What does "Islamophobia" have anything to do with this unproven UGL? A "phobia" is an irrational or exaggerated fear. The economic, military, political and ideological power of such totalitarian political ideology currently infecting Europe in particular, served as religion, makes it quite obvious that to fear it is PRUDENT.

I've noticed a pattern here on Meso for the 2 yrs I've been here. And that is, I do not recall one single instance of the "critics" (CBS, Jim, JB, etc...) here being proven wrong by history. It's the same thing over and over. Pages up and down, NO proof from the lab, the lab disappears, and history shows they were bullshit all along.

Caveat emptor.

Hey, whatever happened to WESTERN BIOTECH. Or Racoon Labs, I see a future for those guys!
Some do yes, but not all that I have seen. I just find it convenient that only one side is required to show proof of their claims.

I've been VERY SPECIFIC (as was MANDS) about which labs must prove they are GTG bc ALL have scammed Meso members DD (unless they arrived prior to four years ago) and I challenge you to prove me wrong, but then again I've been roamimg the halls of Meso for 4 years and you, what 4 months, yet can enlighten the masses already, lol.

Why am I not surprised, it's analogous to you never admitting you're WRONG!
@CensoredBoardsSuck @Docd187123 it's amazing how much mutual respect you had for each other's knowledgebase, intelligence and contributions prior to your public falling out in the Muslim/Israeli threads (which you've proven yourselves completely incapable of discussing without a barage of name-calling). But please spare the members the bullshit of your continued name-calling and rehashing of the topic in every other thread. Thank you.
What does "Islamophobia" have anything to do with this unproven UGL? A "phobia" is an irrational or exaggerated fear. The economic, military, political and ideological power of such totalitarian political ideology currently infecting Europe in particular, served as religion, makes it quite obvious that to fear it is PRUDENT.

Spot on. I find it ironic that a so called religion which calls for the death penalty for homosexuality would borrow from the term 'homophobia' in order to silence critics. Then again, considering that Islam is a culture in which women are hated and seen as unclean, maybe it's not so much of a surprise.
@CensoredBoardsSuck @Docd187123 it's amazing how much mutual respect you had for each other's knowledgebase, intelligence and contributions prior to your public falling out in the Muslim/Israeli threads (which you've proven yourselves completely incapable of discussing without a barage of name-calling). But please spare the members the bullshit of your continued name-calling and rehashing of the topic in every other thread. Thank you.

Sorry Millard but Nazi Jew hatred, and those who try to minimize Nazi atrocities is not something I can ignore. If that's going to be a problem please let me know.
Sorry Millard but Nazi Jew hatred, and those who try to minimize Nazi atrocities is not something I can ignore. If that's going to be a problem please let me know.
Nice attempt at reframing the issue. :rolleyes: But I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. In case I wasn't clear, it's the childish personal attacks, insults and name-calling that I'm calling out.
Millard Baker post: 1264806 said:
Nice attempt at reframing the issue. :rolleyes: But I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. In case I wasn't clear, it's the childish personal attacks, insults and name-calling that I'm calling out.
Still waiting for that pic in the shredded members thread:confused:
Still waiting for that pic in the shredded members thread:confused:
Hopefully, I'll post some new ones in a few weeks. I went all Levrone in the off-season. There's nothing wrong with that. As long as I can do a Levrone-type recomposition. We'll see.
Spot on. I find it ironic that a so called religion which calls for the death penalty for homosexuality would borrow from the term 'homophobia' in order to silence critics. Then again, considering that Islam is a culture in which women are hated and seen as unclean, maybe it's not so much of a surprise.
Christians hate women.
Catholics hate women.
Muslims hate women.

We all seem to procreate so what's the point?

Edit: CBS if you want to dispute we are gonna have to define our terms. "Hate" what does that mean? Suppress? Treat differently than men in a negative way? ;)
1) It seems ironic your being critical of mates for not "having evidence" but haven't said ANYTHING about GENTECH not providing any "proof", of the crap they spew. Why is GENTECH excluded and seemingly above reproach. Must we await reports of scamming, which I'm sure will also require "evidence". What utter nonsense!

The SELLER has the burden of proof on THIS FORUM DeeDee not the buyer, the latter having VERY limited recourse should something rum amuck and it ALWAYS HAS when NEW UGLs are involved ON Meso

2) Imagine any retailer selling a product sight unseen, untested, unverified and wo any warranty, guarantee or the possibility of a refund! Yea now that's a legit comparison DD not some CJS analogy. More utter nonsense!

3) So what you selling, lol!

I never said the labs didn't have to provide anything but there are enough people singing that song and drowned out in the noise is the OTHER side backing up their claims. You keep saying things without a shred of evidence which is the exact same thing you criticize others for. Hypocrisy at it's finest on display here

This forum was supposed to be about using science based evidence to prove or disprove things. All I've seen from you as of late is nothing more than chicken little running on about the sky falling.
@CensoredBoardsSuck @Docd187123 it's amazing how much mutual respect you had for each other's knowledgebase, intelligence and contributions prior to your public falling out in the Muslim/Israeli threads (which you've proven yourselves completely incapable of discussing without a barage of name-calling). But please spare the members the bullshit of your continued name-calling and rehashing of the topic in every other thread. Thank you.

Will do Millard.
Some do yes, but not all that I have seen. I just find it convenient that only one side is required to show proof of their claims.

Well the fact is that in shady business, if someone calls you out. Why not show evidence to clear your name. Not just point back at them and say show it. If I am accused of something I prove my merit. Not have my reps and shills come barking about conspiracy this or conspiracy that.
Well the fact is that in shady business, if someone calls you out. Why not show evidence to clear your name. Not just point back at them and say show it. If I am accused of something I prove my merit. Not have my reps and shills come barking about conspiracy this or conspiracy that.

This is my point. Jim began calling certain ppl shills and reps without any proof and now everybody else has hopped on the gravy train to suit. This board was supposed to be science based was it not? Science and logic to hand in hand. Millard pointed out in another bread the burden of proof is on the one making the claim not the one on the receiving end of it.
If Doc Jim, JB, CBS, had ANY affiliation with a UGL, Then anybody with a brain on this board would be using it. They have far too much time and energy vested into this site to put out shitty gear if they did so we would all flock to it. I'm not on here often but I have not seen that happening. Hell, Doc Jim and I don't even like each other but I do highly respect his opinion and all he has done for the board. In fact, I have'nt seen any of these three ever do anything but help and share knowledge.
Nice attempt at reframing the issue. :rolleyes: But I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. In case I wasn't clear, it's the childish personal attacks, insults and name-calling that I'm calling out.

Call it out all you want. In case I wasn't clear, I WILL NOT censor my speech on any topic. Either this is an uncensored forum or it isn't. Either way, I don't appreciate being scolded like a child by the nannies.
This is my point. Jim began calling certain ppl shills and reps without any proof and now everybody else has hopped on the gravy train to suit. This board was supposed to be science based was it not? Science and logic to hand in hand. Millard pointed out in another bread the burden of proof is on the one making the claim not the one on the receiving end of it.
But when you look at someone if they have no reason to, putting their integrity on the line, just for gear that they personally test to be fine. Does that not show some red flag to you. Why do that? Unless you are a shill/rep. I dont care how good some labs gear is. Ill post my logs and bloodwork. That is all. I wont come in and defend anyone unless I have a personal agenda. But maybe that is just me.
Call it out all you want. In case I wasn't clear, I WILL NOT censor my speech on any topic. Either this is an uncensored forum or it isn't. Either way, I don't appreciate being scolded like a child by the nannies.
Jesus CBS I think you need to take a timeout and actually step back and see what a few of you have turned this into with the name calling and bullshit.

These arguments can be made intelligently. Not like kids slinging mud in the back yard.
