LABMAX - What does it really test?

I use labmax
Do I think it is a great test, Hell no, but it is what we have, and IMO its cheap for what it is.
Frankly if $10 is too much for you, find another hobby, one with less possible negative heath impacts.

One of the problems is that it is a visual test therefore very subjective. We see color different from person to person, some will say the light between green and red is yellow, some see it as orange.

For me it is just another tool like research, blood work and MS.
I have done a number (around 50) of LM test both on raws and finished products, here are some of my observations, in response to @Sworder valid questions.

Raws have the best fluorescence.
Carrier oil by itself even MCT does not show fluorescence.
Both raws and finished product have similar/same color flourescence.

Both my experience and labmax chart states that Test P raw and oils have color the same color in UV light
They do differ in normal light which is questionable to me as well. The "Why" has not been answered to my satisfaction by LM

When I brewed with MCT the raw test and finished product test match very well.
When I brewed with GSO the raws look good and finished product looked questionable.
Blood work and the mirror proved both products were IMO acceptable.

There is a pattern that you can see after doing more than just a couple LM test and you get more comfortable with them and there results.

Sworder is right they don't prove shit but they do give some clue to what you have or do not have.
They are a secondary tool to be used in conjunction with blood work and the mirror.
So my ? Is if u have a failed LM would u trash the gear, considering the gso u mentioned looked suspect(if u didn't have the raws to prove otherwise)
This thread actually makes me laugh and cringe at some of the minds floating around here...So Basically A lot do agree LM is not 100% in its abilities in testing...So then Go back a few months when there was a thread about How So many were using it for purity as well..(laughs) makes zero sense..if your skeptical how the test could be skewed by carrier and other contaminants to not give a 100% result..How in the heck can it be used for a purity test that it was never made for in the first place...? And yes people used it for purity on meso and Called Underdosed to ugls... Laughable at best.............
If we all try to work together
On these things then we might be able to figure them out ...

Until a legit MS and HPLC
Come along this is all we have
If we all try to work together
On these things then we might be able to figure them out ...

Until a legit MS and HPLC
Come along this is all we have

While we wait for that "legit MS and HPLC" to come along, I'm still waiting for you to either provide proof that backs up your accusation that Johnny is a rep, or withdraw the accusation and apologize. I told you this wouldn't go away until you addressed it and here we are, two days later, and the issue is still front and center. It's time to man up, MW.
This thread actually makes me laugh and cringe at some of the minds floating around here...So Basically A lot do agree LM is not 100% in its abilities in testing...So then Go back a few months when there was a thread about How So many were using it for purity as well..(laughs) makes zero sense..if your skeptical how the test could be skewed by carrier and other contaminants to not give a 100% result..How in the heck can it be used for a purity test that it was never made for in the first place...? And yes people used it for purity on meso and Called Underdosed to ugls... Laughable at best.............
If I put your bitch ass in a vial and tested it would come back a strong glow for faggot. And shamrock. Fuck off.
@MANWHORE where are you? Come out, come out wherever you are! Ignoring me will not work. Tic-tock, tic-tock...

While we wait for that "legit MS and HPLC" to come along, I'm still waiting for you to either provide proof that backs up your accusation that Johnny is a rep, or withdraw the accusation and apologize. I told you this wouldn't go away until you addressed it and here we are, two days later, and the issue is still front and center. It's time to man up, MW.
So are we any closer to a U.S. based reagent test supplier? I have nothing against labmax. I think they're awesome. But competition drives progress, it's a good thing for product improvement and price.
So are we any closer to a U.S. based reagent test supplier? I have nothing against labmax. I think they're awesome. But competition drives progress, it's a good thing for product improvement and price.
Didn't some just recently post about an alternative come to the market soon? It was a single vial test I believe. I can't find the post about it
a quick search on the web and I founds a host of aas testing kits . Some you provided a pee sample and sent it in and they tell u what ass is testing positive . If labmax is questionable , and I do u see the point being raised here as valid ones , could one of these other tests be another tool ?
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So my ? Is if u have a failed LM would u trash the gear, considering the gso u mentioned looked suspect(if u didn't have the raws to prove otherwise)

The GSO thing defintly made me question LM test as well as many of my privious test, I have come to the conclusion that any correct color glow, shows there is at least some compound in the vial.

I think Labmax is full of shit when they claim to be able to test quality, there are just too many variables Oil, solvent and contaminants,that is where blood work comes in.

I have a number of vials that have failed in my opinion one way or another either because they had no glow or appeared to be a different compound, I have not trashed them but neither have I pinned them.
I have sent some in to be Mass spec'd the others will sit in the drawer till a better option comes along.

I also have a number that are questionable, either due to low reaction or undetermined ester.
Some of these I have ran mid cycle in addition to my cycle so that ester or compound will not effect my PCT timing. Some are obviously AAS that amortize and I have to up or add in an AI, others are low dose and some don't do shit.