Interested to see if I'm one of the guys to get crushed by tren cough.
I can get it from just test, sometimes NPP. Tren cough hits harder though... I usually can feel it coming, I calmly finish the shot then go straight to my bed and lay face down in the blanket and wait for death's sweet embrace.
Is it fucked up that I'm a little excited to see how the sides hit me?
My first tren run started at around 400mg and I increased the dose every two or so weeks until I was... Well... Taking a fucking lot of it. I wanted to see what the sides were like and how dose dependent they were. Honestly, even at a very substantial dose, the sides weren't nearly as bad as some have reported but they're also user specific.. even still, I feel you'd need to be extremely sensitive to it to really suffer.
With that said, there is a rather constant feeling of a sort of toxicity that does tend to get worse the more you take. Best way I can describe it is feeling very wired, one minute you feel like you might be God... The next you feel like you might be dying.
Have fun.