Test mast ratio

Recently it seems Todd Lee has had a falling out with Kurt Havens and them guys. I know in pretty much every video Todd makes now he goes on about masteron being superior to primo or other anabolics for that matter. I'm simply gonna try out the low test high masteron theory for myself. Pretty much anyone else like Kurt Haven's, Dean St Mart, justin Harris, Vig Steve I think or any of that group will say masteron is pretty much useless or trash lol. I think mainly because it hasn't been studied and because it hasn't been studied as vigorously as primo or other anabolics they are quick too throw it in the trash.
I agree. I'm all about trying it out to see. I was watching the anabolic bodybuilding chat live today and Kurt even said something along the lines of masteron being the current fad and when can we all just move on and forget about masteron, lol