LABMAX - What does it really test?

@mercury I don't think anyone expects too much of LM, in fact it's the opposite if anything. What's the deal with you and LabMax? You're like a LM shill. I know you have said before you don't work for them or aren't associated with them but something doesn't add up... You sure get awfully defensive

I also shared in the past a lot of good opinion about Balkan Pharmaceutical and other gear, does it make it a dealer ?

Or is it better to shut up and do not contribute. As far as I know they are bigger company and I have not seen them advertising on boards.
Labmax shows fail for Prop that is causing night sweats like strong androgens do and giving results to many guys ..

Stop arguing and let's figure
Out why this high tech instrument is doing this ..

It's definitely not Tren because I
Am a baker and I baked it ..

For those of you who don't know ,
Test Prop looks like sugar and it takes a very long time to dissolve into an already heated solution ..

I look to Mercury for all Labmax
Threads so maybe he can figure this out ..


Stop deflecting.

You do this every time - you make up lies about members in order to discredit them and then you back peddle or try and change the subject.

Provide proof for the accusations you have made against Meso members or admit you are a liar and apologize for making false accusations in order to discredit members.
I am new to Meso and don't know anyone here. But reading this thread I have to say that MW you seem to try to change the subject when asked a serious question . Or name drop as its someone else's fault or doings....kinda strange bro, just saying.
I am new to Meso and don't know anyone here. But reading this thread I have to say that MW you seem to try to change the subject when asked a serious question . Or name drop as its someone else's fault or doings....kinda strange bro, just saying.
If you pay attention to my posts,
you will see that I told Heisen to post those fake bloods
as well as Furious to post up that Prop Labmax..

BTW all this stuff happens to all sources
Open and Private and we always see the Open ones questioned
but not the private ones.. I do though because customers come to me with problems all the time..
Only difference is for private sources, customers are
told to keep everything off the board to stop the scammers
from posting bad bloods and disappearing HPLC tests...

Johnny said Harry got it tested and I called harry out
to the thread and Harry said no :)

People should have an idea of what kind of
person I am from 11yrs of postings..

I like pussy and may come off as Flaky alot like Johnny says
but I wouldn't come out with my 11yr board name backing business
if I intended to screw people..

I was fast to send guys test E to replace a faked Test P bloods
without even thinking twice I stressed about it because even though
I know a lot of people can't be trusted, I always forget it
because I hate to think people are so cold. ...

Johnny is right, I am Naive and trust alot of people
but only a trusting person would think this way..

All the scamming people I ever ran into
never trust anyone, and that comes from within
themselves because they know they can't be trusted..

Karma is the belief that everyone is like us..
When your a scammer, you will always find people
like you, because this is how the unconscious mind works..

I have a very clear conscious..
I am a very generous person and I always will be
no matter how many people treat me bad..

Have a nice day,
I have no beef with any member here man. Simply saying from someone looking in from the outside, it just seems sketchy.
I am being attacked by four different people if I talk to you and explain everything that johnny says he has on me you would see that he has nothing but I don't have time to keep going back and forth with this.. He was already called out in a lie with the disappearing test
Fair enough, I don't want to get into anyone's past history. It just looks like someone has something to hide. I will leave it at that man.
I have nothing to hide but I won't bring out things that don't need to be thrown out because it will involve other people and I don't need other people on my side for standing up for me I have nothing to hide and I have nothing to prove
My credibility with who ?

The entire forum. You don't get to accuse someone of repping and not back it up. Your name is worth less than shit right now, whether you choose to believe it or not.

You guys don't come here
And run the board after 6 months

Guess what? You don't run the board, either. Your 10 years of worthless posts means nothing. No one runs the board except Millard. Haven't you been paying attention? You're losing it, MW.

No one spends this much
Time bashing sourced with lies and backing scammers unless they are lacking attention at home, are very board or has something else in the works ..

I do it because I despise dishonest sources and members, and I enjoy fucking with those kinds of people. It's how I blow of steam. Watching a liar twist and squirm because they can't run from their own words brings me a special kind of pleasure I can't get anywhere else. And I never get tired of it.

I am not the only one who thinks
He is still at it ..

Bullshit! You're lying and look pathetic right now, MW.

I bet Johnny s butt was sore last night ..

This discussion is not the place for your ass fetish.

And now GETM mentioned in the thread ..
Yup someone is up to something

You don't think David told everyone he spoke to that you ripped him off? It's not a secret, MW. Everyone knows.

because I don't need back up here like johnny does I told them stay out of it

You need to "back up" MORE than Johnny does because he's not selling anything and has nothing to prove.

And you told no one to stay out of it. Stop the bullshit.

another 8 month vet

Sucks, doesn't it? Weighted chinup has been here for 9 months and not once has he posted about how turned on he gets from licking girls' assholes after they've taken a shit because he likes to sniff and taste the stink. Almost every one of his posts - if not EVERY one - have been high quality. Have you even made one quality post in 10 years, MW?

Your meltdown is an indication that the dream is dying. It's over, MW.
I am being attacked by four different people if I talk to you and explain everything that johnny says he has on me you would see that he has nothing

No one is attacking you, MW. And no one "has anything on you." The problems with your gear - bunk prop, tren e, underdosed NPP, etc. - are posted on this site for all to see.

You refuse to admit to problems and resort to ad hominems to discredit anyone who points it out.

I have nothing to hide but I won't bring out things that don't need to be thrown out because it will involve other people and I don't need other people on my side for standing up for me I have nothing to hide and I have nothing to prove

You have everything to prove. If you had anything to "throw out" on Johnny, you would have done it. You're FOS. End of story.
I am new to Meso and don't know anyone here. But reading this thread I have to say that MW you seem to try to change the subject when asked a serious question . Or name drop as its someone else's fault or doings....kinda strange bro, just saying.
I noticed that myself since day 1 among other things..
You're a fucking bum Manwhore.. I'm not letting this shit go. I take great pleasure in knowing your bullshit lies and false accusations are on full display, chump. You can look forward to that cash you've been pocketing from bunk products coming to a screeching halt. Maybe your aunt still has your room available? hahaha.. Pathetic..
I also shared in the past a lot of good opinion about Balkan Pharmaceutical and other gear, does it make it a dealer ?

Or is it better to shut up and do not contribute. As far as I know they are bigger company and I have not seen them advertising on boards.
This doesn't answer the question at all, why do you believe so much in Labmax? Honestly that's the kind of defensive responses I'm exactly talking about
Yes that is what I am waiting for

Nice to see you are trying to deflect and back peddle, as per usual. Unfortunately, no one is going to change the subject at your request. No one is going to extend that courtesy to you anymore.

I've seen you do the same thing many times before - making serious allegations against members because they spoke out against your shady and dangerous behavior.

And every single time I have seen you weasel your way out of providing proof for your claims by conveniently changing the topic of discussion.

That is not going to happen anymore.

Provide proof for the claims you have made against Meso members or admit you are a liar and apologize for making accusations like this in a pathetic attempt to discredit them.

Open and Private and we always see the Open ones questioned
but not the private ones.. I do though because customers come to me with problems all the time..
Only difference is for private sources, customers are
told to keep everything off the board to stop the scammers
from posting bad bloods and disappearing HPLC tests...

Let's get something clear here.

You are not a private lab. You never were. There are no private labs on this board, just a couple of geniuses slinging brew with the same usernames they've been using for years.

That is pretty much the extent of private sourcing on Meso. Meso is all about disclosure. Private sources are all about secrecy and obfuscation.

I also find it hilarious that you view yourself as a good guy....

I distinctly remember an older thread where a newer member called you out for being a source and you facetiously said 'Thank you for that' in an attempt to make it seem like he outed you or something.

You called out this guy for outing you like he committed some kind of cardinal sin. All the while, you were making entire fucking threads hyping up your bathtub brew. That's some shameless advertising.

But the most egregious example of all that actually annoys me whenever I think about it is during one of the 'Secret Sourcing' discussions, where members expressed that there are WKM's slinging brew but they didn't want to name them because they were 'private'. This was before we realized just how fucking obvious you really were. You should have never been extended that courtesy. You stupid fuck, did you not read all the threads talking about how this shit does harm to Meso's integrity? I know you did, because your dumb ass was in those threads shitposting.

You are not a good guy. You don't care about this board. You show contempt for your customers. You are here to profit off your '11 year' username.

I could go on all day really, there are so many examples of your piss-poor character it's pretty ridiculous that you are trying to portray yourself as this great guy who is all about honesty and karma.
I am just as guilty as anyone else but if we spent more timetrying to answer these questions and less time fighting we could probably figure some things out
Guilty! Damn right you are! Answer questions? What a joke. You haven't had the balls to admit you lied your ass off. Let's do this: How about you list all the questions you think need to be answered and give your answers to each.