuclear on my ass without any good reason.

I am out of all GT threads.

I really want to see what he will say once I release the results for Am Tech tren e.