LABMAX - What does it really test?

Too bad we can't delete the non-related posts from here and get to something conclusive. I will get more info on the labmax and make another thread :)
Too bad we can't delete the non-related posts from here and get to something conclusive. I will get more info on the labmax and make another thread :)

I'd say this thread has been plenty conclusive. The conclusion is that someone has an affinity to covering their own ass through deception, misdirection, and baseless claims. He's been proven a compulsive liar and a sociopath. Hell, all of this is displayed in this thread alone. At least get the bullshit straight in your head before spewing it for all to see.

It seems it's always the one with the dirtiest hands pointing the finger huh. Calling someone a rep on Meso is damn near worse than being called a cop or a snitch. There's only one thing worse than a liar and that's a liar who is also a hypocrite.
You only see pieces of the story here and that's to protect others ..

It's pretty obvious what's
Going on here ..
Johnny likes me and he's upset
I have a girlfriend ..
Brutus is upset Johnny likes me
And CBS ..
Well he's one of their pets ..
Not sure which one but I don't
Believe Johnny likes pets or children
Or maybe they don't like him ..

That's it I am closing the thread


I'd say this thread has been plenty conclusive. The conclusion is that someone has an affinity to covering their own ass through deception, misdirection, and baseless claims. He's been proven a compulsive liar and a sociopath. Hell, all of this is displayed in this thread alone. At least get the bullshit straight in your head before spewing it for all to see.

It seems it's always the one with the dirtiest hands pointing the finger huh. Calling someone a rep on Meso is damn near worse than being called a cop or a snitch. There's only one thing worse than a liar and that's a liar who is also a hypocrite.
I don't know if you are proclaiming this about me?
Somebody being a rep on Meso? Idk Check the Cem Meso posts from a couple years back. Who was backing their products?
I think Meso needs moderators to create sub threads for all the drama posts so people can read some valid points about, for example Labmax and their experiences without having to sift through the 7 pages of drama. Or we could try to be make Meso a better forum by actually contributing with valid posts and then create a paragraph for some BS if needed.
If a newbie would read this thread their head would just spin. There is some good info/opinions in this thread but it is soiled with BS...
My 2 cents, don't got time to squabble. Have a good day
I don't know if you are proclaiming this about me?
Somebody being a rep on Meso? Idk Check the Cem Meso posts from a couple years back. Who was backing their products?
I think Meso needs moderators to create sub threads for all the drama posts so people can read some valid points about, for example Labmax and their experiences without having to sift through the 7 pages of drama. Or we could try to be make Meso a better forum by actually contributing with valid posts and then create a paragraph for some BS if needed.
If a newbie would read this thread their head would just spin. There is some good info/opinions in this thread but it is soiled with BS...
My 2 cents, don't got time to squabble. Have a good day

It's clear he's talking about Manwhore.. Sorry bud, welcome to Internet forums, shit gets off topic. Start a new thread since this one changed course early on and 99% of the posts here aren't about labmax.

I'm not backing down from someone making shit up about me. Who the fuck are you talking about backing cem products? I used them for 1 pct, went well, maybe I said a few nice things, I don't even remember!! Then I got bunk shit, posted bloodwork and blasted them on several threads. So again, who the fuck are you talking about?
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You only see pieces of the story here and that's to protect others ..

It's pretty obvious what's
Going on here ..
Johnny likes me and he's upset
I have a girlfriend ..
Brutus is upset Johnny likes me
And CBS ..
Well he's one of their pets ..
Not sure which one but I don't
Believe Johnny likes pets or children
Or maybe they don't like him ..

That's it I am closing the thread



I'm still waiting for you to back up your bullshit, MW.

You might have noticed this issue isn't going away. In fact, the calls for you to support your accusations are getting louder.

We're now on day three of the 'MANWHORE held hostage' crisis. How long before you win your freedom, MW? The answer lies with you and you alone. Tic-tock.
It's clear he's talking about Manwhore.. Sorry bud, welcome to Internet forums, shit gets off topic. Start a new thread since this one changed course early on and 99% of the posts here aren't about labmax.

I'm not backing down from someone making shit up about me. Who the fuck are you talking about backing cem products? I used them for 1 pct, went well, maybe I said a few nice things, I don't even remember!! Then I got bunk shit, posted bloodwork and blasted them on several threads. So again, who the fuck are you talking about?

IDK just go back and see who has been supporting their products? Am not accusing anybody but just look back and see for yourself. I ain't got time to poke fingers at people and don't need to tarnish anybody's rep. Shit doesn't matter to me. Let's learn from the forum and make constructive posts. Make a subjective decision if somebody would seem involved with supporting their products to an extent that seems suspicious..
I have used Cem Meso for thousands of dollars and I have supported their products to the extent of my experience.
IDK if I seem too be a rep or not which I don't consider, I have used cycle logs on products which IMO is the best way to review products... If shit is bad I usually don't post much on them. Now a days I don't have time to even hit the fucking gym :( Makes me sad, but am sure I will get time soon to. And then I will cycle log whatever I have. Cycle log imo is better than labmax, results matter more. Pin and tell, not labmax and tell IMO!
Pin and tell, not labmax and tell IMO!

It absolutely amazes me that anyone still believes in this antiquated idea.

Cycle log is more telling about a product than testing? Seriously?

The 'pin and tell' approach is old. It's a dinosaur, and given the state of underground labs you would be foolish to not use whatever testing methods you have available.

Pin and tell has been the standard for the longest time, it's the method backed by a lot of the 'vets' and 'old-timers' on other boards. It should be abundantly clear to anyone who follows the underground that this approach doesn't fucking work.

It's time for something different, wouldn't you agree? Pin and tell is clearly not a viable option given the quality of underground labs.

Half of the guys who subscribe to the 'Pin and Tell' belief don't even know what the fuck they are pinning, they buy shit off somebody who doesn't even know the quality of his raws, who claims a labeled dosage that is pretty much just a guess, and they pin it. It makes them big and strong so they assume its exactly what it says on the tin.

Testing often tells another story entirely.

Meso is all about harm-reduction, so telling guys to just pin their shit and forgo testing is not at all conducive to reducing harm. It's just stupid.
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Cycle logs seem to be as valid as labmax. To me it's like religion. Very subject to personal interpretation.

Until labmax can back up their extraordinary claims with science its just voodoo or traditional Chinese medicine.
Cycle logs seem to be as valid as labmax. To me it's like religion. Very subject to personal interpretation.

Until labmax can back up their extraordinary claims with science its just voodoo or traditional Chinese medicine.
Legit blood work always proved over lab max
I don't know if you are proclaiming this about me?
Somebody being a rep on Meso? Idk Check the Cem Meso posts from a couple years back. Who was backing their products?
I think Meso needs moderators to create sub threads for all the drama posts so people can read some valid points about, for example Labmax and their experiences without having to sift through the 7 pages of drama. Or we could try to be make Meso a better forum by actually contributing with valid posts and then create a paragraph for some BS if needed.
If a newbie would read this thread their head would just spin. There is some good info/opinions in this thread but it is soiled with BS...
My 2 cents, don't got time to squabble. Have a good day

I quoted you because you said the thread was inconclusive. I disagree. I've concluded many things in just a few short pages.

If I were proclaiming anything about you, I would have addressed you directly. The direct approach seemingly wasn't working for who the statements were aimed.

I don't give a damn who you do or don't rep for, past or present. I do believe there should be disclosure of this type of relationship with any source, UGL or RC.

Will this disclosure actually happen in most cases? Doubtful. Only if the source or rep beneifts from doing so.

This is the internet. I assume everyone is full of shit until proven otherwise.
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I quoted you because you said the thread was inconclusive. I disagree. I've concluded many things in just a few short pages.

If I were proclaiming anything about you, I would have addressed you directly. The direct approach seemingly wasn't working for who the statements were aimed.

I don't give a damn who you do or don't rep for, past or present. I do believe there should be disclosure of this type of relationship with any source, UGL pr RC.

Will this disclosure actually happen in most cases? Doubtful. Only if the source or rep beneifts from doing so.

This is the internet. I assume everyone is full of shit until proven otherwise.
I'm completely full of shit & I don't even believe myself ;)
Cycle logs seem to be as valid as labmax. To me it's like religion. Very subject to personal interpretation.

Until labmax can back up their extraordinary claims with science its just voodoo or traditional Chinese medicine.

Which claims are you referring?
Legit blood work always proved over lab max

Yea, that's great for testosterone. What about everything else? Another one of your thousands of useless posts..

You're done, dude... Whatever you think your 11 year reign here was is over.. Nobody can ever trust or respect a fucking liar, let alone a complete freaking clown..

Congrats on the job you did hanging yourself in this thread, I'm not sure I could've done much better.. ;)
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The claim about it detecting various the presence of various steroids with any degree of accuracy. Has anyone actually used a scientific control with lab max?
So till we shed more light on this, what's the preferred method to test if we have the ability to use raws, or mct?

I've done a few with mct. Vial a always seems off, with b and luminescence being accurate. So I kind of err on that route because it seems repeatable.

There's only a few compounds with verified raw colors on the lm chart.
Pure conjecture here, but it would seem that testing raws eliminates one more variable (carrier oil) so that would be best.
Maybe I've missed it but does anyone know what oil LM uses in their testing videos when they are testing non-raws?
From the LM site
"Please not that our samples were done on pharmaceutical grade, all counterfeited product even if it contains the right hormone but it is cut with other chemicals might show different reaction."
This seems to say that testing UGL is potentially useless. That since we don't know what else is mixed in the raws/oil we might get bogus results even on decent gear.
Also to clear this up for everyone about using it as a test for concentration
"There might be other factors too blocking (absorbing) the UV light like different carrier oils or other chemicals (contaminations), so there might be less or more fluorescence coming out. This is why this test is not reliable tool to determine concentration. It is simple pass or fail."
This is basically confirming the GSO vs MCT results. So you CANNOT use LM to determine if it's properly dosed or not. Just that the compound is present.
It's time for something different, wouldn't you agree? Pin and tell is clearly not a viable option given the quality of underground labs.

Half of the guys who subscribe to the 'Pin and Tell' belief don't even know what the fuck they are pinning, they buy shit off somebody who doesn't even know the quality of his raws, who claims a labeled dosage that is pretty much just a guess, and they pin it. It makes them big and strong so they assume its exactly what it says on the tin.

Testing often tells another story entirely.

Meso is all about harm-reduction, so telling guys to just pin their shit and forgo testing is not at all conducive to reducing harm. It's just stupid.

Meso is not all about harm reduction, that claim is so far from true because if it were. Then sticking to prescription testosterone and using testosterone until your results on testosterone would plateau would be the best cycle advice and I don't see a lot of that...
Meso is/was about providing experiences, information and damn good peer reviewed studies to back up your shit. It has its fair share of ad hominem. Not as much circle jerking as other forums though which is why I love it. There is some circle jerk going on still though :)

"the quality of underground labs"

Let's define quality first, accurate concentration of the hormone advertised and sterility; you can include PIP in there if you want. PIP to me just tells me it is A: highly concentrated or B: Large volumes of solvents.

No I don't agree with you. Pin and tell has always worked for me. For the following reasons:
- I can tell if the accurate concentration of advertised hormone by feeling the effect (frontloading helps on longer esters) I use higher doses too at the start of the cycle if I don't believe in the gear. Also, the effects of each hormone is quite unique, although experience plays a part in this as well. Contraindications= Not many, lol if there could be poison in the vial and I would be done for either way if I tested it with labmax or not to "prove."
-Sterility, infections are quite noticeable when half my leg has half a liter of puss in it.
-The results in the mirror, progress photos, caliper measurements and the scale don't tell lies.

The quality of UGL?
Tell me what you know about that, tell me what you really know about it.
What labs have been proven to be shit from a legitimate party and the method used to prove it(labmax, pin and tell from personal use, HPLC/MS, word of mouth with no conflict of interest?
Would you agree 99% of Meso uses/has used UGL?
Would you agree that 99% of the posts/reviews don't report sterility problems? People aren't getting infections left and right I hope we can agree on that concept.
Then back to the original topic. Labmax.....

-Can we agree that Labmax has nothing to do with concentration?
-Can we agree that a labmax can "show color/presence" of a hormone that has 20% purity?
-Can we agree that Labmaxes proved by others have a conflict of interest?
-Can we agree that you should interpret a test like a peer-reviewed study? It shows what was "proven" in that sample and extrapolating that information to other vials from the same labs can be inaccurate.. Dumb it down-> Proving one vial is good doesn't mean that the next one is..
-Can we agree that you can manipulate the substances to make them match whatever hormone you want them to.
Here is the table below, take a look yourself and see what you could use that would make the same color as another hormone. Then start thinking about other things you can mix in at a low dose(remember labmax DOES NOT react on CONCENTRATION I.E, MG amount )

There is more I wanted to write too but I will get back at it later. This post is directed at everybody not just WC. Edit: The table looks stupid am gonna fix later and just upload pic.

Hormone ---------- Vial A ----------Vial B Color during UV exposure

Drostanolone Enanthate ---------- Orange Orange Golden - Yellow

Drostanonlone Prop --- Bright Green Yellow-Orange Orange

Sustanon --- Orange-Brown Orange-Brown Greenish-Yellow

Testosterone Cyp oil --- Orange-Red Orange-Red Greenish-Yellow

Testosterone Enanthate ---Orange Orange Blue-Green

Test E powder--- no color change no color change Blue-Green

Test prop --- Olive Green Yellow Blue-Green

Test Prop powder no color change no color change Blue-Green

Tren Ace oil --- Yellow->Light Orange Yellow->Orange Green

Tren E powder --- Yellow->Light Orange Yellow->Orange Green

Tren E oil --- Light orange Light Orange Green

NPP --- no color change Yellow-Orange Green

Boldenone Undec ---Dark brownish red Dark Red Bright light orange

Boldenone base powder Red Dark orange Nil

Nandrolone Deca oil---Red-Brown Orange-Brown Green

Nandrolone Deca oil ---Yellow-Green Light Orange Blue-Green

***Stanzolol Winstrol--- Nil nil Nil Anvar/Win kit: Yellow Green

***Oxandrolone --- Nil nil Nil Anvar/Win kit: Olive Green

Tbol --- brownish Green Salmon Pink Nil

Halotestin Yellow Yellow Nil
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Meso is not all about harm reduction, that claim is so far from true because if it were. Then sticking to prescription testosterone and using testosterone until your results on testosterone would plateau would be the best cycle advice and I don't see a lot of that...
Meso is/was about providing experiences, information and damn good peer reviewed studies to back up your shit. It has its fair share of ad hominem. Not as much circle jerking as other forums though which is why I love it. There is some circle jerk going on still though :)

"the quality of underground labs"

Let's define quality first, accurate concentration of the hormone advertised and sterility; you can include PIP in there if you want. PIP to me just tells me it is A: highly concentrated or B: Large volumes of solvents.

No I don't agree with you. Pin and tell has always worked for me. For the following reasons:
- I can tell if the accurate concentration of advertised hormone by feeling the effect (frontloading helps on longer esters) I use higher doses too at the start of the cycle if I don't believe in the gear. Also, the effects of each hormone is quite unique, although experience plays a part in this as well. Contraindications= Not many, lol if there could be poison in the vial and I would be done for either way if I tested it with labmax or not to "prove."
-Sterility, infections are quite noticeable when half my leg has half a liter of puss in it.
-The results in the mirror, progress photos, caliper measurements and the scale don't tell lies.

The quality of UGL?
Tell me what you know about that, tell me what you really know about it.
What labs have been proven to be shit from a legitimate party and the method used to prove it(labmax, pin and tell from personal use, HPLC/MS, word of mouth with no conflict of interest?
Would you agree 99% of Meso uses/has used UGL?
Would you agree that 99% of the posts/reviews don't report sterility problems? People aren't getting infections left and right I hope we can agree on that concept.
Then back to the original topic. Labmax.....

-Can we agree that Labmax has nothing to do with concentration?
-Can we agree that a labmax can "show color/presence" of a hormone that has 20% purity?
-Can we agree that Labmaxes proved by others have a conflict of interest?
-Can we agree that you should interpret a test like a peer-reviewed study? It shows what was "proven" in that sample and extrapolating that information to other vials from the same labs can be inaccurate.. Dumb it down-> Proving one vial is good doesn't mean that the next one is..
-Can we agree that you can manipulate the substances to make them match whatever hormone you want them to.
Here is the table below, take a look yourself and see what you could use that would make the same color as another hormone. Then start thinking about other things you can mix in at a low dose(remember labmax DOES NOT react on CONCENTRATION I.E, MG amount )

There is more I wanted to write too but I will get back at it later. This post is directed at everybody not just WC. Edit: The table looks stupid am gonna fix later and just upload pic.

Hormone ---------- Vial A ----------Vial B Color during UV exposure

Drostanolone Enanthate ---------- Orange Orange Golden - Yellow

Drostanonlone Prop --- Bright Green Yellow-Orange Orange

Sustanon --- Orange-Brown Orange-Brown Greenish-Yellow

Testosterone Cyp oil --- Orange-Red Orange-Red Greenish-Yellow

Testosterone Enanthate ---Orange Orange Blue-Green

Test E powder--- no color change no color change Blue-Green

Test prop --- Olive Green Yellow Blue-Green

Test Prop powder no color change no color change Blue-Green

Tren Ace oil --- Yellow->Light Orange Yellow->Orange Green

Tren E powder --- Yellow->Light Orange Yellow->Orange Green

Tren E oil --- Light orange Light Orange Green

NPP --- no color change Yellow-Orange Green

Boldenone Undec ---Dark brownish red Dark Red Bright light orange

Boldenone base powder Red Dark orange Nil

Nandrolone Deca oil---Red-Brown Orange-Brown Green

Nandrolone Deca oil ---Yellow-Green Light Orange Blue-Green

***Stanzolol Winstrol--- Nil nil Nil Anvar/Win kit: Yellow Green

***Oxandrolone --- Nil nil Nil Anvar/Win kit: Olive Green

Tbol --- brownish Green Salmon Pink Nil

Halotestin Yellow Yellow Nil
Good post sworder! When a Non wkn member posts things like this all we get is the Circle jerk crew and the well known keyboard wannabe badasses spewing away.