LABMAX - What does it really test?

Oh, the UV is all that matters. So how to I tell Tren fro nandrolone ?

why cannot you go to labmax site and try to understand it, it is so simple even five years old would understand

there is a difference, there is difference under day light, called the initial color

and there is a difference under UV light

tren is very bright green fluorescence hard to miss

deca is more green mat

I am not going to spend whole day and teach everybody everything is there explained
why cannot you go to labmax site and try to understand it, it is so simple even five years old would understand

there is a difference, there is difference under day light, called the initial color

and there is a difference under UV light

tren is very bright green fluorescence hard to miss

deca is more green mat

I am not going to spend whole day and teach everybody everything is there explained
Yes, now you're making sense. There are colors under daylight that are important. Those colors change with different carriers. Colors are also different with oil compared to with out oil, despite what you said in your previous post. Please don't spend all day trying to explain, because I don't think you know as much as you lead on.
Not as funny as you still being here when nobody respects you or anything you say- do we just hate you less than other boards you have been laughed off of?
lol brutus respects me how? Is that what you are here for? Respect?

Trust me anybody reading your posts can see you are full of shit and have very little AAS knowledge but a very big mouth and some people circle jerking you pretty hard.
Yes, now you're making sense. There are colors under daylight that are important. Those colors change with different carriers. Colors are also different with oil compared to with out oil, despite what you said in your previous post. Please don't spend all day trying to explain, because I don't think you know as much as you lead on.
labmax is shit PERIOD. Mercury is a shill selling it.
You act like a source, you brew and you debunk all testing methods that are readily available to the end user. Must be sourcing.
You act like a source, you brew and you debunk all testing methods that are readily available to the end user. Must be sourcing.
The testing methods are flawed lol HPLC too, it tells you what is in one vial only. I know this because certain batches are different in mg/ml and it depends on how you brewed it too. A vial will never contain the exact number stated, 100mg/ml is more likely 95mg/ml or they overcompensated and made it 120mg/ml. I brew my own so I know what is what, that's why I know that there can be inconsistency with labs too. What's the point in testing one vial? The next vial can contain something different lol.
How can you know "what is what" if all the testing methods are flawed?
They are not flawed, they are just not telling you what you want. You wanna HPLC/MS every vial you have? It gives a false sense of security.

My personal experience is what I go after.
They are not flawed, they are just not telling you what you want. You wanna HPLC/MS every vial you have? It gives a false sense of security.

My personal experience is what I go after.

I'll be more direct you said you brew your own so you know what's what. How do you do know this?
Even better you get a supply of raws in what are the steps you follow so you know "what's what"?
Powder comes labeled, brew it and pin it, melting point helps a little but honestly just being on the gear for a while you can tell if it is good or not. And then that will account for my whole batch. Bigger batches, more consistency..
So for all this time you have been bashing LabMax HPLC/MS testing, your solution for quality control when brewing is to test your powders in your body and go off feel and experience!?!?

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha yah ok bud, hey you have a great night. I wish you luck in all your future endeavors.

Oh, why would you need bigger batches if your aren't sourcing.. You know.. Nevermind... I get the picture.
I always love hearing guys saying they can "feel good gear". I got something they can
So for all this time you have been bashing LabMax HPLC/MS testing, your solution for quality control when brewing is to test your powders in your body and go off feel and experience!?!?

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha yah ok bud, hey you have a great night. I wish you luck in all your future endeavors.

Oh, why would you need bigger batches if your aren't sourcing.. You know.. Nevermind... I get the picture.
Labmax is completely shit.
HPLC/MS is good for one vial.

Yes, bigger batches = larger discounts. It's like with any other drugs, buy in bulk get cheaper prices. What future endeavors?
I always love hearing guys saying they can "feel good gear". I got something they can feel....
What makes AAS different than any other Street drug?
Feel and results is what I go after...

That's just me, I am not looking for sources like you guys. I simply by doing it myself, it's a little cheaper too ;)

Some can't tell what is what, some don't even feel a difference when on AAS. I do. HPLC/MS is good, but it would be done on a large batch I buy so I know everything in that bag is the same, testing 10ml is a waste IMO!
I have vials of west ward test e that is excellent pharm gear. I cannot feel if it's any different from the Dyel batch I got that is also very good for an UG.

Cocaine, meth, etc... can feel in seconds not weeks or sometimes months of jamming God knows fucking what in my body hoping for results. If it's shit I know immediately.

You basically said "I trust my source to provide what they said". That exactly what this Meso community is not about. It's supposed to be about education and harm reduction. You bash the only ways we have that are available to everyone to help with harm reduction but yet yourself you do nothing to prevent it either.

It's fucking comical. I used to think you were ok, then you were a source ball hugger. Now dude your just a waste of time to even bother with anymore. So again enjoy your night and I hope you don't kill people with your untested gear.
I always love hearing guys saying they can "feel good gear". I got something they can
Fucking epic right? I wasn't expecting this outcome at all. Who does all this shit to discredit testing methods but then tests by "feel"