MD posted on eroids that tren e is overdosed @ 300mg/ everyone can make their own opinion about that

He told me in a pm that he will post the MS soon as people dont believe him. I wait for his results to be posted.
But you HAVE NOT provided a SHRED of EVIDENCE. Even SENIOR members called you out on this and you didn't replied.

Why are you still debating or arguing this. He has no reason to have to supply evidence. You come on with bold caps and say you have no affiliation with this lab, just that you gtg their gear. By your rage comments and abundant amount of posts on this thread, everyone can see thru this. Take your shill or paid rep ass elsewhere. Maybe Gary can take what he pays you in gear and go find a sourceboard to pay his dues.

~BeastMode Out
Why are you still debating or arguing this. He has no reason to have to supply evidence. You come on with bold caps and say you have no affiliation with this lab, just that you gtg their gear. By your rage comments and abundant amount of posts on this thread, everyone can see thru this. Take your shill or paid rep ass elsewhere. Maybe Gary can take what he pays you in gear and go find a sourceboard to pay his dues.

~BeastMode Out

I have never gotten free gear or anything free from any lab. I am stating facts.

One thing is certain that he has lot of things to make right if he is going to make it.

I spend way too much money on his am-tech gear on the second promo.. I hope he refunds or something.
Gentech is not a hotmail email price list spamming seller...

No, Gentech is an Istagram posting, paypal using, high security risk bathtub brewer.

Exactly....but people like Dr Jim who run/own/have very serious affiliations with other UGLs and profiteer from them are highly sensitive to new and excellent dose competition such as us......

Nice deflection but it won't work. Dr Jim has a solid reputation here. YOU do not.

33 pages and we're here...really? If I want to watch a soap opera I'll put the TV on.

You're "here" because this is all your worth. If you don't like it, go watch a soap opera or borrow the money from your parents to pay the fees at a source board.

Not a single piece of evidence that our gear is BUNK, no one HASNT recieved their order nor is anyone unhappy with their gear they have recieved. And this is fact.

You haven't provided a single piece of evidence that your gear is legit. The only "customers" that have received gear are your reps, and they don't count.
I am out of all GT threads.

When is that going to start? You haven't shut up since you said it.

He told me in a pm that he will post the MS soon as people dont believe him. I wait for his results to be posted.

I have never gotten free gear or anything free from any lab. I am stating facts.

I spend way too much money on his am-tech gear on the second promo.. I hope he refunds or something.
I have never gotten free gear or anything free from any lab. I am stating facts.
OJ to this day denies he killed two people, FACT. Keep telling yourself lies are facts and you to can be OJ!

I spend way too much money on his am-tech gear on the second promo.. I hope he refunds or something.

That's bc your a classic projectionist, who is the "retard" now, SHILL!
Why are you still debating or arguing this. He has no reason to have to supply evidence. You come on with bold caps and say you have no affiliation with this lab, just that you gtg their gear. By your rage comments and abundant amount of posts on this thread, everyone can see thru this. Take your shill or paid rep ass elsewhere. Maybe Gary can take what he pays you in gear and go find a sourceboard to pay his dues.

~BeastMode Out

So someone can claim whatever they want and not have to back it up with evidence? Imagine the criminal justice system working this way....
So someone can claim whatever they want and not have to back it up with evidence? Imagine the criminal justice system working this way....
Is this not what every UGL does when it comes to our board trying to sell their underdosed shitty gear?

They claim they have purity reports in the 98% range, super clean facilities, top of the line researchers, blah blah blah.

They(majority not all) come to this board for one reason only. Because it's the biggest and most searched site on the net. Makes it real easy to take advantage of newbies.

So someone can claim whatever they want and not have to back it up with evidence? Imagine the criminal justice system working this way....

We arent discussing law or justice. We are taking about a seller not doing his due diligence in properly showing his gear is not gonna hurt someone. The seller comes here (to a non-source) in order to push his gear to make money. We reserve the right to say whatever we want about his lab because 99.9% will rip us consumers off. So we defend ourselves by being aggressive amd askng for proof that we are not gonna get ripped off or that we are using something that will hurt our bodies.
Please dont compare legal activites with illegal. It just doesnt make sense to.
Is this not what every UGL does when it comes to our board trying to sell their underdosed shitty gear?

They claim they have purity reports in the 98% range, super clean facilities, top of the line researchers, blah blah blah.

They(majority not all) come to this board for one reason only. Because it's the biggest and most searched site on the net. Makes it real easy to take advantage of newbies.


Some do yes, but not all that I have seen. I just find it convenient that only one side is required to show proof of their claims.
We arent discussing law or justice. We are taking about a seller not doing his due diligence in properly showing his gear is not gonna hurt someone. The seller comes here (to a non-source) in order to push his gear to make money. We reserve the right to say whatever we want about his lab because 99.9% will rip us consumers off. So we defend ourselves by being aggressive amd askng for proof that we are not gonna get ripped off or that we are using something that will hurt our bodies.
Please dont compare legal activites with illegal. It just doesnt make sense to.

We are not talking about law or justice but that's what an analogy is used for, to draw parallels. As much as you claim this isn't a source board it really is until all of the sources are gone.

I have CBS to thank for this one but you cannot prove a negative so NO SOURCE can prove their gear won't harm anyone.

So cannon deserve my right to say the sky is green and grass is blue? If 99.9% of the labs will rip you off maybe it's just better to get out of the game. I don't just speak for myself but I have yet to be "ripped off".

A lab Can't prove a negative again and therefor cannot prove you won't be ripped off.
I have CBS to thank for this one but you cannot prove a negative so NO SOURCE can prove their gear won't harm anyone.

Don't thank me for something you misunderstood. The source's burden is to prove their products contain what they claim it does, not to prove it "won't" hurt someone.
DeeDee, instead of reading anti-Semitic hate on Nazi websites, you should spend your time learning about logic and who has the burden of proof in an argument.

BCS, maybe you should familiarize yourself with logic since you still don't have any. Instead of reading Islamaphobic hate you could spend your time trying to educate yourself on topics beyond your intellectual capacity. Instead of spending time on here maybe you can ride shotgun with the local authorities and do some more investigative work like why the dates are written differently in other countries. Instead of attempting to show off that which you do not have it maybe better to actually obtain it first.
Don't thank me for something you misunderstood. The source's burden is to prove their products contain what they say it does, not to prove it won't hurt someone.

So you want me to take the thank you back or what? I don't know if my post is still able to be edited so hurry CBS HURRRRRRYYYYYYYY! The space time continuum depends on it.
BCS, maybe you should familiarize yourself with logic since you still don't have any. Instead of reading Islamaphobic hate you could spend your time trying to educate yourself on topics beyond your intellectual capacity. Instead of spending time on here maybe you can ride shotgun with the local authorities and do some more investigative work like why the dates are written differently in other countries. Instead of attempting to show off that which you do not have it maybe better to actually obtain it first.

Oh DeeDee. I already told you there's no such thing as Islamophobia. When will you ever learn? SMH
1) So someone can claim whatever they want and not have to back it up with evidence?

2) Imagine the criminal justice system working this way....

1) It seems ironic your being critical of mates for not "having evidence" but haven't said ANYTHING about GENTECH not providing any "proof", of the crap they spew. Why is GENTECH excluded and seemingly above reproach. Must we await reports of scamming, which I'm sure will also require "evidence". What utter nonsense!

The SELLER has the burden of proof on THIS FORUM DeeDee not the buyer, the latter having VERY limited recourse should something rum amuck and it ALWAYS HAS when NEW UGLs are involved ON Meso

2) Imagine any retailer selling a product sight unseen, untested, unverified and wo any warranty, guarantee or the possibility of a refund! Yea now that's a legit comparison DD not some CJS analogy. More utter nonsense!

3) So what you selling, lol!