Definitive reference for theoretically kosher AAS you could get through a compounding pharmacy via your medical provider:
FDA has just approved norgestrel (progestin) for OTC but all Pharma versions of oxandrolone have been discontinued. Ignorance sure must be bliss.
nandrolone (ND and NPP)
ethyloestrenol - maxibolin
dromostanolone - masteron
fluoxymesterone - halotestin
oxandrolone*** (see below)
are all FDA approved discontinued medications. This includes NPP.
Of course when it comes to AAS there is sometimes a big difference between theory and practice.
You will see NPP is in the FDA Orange Book but I know of no compounder that will touch it. Very controversial history for nandrolone in US.
ND is protected by this..
*** Note that the exact opposite just happened with oxandrolone. Discontinued for reasons of "safety".
Federal Register :: Request Access
We will see what happens with the compounding pharmacies. Guess they will keep making the 11 and 34.5 mg tabs and troches since the 2.5 and 10 mg pharma products were discontinued for reasons of "safety".
Of course thenl official summary report with literature review justifying this action was a complete joke.
A high schooler could write a more comprehensive review outlining the safety record for oxandrolone in the peer reviewed literature and clinical trials.