What does "Islamophobia" have anything to do with this unproven UGL? A "phobia" is an irrational or exaggerated fear. The economic, military, political and ideological power of such totalitarian political ideology currently infecting Europe in particular, served as religion, makes it quite obvious that to fear it is PRUDENT.

I've noticed a pattern here on Meso for the 2 yrs I've been here. And that is, I do not recall one single instance of the "critics" (CBS, Jim, JB, etc...) here being proven wrong by history. It's the same thing over and over. Pages up and down, NO proof from the lab, the lab disappears, and history shows they were bullshit all along.

Caveat emptor.

Hey, whatever happened to WESTERN BIOTECH. Or Racoon Labs, I see a future for those guys!
Oh western biotech is still around and selling HG

As much as you claim this isn't a source board it really is until all of the sources are gone.
Actually you are misinterpreting what a "source board" is Docd!

A source board takes donations/gear from sources and intern has mods/VETS pushing their gear and protecting those sources by deleting bad reviews or banning members who make waves.

A little more to it but MESO is know were near that and never will be.

Call it out all you want. In case I wasn't clear, I WILL NOT censor my speech on any topic. Either this is an uncensored forum or it isn't. Either way, I don't appreciate being scolded like a child by the nannies.
I never thought it was a particular controversial position to discourage personal attacks, insults and name-calling in order to facilitate more productive discussion.

But if you want to use the free speech defense to justify this type of behavior, I won't argue that.

It's not a free speech vs. censorship debate for me.

It's a productive discussion vs. unproductive debate.
I never thought it was a particular controversial position to discourage personal attacks, insults and name-calling in order to facilitate more product discussion.

After 4500 posts you would (or should) know that I don't use personal attacks, insults and name-calling very often. When I do, it's usually directed towards achieving a specific goal such as knocking a source or rep off their game. But sometimes it's just about blowing off steam. Exposing the duplicitous behavior of anonymous sources is stressful, time consuming and exhausting. Without an outlet, no one can do the job.

Whatever is going on between @Docd187123 and me would have worked itself out in due time without interference from a nanny. Trying to use a heavy hand to force civility on two warring parties will only result in resentment.

Regardless, I'm tired of trying to protect members from scammers in the underground forum. Some appreciate the effort, but many do not. I'm tired of doing almost all of the investigative work in this forum myself, and then getting shit for it because people don't like my approach. I'm tired of trying to help shape the way Meso members view the underground when most will never get it. And finally, I'm tired of arguing with certain members who are here only to argue. I no longer have the energy, patience or desire to construct an argument for these people when I know it will be an exercise in futility.

With that said, my involvement with the underground forum is now over. It's time for others to step up.


I never said the labs didn't have to provide anything but there are enough people singing that song and drowned out in the noise is the OTHER side backing up their claims. You keep saying things without a shred of evidence which is the exact same thing you criticize others for. Hypocrisy at it's finest on display here

This forum was supposed to be about using science based evidence to prove or disprove things. All I've seen from you as of late is nothing more than chicken little running on about the sky falling.

Yea but you have yet to ask GENTECH to post up like you have of Meso members.

Yet they spew unsupported nonsense such as and I quote: "100% NO COMPLAINTS, 100% DELIVERIES, AND 100% SATISFIED CUSTOMERS", didn't you said something about hypocrisy, LMAO!

Do you always live by such double standards, or have you discovered a desperate need to contest some other issue with myself, CBS, and any other Meso member to advance your credibility on this forum.

Heck what's next DD, the lunar astronauts had such a "soft touchdown" because the landed on cheese.
But when you look at someone if they have no reason to, putting their integrity on the line, just for gear that they personally test to be fine. Does that not show some red flag to you. Why do that? Unless you are a shill/rep. I dont care how good some labs gear is. Ill post my logs and bloodwork. That is all. I wont come in and defend anyone unless I have a personal agenda. But maybe that is just me.

Of course it puts up red flags but that's not really concrete enough for everybody to jump on the bandwagon and make it true. It certainly warrants investigation and if it pans out to be true by all means go ahead. I've called out shills before when it was proven. I've been banned from boards for calling out bad labs and lies from reps but I had solid evidence I was working with.

You're doing more than most if you do bloods and post them up. Giving that info is great and if you add in what the cycle was and how much, where you pinned and how king after your last pin the bloods were taken that gives solid info for people to make the best decision for themselves.
Yea but you have yet to ask GENTECH to post up like you have of Meso members.

Yet they spew unsupported nonsense such as and I quote: "100% NO COMPLAINTS, 100% DELIVERIES, AND 100% SATISFIED CUSTOMERS", didn't you said something about hypocrisy, LMAO!

Do you always live by such double standards, or have you discovered a desperate need to contest some other issue with myself, CBS, and any other Meso member to advance your credibility on this forum.

Heck what's next DD, the lunar astronauts had such a "soft touchdown" because the landed on cheese.

Why must I repeat myself? Everybody has already jumped on the bash the lab bandwagon. One more voice isn't going to make a difference. Nobody though is asking for proof from the opposing view. I'd love to see it from both sides so post up what you have and let the lab do the same. If the lab refuses after you've put forth yours then I'd say that is very telling of what that lab is about.
Why must I repeat myself? Everybody has already jumped on the bash the lab bandwagon. One more voice isn't going to make a difference. Nobody though is asking for proof from the opposing view. I'd love to see it from both sides so post up what you have and let the lab do the same. If the lab refuses after you've put forth yours then I'd say that is very telling of what that lab is about.

What repeat yourself who are you kidding, this is your first post that has even hinted UGL SHOULD provide some proof to support their nonsense.

It's NOT a matter of "letting or allowing" UGL to post evidence at all. It's the fact UGL don't, won't or can't bc they HAVE NONE, that I find so unsettling.

So they should be allowed to make statements like GT has and remain UNCHALLENGED in the process? No way, and until their approach and understanding becomes much more revealing and evidence based to potential buyers, I will continue to be a pain in their arse.

If you want to protect UGL and give them a pass for their failure to post ANYTHING but mindless and unsupported verbiage as a means of reinforcing otherwise unsubstantiated claims, that's your prerogative but if you expect expect others on this forum to follow your lead, your in for a grave disappointment.

After 4500 posts you would (or should) know that I don't use personal attacks, insults and name-calling very often. When I do, it's usually directed towards achieving a specific goal such as knocking a source or rep off their game. But sometimes it's just about blowing off steam. Exposing the duplicitous behavior of anonymous sources is stressful, time consuming and exhausting. Without an outlet, no one can do the job.

Whatever is going on between @Docd187123 and me would have worked itself out in due time without interference from a nanny. Trying to use a heavy hand to force civility on two warring parties will only result in resentment.

Regardless, I'm tired of trying to protect members from scammers in the underground forum. Some appreciate the effort, but many do not. I'm tired of doing almost all of the investigative work in this forum myself, and then getting shit for it because people don't like my approach. I'm tired of trying to help shape the way Meso members view the underground when most will never get it. And finally, I'm tired of arguing with certain members who are here only to argue. I no longer have the energy, patience or desire to construct an argument for these people when I know it will be an exercise in futility.

With that said, my involvement with the underground forum is now over. It's time for others to step up.



after reading all of this thread and many others involving CBS this has not surprised me that he has packed up and left after copping some criticism from millard. his childish behaviour and insults have shown his level of maturity after todays exit

i thought an uncensored board didn't allow personal attacks like I've read lately. i feel millard spoke with great control and a level head saying these words:

It's not a free speech vs. censorship debate for me.

It's a productive discussion vs. unproductive debate.

those words are the best words on this thread.. people need to start respecting others more in this world.
after reading all of this thread and many others involving CBS this has not surprised me that he has packed up and left after copping some criticism from millard. his childish behaviour and insults have shown his level of maturity after todays exit

i thought an uncensored board didn't allow personal attacks like I've read lately. i feel millard spoke with great control and a level head saying these words:

It's not a free speech vs. censorship debate for me.

It's a productive discussion vs. unproductive debate.

those words are the best words on this thread.. people need to start respecting others more in this world.
Very deep thoughts from someone who has contributed nothing. I am sure you feel qualified to pass judgement with extensive tenure, but let me assure you that you are not.
after reading all of this thread and many others involving CBS this has not surprised me that he has packed up and left after copping some criticism from millard. his childish behaviour and insults have shown his level of maturity after todays exit

i thought an uncensored board didn't allow personal attacks like I've read lately. i feel millard spoke with great control and a level head saying these words:

It's not a free speech vs. censorship debate for me.

It's a productive discussion vs. unproductive debate.

those words are the best words on this thread.. people need to start respecting others more in this world.

I can only imagine the amount of self restraint you used to keep quiet all this time!! I mean, from reading your post your dislike for CBS goes back a ways.. And you managed to hold it in until he said he's done. Bravo, you fucking pussy.

An uncensored board by definition allows personal attacks.. What do you think uncensored means? It's up to the user to decide when they're necessary, like I just did...
As much as the mud slinging has being going on this thread, I think we're all grown ass adult to defend ourselves. No one needs to step in.
On a side note, it's been like child's play on here compared to the Brutus vs IM thread back months ago. Lol. Everyone should just chill out and let it be. We should all learn by now Meso is not a place to be sensitive. Just saying.
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I can only imagine the amount of self restraint you used to keep quiet all this time!! I mean, from reading your post your dislike for CBS goes back a ways.. And you managed to hold it in until he said he's done. Bravo, you fucking pussy.

An uncensored board by definition allows personal attacks.. What do you think uncensored means? It's up to the user to decide when they're necessary, like I just did...

No i dont have anything against him but the approach millard used was mature and within reason. I cant help that i agree with constructive conversation. For him to pack up his bat and ball over that proves his maturity. Personal attacks over the internet are just pathetic to a sense.

Very deep thoughts from someone who has contributed nothing. I am sure you feel qualified to pass judgement with extensive tenure, but let me assure you that you are not.

Thats fine if you think that, im allowed to point out the obvious aswel. Yeh im new here and i read and comment on things every now and then, but i defiantly dont abuse people everyday. I cant help i agree 100% with millards statement. Anyway good day to you all
No i dont have anything against him but the approach millard used was mature and within reason. I cant help that i agree with constructive conversation. For him to pack up his bat and ball over that proves his maturity. Personal attacks over the internet are just pathetic to a sense.

You weren't just agreeing with constructive conversation, you took the opportunity to take a shot at CBS.. And you did it once you knew he wouldn't respond to you.

Was this not a personal attack? :

after reading all of this thread and many others involving CBS this has not surprised me that he has packed up and left after copping some criticism from millard. his childish behaviour and insults have shown his level of maturity after todays exit

You're criticizing others of personal attacks as you do it yourself, awesome.. :rolleyes:

And stop kissing Millard's ass, between your two posts you mentioned his name half a dozen times..
You weren't just agreeing with constructive conversation, you took the opportunity to take a shot at CBS..

Was this not a personal attack?:

You're criticizing others of personal attacks as you do it yourself, awesome.. :rolleyes:

You might think that, it was in no way abusive, threatening or degrading. It was pointing out his level of maturity when someone has a logical response on the topic of respectful conversation. This whole thread is full of them from many members, yet only one quit after millards statement. We are all hear to discuss, compare, disagree, agree etc. not abuse the hell out of people day in day out

Anyway mate have a good day
No i dont have anything against him but the approach millard used was mature and within reason. I cant help that i agree with constructive conversation. For him to pack up his bat and ball over that proves his maturity. Personal attacks over the internet are just pathetic to a sense.

Thats fine if you think that, im allowed to point out the obvious aswel. Yeh im new here and i read and comment on things every now and then, but i defiantly dont abuse people everyday. I cant help i agree 100% with millards statement. Anyway good day to you all
Brand new to a forum and decided to participate in THIS discussion?
