Lethargy on cycle

I had my Primo tested by Jano. I used a little out of each vial I had remaining and put it in a non-marked sterile vial. Testing results came back today and are spot-on for 100mg/ml Primobolan.

Today I get my comprehensive blood panel drawn at labcorp.
I’ll post results once I get them in.


  • primo 6.11.24 Test results.png
    primo 6.11.24 Test results.png
    259.2 KB · Views: 22
That was fast!
Blood lab results from yesterday already came in.

Things I see:
Cholesterol levels are skewed.

A1C is high, but better than when I had started the cycle.

FSH & LH are crushed from cycle

Actual Testosterone is not recorded, it'd nice to see the actual number if possible.

Estradiol is at 42 pg/mL

C Reactive Protein has doubled.

Ferritin is low, 26 ng/mL

SHBG is low 11 nmol/L

What do y'all think about this blood test result and my lethargy symptoms, and recommended course of action?


  • blood lab
    139.1 KB · Views: 7
That was fast!
Blood lab results from yesterday already came in.

Things I see:
Cholesterol levels are skewed.

A1C is high, but better than when I had started the cycle.

FSH & LH are crushed from cycle

Actual Testosterone is not recorded, it'd nice to see the actual number if possible.

Estradiol is at 42 pg/mL

C Reactive Protein has doubled.

Ferritin is low, 26 ng/mL

SHBG is low 11 nmol/L

What do y'all think about this blood test result and my lethargy symptoms, and recommended course of action?
They look ok
Guys,is true,that tren in some ways effect thyroid gland? That is why some people have tren lethargy,and small dose of T3 should help to solve lethargy problems???
Guys,is true,that tren in some ways effect thyroid gland? That is why some people have tren lethargy,and small dose of T3 should help to solve lethargy problems???
tren does have an effect on Thyroid imo you shouldn't just mess with thyroid hormone levels by adding T3 they are finicky and consume muscle mass if you're gonna add anything add T4 not T3 unless you're aware of what you're getting yourself into