LABMAX - What does it really test?

Pure conjecture here, but it would seem that testing raws eliminates one more variable (carrier oil) so that would be best.
I agree. But the problem is there's no standard to test to with raws. There's only a few compounds on the chart with a "powder" standard, and it's different than it's oil counterpart, in many cases, completely different.

They really need to further develop the chart for verified powder reactions.
What about that steroid piss test?

I am going to invest in a melt point machine..
between that and visual inspection, I can tell a lot
but I am curious about these other tests..

Damn my AVI has a nice ass..
I am going to talk my girl into letting me
take a pic of her ass for my AVI since she doesn't
like other asses posted
I am looking for testing BEFORE I slam it in my body, piss test is post.
Yes please more asses, you have an eye for them
I am looking for testing BEFORE I slam it in my body, piss test is post.
Yes please more asses, you have an eye for them
O yea right.. first you have to use it lol

Since I always do, then I am going
to get the piss test

I guess the main reason I am thinking differently
about using or not using before testing, is because I
brew my own..
I can visually inspect the raws and melt them..

I respect everyone who is getting the product
already brewed, of course..

I am not the only one who agrees with the Chinese
not wasting time or money getting a powder that
matches Prop and melts like Prop to the T, but
we do need to get all the testing out here for everyone,
so let's do it..

I will buy one of these piss kits
just to see how it works

Is that your secret labmax? Concentrated H2SO4?

From reading it seems labmax is a pretty inaccurate way to positively identify the presence of a specific steroid. We just don't have access to the machines to required for it to work as well as we need it to.Too many factors involved. Seems like most molecules with a seventeen carbon atoms in a four-ring structure linked together from three 6-carbon rings followed by a 5-carbon ring and an eight-carbon side chain on carbon 17 will glow.

If you want to check things out google strong acids and steroids.
First its LAW now it's questioned so much Labmax is probably going to lose so much business with this board alone ...

Its no wonder Jim Brown got so many people to drink the punch
First its LAW now it's questioned so much Labmax is probably going to lose so much business with this board alone ...

Its no wonder Jim Brown got so many people to drink the punch
Exactly...But questioning it months ago on accuracy for hormone, or purity you got slammed by what I now consider bro science parroting idiots...all forums have them..
All I want are good raws
And from friends .. many friends results .. I have them ..

As Tanuki, I did not believe the Chinese would go to the trouble to find a powder to match Prop to the T when it's being sold so cheap already ...

The dbol being sold as Var ok
But not mine ..
I know dbol and to screw a customer spending thousands each month is plain stupid ..
The Chinese are very good business people
They proved this over and over for years ..

If someone is going to attack me for being a scammer, they are going to lose especially when they are making up HPLC tests no one has ever seen and backing fake blood work ..

Now let's stop the nonsense and buy some strong acid ..
If this was 91 I could get some really good paper ... 6 for $20
Pretty sure Mission Beach cops have that under control now though :(
Exactly...But questioning it months ago on accuracy for hormone, or purity you got slammed by what I now consider bro science parroting idiots...all forums have them..

When a Non wkn member posts things like this all we get is the Circle jerk crew and the well known keyboard wannabe badasses spewing away.

I am noticing a trend in your posts. It's not just your disdain for this board. It's not just your zero-contribution posts. It's not just your contrarion for the sake of being a contrarion attitude.

You talk shit about members of this board for 'attacking' people.

Guess what, this is Meso, people who post garbage information or make claims absent of evidence get called out. This isn't other boards, idiots don't get coddled just to make them feel good or feel worthwhile. You want your opinion to have worth? Post evidence.

Instead of crying about how mean the WKM's are, or how they are wrong, why don't you disprove what they are saying with evidence? You don't have to answer. Its because you have nothing to discuss or contribute, you just wish to provide your useless commentary on the 'circle-jerk'.

You are the last person to comment on the 'circle-jerk'. The only 'circle-jerk' here is among guys like yourself who turn to each other for support and gentle hand-holding because their garbage posts get called out.

Stop being a pussy - if you have evidence to counter what certain members are saying then post it. Call them out. Don't wait for someone else to do it and hide behind them, congratulating them while commenting on how much you hate the big bad WKM's.

None of the WKM's I know of start crying about how mean the board is when or if their posts get called out. They can actually argue a point with evidence.

You on the other hand prefer to provide commentary on a narrative that only exists in your own delusional mind. Just like MANWHORE.
All I want are good raws
And from friends .. many friends results .. I have them ..

As Tanuki, I did not believe the Chinese would go to the trouble to find a powder to match Prop to the T when it's being sold so cheap already ...

The dbol being sold as Var ok
But not mine ..
I know dbol and to screw a customer spending thousands each month is plain stupid ..
The Chinese are very good business people
They proved this over and over for years ..

If someone is going to attack me for being a scammer, they are going to lose especially when they are making up HPLC tests no one has ever seen and backing fake blood work ..

Now let's stop the nonsense and buy some strong acid ..
If this was 91 I could get some really good paper ... 6 for $20
Pretty sure Mission Beach cops have that under control now though :(

It's pretty clear your quality control measures are absolute garbage.

I've seen your posts about quality control. You must still think its 2004, because you're all about melting point tests. That is pretty much the extent of your testing. Melting point tests are worthless, you are not working with pure samples.

You are also pretty fucking delusional when it comes to your relationship with China too.

You use the same shitty open raw suppliers that are available to anyone else who does a quick google search. The difference is, you think your relationship with these Chinese suppliers is 'special'. You think they won't send you garbage product because you're MANWHORE. I'm sure you believe them too.

These middle-men distributors know just as much about the quality / purity of their raws as you do - not a fucking clue.

None of this matters really, because doing business with Voodoo / Manwhore at this point would be incredibly foolish.

You are one of the most dangerous and deranged sources I have ever seen. You're on shamrockbear's level when it comes to craziness.

I wonder what peoples thought process is when they decide to do business with someone who has absolutely no understanding of security. Scary.
I can see LE using Labmax now
" is that a glow "
" not really sure ".

" O wow the jelly in my donut is glowing haha ummm no seriously we gotta figure this out "
I am noticing a trend in your posts. It's not just your disdain for this board. It's not just your zero-contribution posts. It's not just your contrarion for the sake of being a contrarion attitude.

You talk shit about members of this board for 'attacking' people.

Guess what, this is Meso, people who post garbage information or make claims absent of evidence get called out. This isn't other boards, idiots don't get coddled just to make them feel good or feel worthwhile. You want your opinion to have worth? Post evidence.

Instead of crying about how mean the WKM's are, or how they are wrong, why don't you disprove what they are saying with evidence? You don't have to answer. Its because you have nothing to discuss or contribute, you just wish to provide your useless commentary on the 'circle-jerk'.

You are the last person to comment on the 'circle-jerk'. The only 'circle-jerk' here is among guys like yourself who turn to each other for support and gentle hand-holding because their garbage posts get called out.

Stop being a pussy - if you have evidence to counter what certain members are saying then post it. Call them out. Don't wait for someone else to do it and hide behind them, congratulating them while commenting on how much you hate the big bad WKM's.

None of the WKM's I know of start crying about how mean the board is when or if their posts get called out. They can actually argue a point with evidence.

You on the other hand prefer to provide commentary on a narrative that only exists in your own delusional mind. Just like MANWHORE.

I never recall whining about anything.. And there is plenty of evidence of wkm and new members just parroting info then tend to believe it's true inside their thick heads without any concrete evidence..My Proof to all this is in a thousand threads I've read , so please don't try to insult me.. I'm sorry I read thru all the Bullshit and comment on it...please don't ever take my posts as whining i'm simply pointing out what has been typed... you may ignore me at any time....
@weighted chinup
Great couple of posts. I totally concur with your comments. Sadly, MW continues to titilate some with his mindless drivel posted all over the board and self aggrandizing tenure/post count. Hell, he's been a moron since he started.
If any believe MW is the "all that shit and more", you need to take a serious look a your own reasoning and judgement abilities.
It's pretty clear your quality control measures are absolute garbage.

I've seen your posts about quality control. You must still think its 2004, because you're all about melting point tests. That is pretty much the extent of your testing. Melting point tests are worthless, you are not working with pure samples.

You are also pretty fucking delusional when it comes to your relationship with China too.

You use the same shitty open raw suppliers that are available to anyone else who does a quick google search. The difference is, you think your relationship with these Chinese suppliers is 'special'. You think they won't send you garbage product because you're MANWHORE. I'm sure you believe them too.

These middle-men distributors know just as much about the quality / purity of their raws as you do - not a fucking clue.

None of this matters really, because doing business with Voodoo / Manwhore at this point would be incredibly foolish.

You are one of the most dangerous and deranged sources I have ever seen. You're on shamrockbear's level when it comes to craziness.

I wonder what peoples thought process is when they decide to do business with someone who has absolutely no understanding of security. Scary.

I have to step in and defend melting point tests. Melting points will be as valid in the future as they were in the last century. It's one of the best way to determine purities. Any impurities will depress the melting point.

Just don't do it the way MW and other guys with baking ovens and a meat thermometer are using it for. If they were using a mel temp you'd have a very accurate idea of purity. I've had great results with Chinese suppliers and purity verified through a meltemp apparatus.
Just don't do it the way MW and other guys with baking ovens and a meat thermometer are using it for. If they were using a mel temp you'd have a very accurate idea of purity. I've had great results with Chinese suppliers and purity verified through a meltemp apparatus.
I am still looking for a good melt temp device
but I don't like the ones I see..

What do you think about the laser thermometer
that is used to check gas powdered car motors.. I used to have one
and my Brother tested the Prop with one..
It came to little different than my oven test but still not very far..
