Lemons first cut cycle.

Solid workouts today

Did a close grip bench up to 225 for reps.
with some.minor back work in the morning.

Evening hit deadlifts for 9 sets,
Worked up to only 385... since gyms are closed and that's all I fucking have.

Tasted a little bit of the Tren on a delt shot, maybe coughed 3 times total, but I'm a smoker, so could have just bin that.
When i tasted it, i huffed on some isopropyl and the urge to cough went away.
Pretty crazy few days
Currently taking a break on a 20 hour shift.
Off for 6 hours, then back for another 20.

Managed a few workouts the last few days.
But none today or tomorow, which sucks, it feels like I'm wasting the tren , but it is what it is.

Day before.

Each set superset with 30 glute bridges at 55 lbs.

Knees hurt like hell, I was doing a roof the day before and that day, so I didnt want to push my luck, so kept it nice and light.

Rack pulls

Same reasoning, Deadlifts day before and I'm fucked from the roofing (I'm not a roofer lol)

Pretty shitty day lol

Last workout

Superset with 225 lb shrugs from a block pull position
15 reps Shurgs from the rack pull after every workout

(All superset with shurgs)

Lateral raises
Single hand heavy cheat raises


All above with drop set to 15 lb Kettle bell, followed up with aforementioned shrugs.

Banded face pulls
4 sets 15 reps

Front raises
1 plate
5 sets
8 reps (With a steering wheel movement at the top)

Intensity was there for this workout, OHP felt great
I have a new goal of 225 for OHP
Wont make it on this cycle, but I really want to push it with ease.
I'll be very happy, as my rotator cuff is still fucked, so it will be a nice milestone for me.

No sides yet
Sleeping like a baby

Food hasnt been on point.
Been eating around 3500cals,
Been hitting my Macros, but I've been away from home, so calories have crept up to keep up with my protein intake.

wih the added carbs and Tren, I'm looking a little fuller, so the tren is doing its work, but as everyone knows, the food is the deciding factor.

If I want to cut, I have to get my head out of my ass
Pretty crazy few days
Currently taking a break on a 20 hour shift.
Off for 6 hours, then back for another 20.

Managed a few workouts the last few days.
But none today or tomorow, which sucks, it feels like I'm wasting the tren , but it is what it is.

Day before.

Each set superset with 30 glute bridges at 55 lbs.

Knees hurt like hell, I was doing a roof the day before and that day, so I didnt want to push my luck, so kept it nice and light.

Rack pulls

Same reasoning, Deadlifts day before and I'm fucked from the roofing (I'm not a roofer lol)

Pretty shitty day lol

Last workout

Superset with 225 lb shrugs from a block pull position
15 reps Shurgs from the rack pull after every workout

(All superset with shurgs)

Lateral raises
Single hand heavy cheat raises


All above with drop set to 15 lb Kettle bell, followed up with aforementioned shrugs.

Banded face pulls
4 sets 15 reps

Front raises
1 plate
5 sets
8 reps (With a steering wheel movement at the top)

Intensity was there for this workout, OHP felt great
I have a new goal of 225 for OHP
Wont make it on this cycle, but I really want to push it with ease.
I'll be very happy, as my rotator cuff is still fucked, so it will be a nice milestone for me.

No sides yet
Sleeping like a baby

Food hasnt been on point.
Been eating around 3500cals,
Been hitting my Macros, but I've been away from home, so calories have crept up to keep up with my protein intake.

wih the added carbs and Tren, I'm looking a little fuller, so the tren is doing its work, but as everyone knows, the food is the deciding factor.

If I want to cut, I have to get my head out of my ass
Those are some long ass shifts bro. Doesn’t make it easy but keep pushing like you are. You’re progressing so that’s what matters.
Usually I feel tren ace after about a week. That next week I usually barely sleep, I tend to be fine after that as far as sleep.

So...I'd expect you to be "feeling" it in about a week. It's the only AAS where I really feel like I am on some shit. Which is both good and bad.

We will see how your cut goes. Increasing strength on a deficit will be tricky... Tren does some weird shit to CNS though. If anything will do it Tren will. Just listen to your body and eat clean. Tren gives me an insane appetite we will see how it affects yours. Sometimes it's better to just ride the wave than try to fight against the current where diet is concerned.
Usually I feel tren ace after about a week. That next week I usually barely sleep, I tend to be fine after that as far as sleep.

So...I'd expect you to be "feeling" it in about a week. It's the only AAS where I really feel like I am on some shit. Which is both good and bad.

We will see how your cut goes. Increasing strength on a deficit will be tricky... Tren does some weird shit to CNS though. If anything will do it Tren will. Just listen to your body and eat clean. Tren gives me an insane appetite we will see how it affects yours. Sometimes it's better to just ride the wave than try to fight against the current where diet is concerned.

Yeah, I'm done beating myself up about the cals
My training partner has noticed I look a little fuller, without losing definition, so the Tren has started its work.
Back to the gym today
Weekend was hell.

Worked 40 hours in 2 days
In 100 degree temps (Mechanical tunnels and boiler rooms for a city block sized facility)

Was depleted this morning, so I've been crushing the carbs and fats.
Hit around 4k-4.5k cals today to fuel my triumphant return to the gym.

Libido is wayyyyyy up
I'm about 50% rapist right now to be honest.
Breaking my neck at all the hottie while im driving in TO.

Acne has increased around my delts and back, applied some Retinol A, so should be good shortly.

Tren anger is a thing,
But not like I've read, I'm a very calm.and pleasant guy, so no issues there.
An error message started going off in my truck (Trailer brakes) for like 15 minutes straight.
So I calmly proceeded to pull over and hammer fuck the connection in the rear.

I'm now repairing it, but yeah... that's VERY atypical for me lol
Back to the gym today
Weekend was hell.

Worked 40 hours in 2 days
In 100 degree temps (Mechanical tunnels and boiler rooms for a city block sized facility)

Was depleted this morning, so I've been crushing the carbs and fats.
Hit around 4k-4.5k cals today to fuel my triumphant return to the gym.

Libido is wayyyyyy up
I'm about 50% rapist right now to be honest.
Breaking my neck at all the hottie while im driving in TO.

Acne has increased around my delts and back, applied some Retinol A, so should be good shortly.

Tren anger is a thing,
But not like I've read, I'm a very calm.and pleasant guy, so no issues there.
An error message started going off in my truck (Trailer brakes) for like 15 minutes straight.
So I calmly proceeded to pull over and hammer fuck the connection in the rear.

I'm now repairing it, but yeah... that's VERY atypical for me lol

But the important thing is that you calmly did that.

Tren isn’t so much “anger” as it is coldness, emotionless. It seems totally rational at the time too.
But the important thing is that you calmly did that.

Tren isn’t so much “anger” as it is coldness, emotionless. It seems totally rational at the time too.

It did seem rational bahahaha

Usually I would pull into a gas station and troubleshoot.
Probably a bad connection or some dirt caught in the connection.

Instead I thought "I just dint have time for this nonsense at the moment, I'll fix it later... but I'm not putting up with this shit for the rest of my drive"

Was pretty funny actually

If anything, my wife has noticed I'm in a better mood at home overall.
It did seem rational bahahaha

Usually I would pull into a gas station and troubleshoot.
Probably a bad connection or some dirt caught in the connection.

Instead I thought "I just dint have time for this nonsense at the moment, I'll fix it later... but I'm not putting up with this shit for the rest of my drive"

Was pretty funny actually

If anything, my wife has noticed I'm in a better mood at home overall.
The Tren train ain’t a bad ride. I think the mental sides are overstated sometimes.
Pretty busy at work
Slacking on the updates... but not my training.

Hit a tricep/Heavy shoulders on Monday

Close grip bench
225x17 (Rep PR)
225x14 RPE fucking 10 to get it)
Superset french press 35lbs for 20)

I dont go too heavy on close grip, in fear of re tearing my tricep.
I know everything above 5 reps is cardio lol

Skull crushers

Superset close grip speed work, make that bar jingle and work on throwing it through the ceiling.

Felt tired from triceps, so didnt want to go to crazy, went heavy last week, planning for a PR attempt in 2 weeks.

Tricep extensions

Side Laterals

Face pulls
Superset with rear delt rows at 10 lbs.

Barbell shrugs

295 x12 x3 (All i have at this location, I save the heavier weights for a friends place)

Solid workout
Weight felt super light


Weighted pullups (Close grip) I dont hit wide grip anymore, aggravates my biceps and forearm

45x 16
weightless 15

Bent over rows

Superset eith weightless pullups AMRAP
Couldn't squeeze a crazy amount out, but tried lol.

Close grip bent over rows.(Suoerset glute bridges at 55 lbs x30

Started to get fuxking GASSED here.
Cardio has taken a minor hit and I wasnt taking rests between sets

Barbell bench, bent over rows (all superset with glute bridges)
55lbs x20x 4

Had to call it early, as I was about to be late for work.

My weight is up 5 lbs so far
The tren is doing work
I'm assuming mostly nitrogen etc retention, but I look fuller for sure.
Look a little leaner as well.
So I'm pretty happy so far.
Bigger and leaner?
Count me in lol

You should be well over 315x1 based on those reps with 225lbs unless you're just really good at reps.

I havnt tried for 315 on close grip yet, but I'm sure its there.

I want to try to hit 315 again on standard bench, then maybe try for a PR near the end of my cycle.

Havnt gone over 295 since I hit that PR months ago.

I going for 325... man I'd be jumping up and down
Just pinned 50mg right delt.
Felt like complete shit IMMEDIATLY after injection.
Instant headache
Felt tired
Pain in my jawline
Minor nausea
MINOR difficulty breathing.

Interesting because I aspirated (I never fucking aspirated until I started Tren) no blood.

Went away in about 30 mins
Still a little tired, but that's it.

Nice to get a blood vessel/vein shot out of the way, I pinned scar tissue (The oil started flowing out until I Z tracked and compressed) So the oil definitely got into subQ tissue, maybe a vessel or vein close to the surface.

Wasnt fun, but boosted my confidence for the rest of the run.
Just pinned 50mg right delt.
Felt like complete shit IMMEDIATLY after injection.
Instant headache
Felt tired
Pain in my jawline
Minor nausea
MINOR difficulty breathing.

Interesting because I aspirated (I never fucking aspirated until I started Tren) no blood.

Went away in about 30 mins
Still a little tired, but that's it.

Nice to get a blood vessel/vein shot out of the way, I pinned scar tissue (The oil started flowing out until I Z tracked and compressed) So the oil definitely got into subQ tissue, maybe a vessel or vein close to the surface.

Wasnt fun, but boosted my confidence for the rest of the run.
Pinning scar tissue sucks lol
Back to the gym today
Weekend was hell.

Worked 40 hours in 2 days
In 100 degree temps (Mechanical tunnels and boiler rooms for a city block sized facility)

Was depleted this morning, so I've been crushing the carbs and fats.
Hit around 4k-4.5k cals today to fuel my triumphant return to the gym.

Libido is wayyyyyy up
I'm about 50% rapist right now to be honest.
Breaking my neck at all the hottie while im driving in TO.

Acne has increased around my delts and back, applied some Retinol A, so should be good shortly.

Tren anger is a thing,
But not like I've read, I'm a very calm.and pleasant guy, so no issues there.
An error message started going off in my truck (Trailer brakes) for like 15 minutes straight.
So I calmly proceeded to pull over and hammer fuck the connection in the rear.

I'm now repairing it, but yeah... that's VERY atypical for me lol
Feeling 50% rapist is only good when your seeing someone or in a relationship. When i am on tren seeing someone it is great.

Otherwise its not good. Lol

the horniness turns into an issue.
Comp bench day
Popped 10mg Halo 1 hour PWO

255x9 (Rep PR)

Did some quad extensions (Nice light shit felt drained after the PR)
Hit some glute bridges, same idea, just work the legs a bit.

Was happy with the PR

1RM calculator puts my bench at 328
Not sure if I can hit it, but I'll try in 2ish weeks anyways.

3 more bench sessions
Two of them at 80% Max before I try the 1RM PR
my last bench session before PR attempt will be a deload at 225 max

I will jump straight to 325 and skip 315, just have to go for it.

I basically want to do a mock meet on my last few days on cycle.
picking up some smelling salts for it, if anyone has a recommendation
I was thinking WARD salts, pretty well reviewed.

I've also noticed the CARBS that @Eman was talking about.

If I dont have carbs consistently, I feel quite tired and a little hypo.

So I keep fast carbs with me at all times, seems to help out significantly
Comp bench day
Popped 10mg Halo 1 hour PWO

255x9 (Rep PR)

Did some quad extensions (Nice light shit felt drained after the PR)
Hit some glute bridges, same idea, just work the legs a bit.

Was happy with the PR

1RM calculator puts my bench at 328
Not sure if I can hit it, but I'll try in 2ish weeks anyways.

3 more bench sessions
Two of them at 80% Max before I try the 1RM PR
my last bench session before PR attempt will be a deload at 225 max

I will jump straight to 325 and skip 315, just have to go for it.

I basically want to do a mock meet on my last few days on cycle.
picking up some smelling salts for it, if anyone has a recommendation
I was thinking WARD salts, pretty well reviewed.

I've also noticed the CARBS that @Eman was talking about.

If I dont have carbs consistently, I feel quite tired and a little hypo.

So I keep fast carbs with me at all times, seems to help out significantly
Congrats on the PR.
So ya know how I thought I had tren cough before.
Yeah 100% didnt.

100% did last night.
God damn, fuck that shit.
What the actual fuck, that was a complete bullshit experience, felt like I was actually dying hahaha.
That goes down as a VERY unpleasant experience.
Could not breath, panic setting in lol.

immediately flushed and just right fucked.

Hopefully I dont get that too often, wife was looking at me and saying "What the fuck is wrong with you for pinning that shit"
Since I told her it COULD happened and it wasnt s big deal.

Also couldnt sleep very well.afterwards, I guess the tren was in the ol bloor so the hormone hit me fast and hard.

Yeah that sucked lol
Yeah. That's it.

Doesnt happen very often. Some dude the other day posted he had become scared of pinning.

Now, I've never given a fuck. Doesnt bother me......BUT. The only time I've ever had a bit of worry over a pin it was after a week (ED pinning) where I'd had like 3 of those hit me. I think I've only experienced it about 4 times total.

How's it going otherwise? You sleeping good? Are you hungry? Nothing makes me hungry like tren. Its unreal.

Alright bub. Enjoy the ride.