Lack of caber

What’s up guys my source can’t seem to get their hands on caber so I’m curious what’s the best injectable steroid I can add with test that won’t raise prolactin enough to need caber . Thank you!
I’ve never taken masteron before , would I run it higher than my test I’d assume . I usually run test at 250 and then tren was 500 idk if that would be a good rule for masteron as well
idk. everyone is different,
hair loss, lipids, sides, will play a role. I can run super high, enough to make people go bald. 0 issues with cholesterol, lipids, acne, etc.

I will always be on test/mast as my cycle base and maybe add something else(or maybe add nothing at all)
idk. everyone is different,
hair loss, lipids, sides, will play a role. I can run super high, enough to make people go bald. 0 issues with cholesterol, lipids, acne, etc.

I will always be on test/mast as my cycle base and maybe add something else(or maybe add nothing at all)
What’s a test mast cycle dose you would run
I get scared because on tren with no caber I do have tren dick and sensitive nipples unfortunately so I’d imagine deca would be the same issue
Everyone is different. My dick worked fine on tren, but not so well when I ramped up Deca. P5P didn't help. 0.25 mg caber E3D made a big difference.

Now that I think about it, the nerd scientist in me would've loved to see blood tests in all of those periods

In real time, sometimes we make decisions & educated guesses with lack of good evidence.
I’ve never taken masteron before , would I run it higher than my test I’d assume . I usually run test at 250 and then tren was 500 idk if that would be a good rule for masteron as well

Do you blast and cruise, and this is a blast? What time frame? Are you really Greek?
We have questions.