Lets discuss our views on PCT....

After treating over 1000+ AAS users, I have found the best method with guaranteed success to be:

:confused: I can see why bloodwork can determine a host of things concerning pct, but bloodwork is NOT pct. So with your vast experience and expertise, could you please outline what to look for in the bloodwork, and what that would mean concerning what SERMS and what doses? Don't mistake my frustration for lack of respect, but it does seem like there are a multitude of threads that you could add valuable information to, and instead you offer brief, vague information that only leaves more questions. It leads one to wonder if you are here to help or to find new customers.
Why, I wonder, isn't hmg used more? I'm not as familiar as I should be with it, but I wonder would hcg use on cycle (mimics LH) and adding hmg post cycle (mimics FSH?) would be good?

So hcg used during cycle then run a standard PCT + hmg?
What are thoughts? Looking for bro's with more hmg knowledge than myself. I assume hmg isn't worth use otherwise we would see this discussed more...
For some reason, HCG is a drug I don't like too much, because I have severe aromatization and poor recovery.
Still it has its place, but real LH is the better way to go

HMG is nothing else than FSH+LH combined, but LH to a small part dose. recombinant HMG or FSH is worth using, if you can afford it. You have to pay your ass off, because it is extremely expensive. FSH acts with the LH synergetically, so the results can be pretty satisfying.

It not being discussed doesn't say anything, because many people are conservative thinkers and others who know better, barely share their experience.
Thank you amar...very good insight. Since you are familiar with hmg would you offer up examples of its usage (on cycle or pct) including dosage schedule.

I also would love to see Bill Roberts and Dr. Scally's opinions on this if they don't mind.
I think the reason is simple and single pronged. ITS EXPENSIVE AS SHIT.....:)

Thank you amar...very good insight. Since you are familiar with hmg would you offer up examples of its usage (on cycle or pct) including dosage schedule.

I also would love to see Bill Roberts and Dr. Scally's opinions on this if they don't mind.
This is not a usual steroid, so without having measured hormonal values, testicular volume through sonography and the history of supression through steroids etc. it is not possible to give a universal formula.

75IU e3d to 225IU is possible with different durations, depending on the basal results. you can use too much or too few or in cases of primary failure FSH substitution is non effective at all no matter the dose.

Remember it is extremely expensive, so paying for a right detailed diagnosis of the own hormonal stand is not a wasted investment
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I've never used HMG or worked with anyone who was using it.

The only thing I wonder if it might provide advantages, besides in some fertility situations, is whether it might increase ejaculatory volume. But that is not a very important area of wondering I guess :)

It certainly isn't necessary.

With HCG, I have seen aromatization problems only at the higher doses that I don't recommend for ordinary use. It can be a problem with the drug, but I do believe it is dose related and excellent results can be obtained, for those who don't have a medical problem, with moderate dosing that does not cause adverse side effects.

(Of course, if an individual has aromatization problems simply from some given level of natural free T, then if attaining that free T level with HCG the aromatization problem will be there in that situation as well. But that is not a fault of HCG.)
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