LABMAX - What does it really test?

So after 8 pages still no answer to the question: "How does labmax test for the presence of anabolicos?" Inquiring minds wish to know.

BTW I'm very skeptical of one ampoule testing for so many different substances. Even LEOs use very specific NIK tests based on logical assumptions, in most cases anyways. Jack of all trades, master of none.
Is lm foul proof? Fuck no! Would I throw out gear due to a failed lm? I'd consider it, but I'd also think about the gso vs mct video. The only way to really know is blood work and ms/hplc imo
Is lm foul proof? Fuck no! Would I throw out gear due to a failed lm? I'd consider it, but I'd also think about the gso vs mct video. The only way to really know is blood work and ms/hplc imo
If you wouldn't throw out gear based on a failed LM then why use it? Then it's just a waste of money
Edit: and I totally agree LM is far from fool proof
I am just as guilty as anyone else but if we spent more timetrying to answer these questions and less time fighting we could probably figure some things out

Nice try but your bullshit isn't getting swept under the rug this time.

You started out in this thread making a few retarded posts such as this:

My pee glows and it
doesnt need a UV light ..

I can make cyanide glow in a Labmax so the " I use it for safety "
Is funny ..

Other than that, I could Care less ..

Learn how to make the Raw
Then I might be impressed


And now you're pretending you want answers? You don't give 2 shits about labmax, you do zero testing on your products and whine like a baby when bad tests on your shit products come out.

There have been quite a few posts calling for you to prove your bullshit accusations or recant and you're ignoring them. Everyone can see you for the true deceptive scumbag you are.
The reason for me using it would be in hopes of a positive test. If something fails I can't honestly say I'd throw it away or use it though. I ask myself "self? If I'm unsure of whether or not I believe a failed test is true, how can I believe a positive test?" And my answer is if it's positive something is there. If it fails other things COULD be the cause
I get what you are saying and it comes down to an individual choice. I do think you have the results of a LM a little backwards. In my mind If it's positive you still can't be sure it's what the vial says it is but I have more confidence. If it fails it's for sure not what it says it is.
BUT that also isn't a hard and fast rule as I used to think it was, based on the MCT vs GSO thread. I think the bottom line is its up to you and what your comfortable with. For me, failed LM = garbage can.
I get what you are saying and it comes down to an individual choice. I do think you have the results of a LM a little backwards. In my mind If it's positive you still can't be sure it's what the vial says it is but I have more confidence. If it fails it's for sure not what it says it is.
BUT that also isn't a hard and fast rule as I used to think it was, based on the MCT vs GSO thread. I think the bottom line is its up to you and what your comfortable with. For me, failed LM = garbage can.
I cant argue with any of that. That mct vs gso opened my eyes though, so for me a failed lm doesn't =certainty. even with positive I still have to question the dosage
Since I brew it , I use it
Whether it fails LM or not ..

Unless I see a laboratory test
Then I have to use it to be sure ..

You other guys don't know
Unless you brew it or trust your source
Wow really ? Sounds kinda reckless to me man.
Buying from a UGL is wreckless
Since you have no idea what they brew it with ..

So Labmax shows the 5% gear
Now it's safe to inject

Injecting something in your
Body that someone you don't
Know is preparing is the most
Wreckless anyone can get IMO
Buying from a UGL is wreckless
Since you have no idea what they brew it with ..

So Labmax shows the 5% gear
Now it's safe to inject

Injecting something in your
Body that someone you don't
Know is preparing is the most
Wreckless anyone can get IMO

Buying from a UGL is reckless. Buying from you, a guy that's had his fugly face in his avatar for years and doesn't have a clue about security is beyond reckless.

5% or whatever it is does not mean it's safe to inject but when your products can't even pass that it definitely shows it's NOT safe to inject..
Since I brew it , I use it
Whether it fails LM or not ..

Unless I see a laboratory test
Then I have to use it to be sure ..

You other guys don't know
Unless you brew it or trust your source
You have certainly said some stupid things in my short time here, but "trust your source" is hands down the dumbest. Did stretch tell you the chins are trustworthy from his comfortable lab in south America? Smfh. Good luck with that.... seems you already had some of that "luck" already.
I use labmax
Do I think it is a great test, Hell no, but it is what we have, and IMO its cheap for what it is.
Frankly if $10 is too much for you, find another hobby, one with less possible negative heath impacts.

One of the problems is that it is a visual test therefore very subjective. We see color different from person to person, some will say the light between green and red is yellow, some see it as orange.

For me it is just another tool like research, blood work and MS.
I have done a number (around 50) of LM test both on raws and finished products, here are some of my observations, in response to @Sworder valid questions.

Raws have the best fluorescence.
Carrier oil by itself even MCT does not show fluorescence.
Both raws and finished product have similar/same color flourescence.

Both my experience and labmax chart states that Test P raw and oils have color the same color in UV light
They do differ in normal light which is questionable to me as well. The "Why" has not been answered to my satisfaction by LM

When I brewed with MCT the raw test and finished product test match very well.
When I brewed with GSO the raws look good and finished product looked questionable.
Blood work and the mirror proved both products were IMO acceptable.

There is a pattern that you can see after doing more than just a couple LM test and you get more comfortable with them and there results.

Sworder is right they don't prove shit but they do give some clue to what you have or do not have.
They are a secondary tool to be used in conjunction with blood work and the mirror.
Since I brew it , I use it
Whether it fails LM or not ..

Unless I see a laboratory test
Then I have to use it to be sure ..

You other guys don't know
Unless you brew it or trust your source
Of course buying any Ugl is reckless. You LM and it fails and still pin it lol,well I know why peeps calling you out on your gear man.