I'm too tired from all of my baseless personal attacks and insult ridden posting to post anymore. So..... yea. The word for the day is ENTROPY. thank you.
You might think that, it was in no way abusive, threatening or degrading. It was pointing out his level of maturity when someone has a logical response on the topic of respectful conversation. This whole thread is full of them from many members, yet only one quit after millards statement. We are all hear to discuss, compare, disagree, agree etc. not abuse the hell out of people day in day out

Anyway mate have a good day

I'm having a hard time reading your posts, they're fucking nauseating. Now your backtracking, it certainly was a personal attack you passive aggressive punk.. Fuck outta here..
Brand new to a forum and decided to participate in THIS discussion?


I read the whole thread and commented, seen a good reply and appreciated it. I understand i might be new here but im not new to discussions. Some people wouldnt speak the way they do to people face to face as they do over the internet. :)
I read the whole thread and commented, seen a good reply and appreciated it. I understand i might be new here but im not new to discussions. Some people wouldnt speak the way they do to people face to face as they do over the internet. :)

I'd certainly talk to you this way in person, punk.. ;)
after reading all of this thread and many others involving CBS this has not surprised me that he has packed up and left after copping some criticism from millard. his childish behaviour and insults have shown his level of maturity after todays exit

i thought an uncensored board didn't allow personal attacks like I've read lately. i feel millard spoke with great control and a level head saying these words:

It's not a free speech vs. censorship debate for me.

It's a productive discussion vs. unproductive debate.

those words are the best words on this thread.. people need to start respecting others more in this world.

CBS isn't going anywhere or perhaps your insufficient reading skills overlooked the content of his post!

Odd how the few who don't know shit from Shinola become so overtly critical when a well respected SENIOR member has a bad day.

Get a life of your own and contribute like CBS has and maybe others will take you seriously, Clown!
I'm too tired from all of my baseless personal attacks and insult ridden posting to post anymore. So..... yea. The word for the day is ENTROPY. thank you.

Thats a good point lol i just dont see the point with abuse, you have spoken well in these comments i appreciate that, i grew out of all the abuse and bullshit years ago when i stopped taking drugs i realised that i was the problem not the world. Ive felt alot better ever since. We are all here to reach and break past goals
Not abuse each other and then quit when put in our place
Thats fine i wouldnt let you in person,

Oh, look who just became a tough guy!! hahah

And the relevance of this?

His point is it's not his place to say anything. Same as no one jumped in between you and CBS just for the fuck of it. CBS said he was done with this section of the forum and this twat jumped at the opportunity to run his mouth knowing CBS wouldn't be replying.

CBS is my friend and I don't appreciate jerkoffs coming out of the woodwork now when they've previously had no interaction with him.
Oh, look who just became a tough guy!! hahah

His point is it's not his place to say anything. Same as no one jumped in between you and CBS just for the fuck of it. CBS said he was done with this section of the forum and this twat jumped at the opportunity to run his mouth knowing CBS wouldn't be replying.

CBS is my friend and I don't appreciate jerkoffs coming out of the woodwork now when they've previously had no interaction with him.

I understand what you're saying and I'm not trying to reignite the issue. I told Millard I'd stop with the childish behavior and I will remain true to that but I don't think he's trying to jump on him after he left the section. I just don't see the malice in the way he worded his post.
Bravo, you fucking pussy.

An uncensored board by definition allows personal attacks.. What do you think uncensored means?
It's up to the user to decide when they're necessary, like I just did...
Brand new to a forum and decided to participate in THIS discussion?
This discussion has nothing to do with steroids, it's about communication and the presentation of a point/evidence IMO. Anybody that has knowledge in debate or communication can jump in and see clearly this is BS.

I'm having a hard time reading your posts, they're fucking nauseating. Now your backtracking, it certainly was a personal attack you passive aggressive punk.. Fuck outta here..

I'd certainly talk to you this way in person, punk.. ;)

Get a life of your own and contribute like CBS has and maybe others will take you seriously, Clown!

Uncensored in my opinion is that the board does not censor information to skew the way members perceive a source, situation or information.

That doesn't go to say that since it is uncensored, I can say that "in person I would have my M107 Barrett pointed at your head."

And yes, JBZ, you didn't mention anything of a violent manner but it was implied imo. Starting off like Pericles used too..

That is threatening and shouldn't be on here, IMO!
Same goes for posts dedicated to personal attacks, IMO!

Reality check: We are on page 37 and almost 800 posts now on a UK Gentech lab thread. This derailed very quickly, but I guess it would be silly to create new threads for our personal attacks.
This discussion has nothing to do with steroids, it's about communication and the presentation of a point/evidence IMO. Anybody that has knowledge in debate or communication can jump in and see clearly this is BS.

Uncensored in my opinion is that the board does not censor information to skew the way members perceive a source, situation or information.

That doesn't go to say that since it is uncensored, I can say that "in person I would have my M107 Barrett pointed at your head."

And yes, JBZ, you didn't mention anything of a violent manner but it was implied imo. Starting off like Pericles used too..

That is threatening and shouldn't be on here, IMO!
Same goes for posts dedicated to personal attacks, IMO!

Reality check: We are on page 37 and almost 800 posts now on a UK Gentech lab thread. This derailed very quickly, but I guess it would be silly to create new threads for our personal attacks.
As long as less people buy this getm reveled dogshit any conversation is cool. I could tell sworder i was going to stomp on his mouth until all of his teeth fell out and face fuck him- pinching his nose shut right before orgasm so that he could expire choking on my semen.... but that would be a there and I respect the board too much for all that. You see how there is a difference fuck face?
As long as less people buy this getm reveled dogshit any conversation is cool. I could tell sworder i was going to stomp on his mouth until all of his teeth fell out and face fuck him- pinching his nose shut right before orgasm so that he could expire choking on my semen.... but that would be a there and I respect the board too much for all that. You see how there is a difference fuck face?
GETM? lol it's been deduced Gentech is GETM now? Baseless accusations I love it. Did GETM even produce its own HPLC/MS? No, but then again maybe GETM came back after realizing that was their downfall and now they are fabricating it!!! Ooo interesting, I love the investigation.
But you HAVE NOT provided a SHRED of EVIDENCE. Even SENIOR members called you out on this and you didn't replied.
Brutus, I love your imagination and it's cute that you fantasize about that :)

And Pericles? Get freaking serious..
Starting to sound like it, just saying!
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Brand new to a forum and decided to participate in THIS discussion?

Oh well with all the shills and trolls coming out of the woodwork to defend their masters they think they are the best since sliced bread :rolleyes:
We need a Gloves Off section in the forum so that everyone can just go at each other. It would be an orgy of hate, negativity, personal attacks, threats, and my personal of toast!
We don't need gloves for this one. Sworder came out of the woods because he has an agenda. It won't be too long before we know what that is. He is methodically attacking tests, people ( you know the circle jerk) and all of a sudden expert in brewing and telling people how easy it is. You know what's next. He has a solid hook up :() just a pm will get you set up. Only rule. don't labmax your raws lmfao
CBS is my friend and I don't appreciate jerkoffs coming out of the woodwork now when they've previously had no interaction with him.

Agreed. That post was just a shameless attempt to attack CBS after he stated he would no longer be participating in the underground. I have a great deal of respect for CBS, I have learned a lot from him and is someone I consider to be trustworthy.

I don't blame him one bit for being disappointed with this sub-forum and some of the members here. For the past few weeks I have been reading other members giving him shit for his approach when it comes to dealing with scammers / garbage people.

Fucking hilarious since some of the guys saying these things have also engaged sources and garbage people in a similar manner. In the past few weeks, I've seen guys who have been just as aggressive with people they felt were garbage turn around and give CBS shit for his approach.

I guess it's easy to be the voice of reason when the high-fives have died down and the locker room has become quiet.

Being mean or talking shit was never the problem with the underground like some members have made it out to be.

The underground doesn't need to be nicer or more polite, it needs more people who THINK critically. We just lost one.

Mission accomplished?