Hello Meso Cimmunity, i am in kind off a sticky situation.
I had my yearly checkup for insurance scheduled for about two months from now so enough time to pct and get everyting in order. But yesterday they called me and moved up my appointment to this week, next week at most. The reason is a change in facitilys so they wont be able to accept/process any papers. I already tried talking them into letting me do it after the moved but they were pretty clear that wont happen and i will loose my insurance.

My question now. I am running 600mg Test (2x 300/week) and 300 Deca. Assuming the deca is not testosterone, by next week my testosterone should be in the normal range. Estrogen is also good.(so is liver/kidney funktion, ad them testet 3 weeks ago)
my problem now is LH/FSH if i start taking Clomid and Tamoxifen today will it boost the LH/FSH enough to get it in the normal Range till next week?

Thank you for the Help!
@Dr JIM, @Doc187123, hopefully one or both those guys will take a look. The only speculation I have, and it is 100% speculation! Maybe an HCG blast. But without knowing how comprehensive this physical is. Or seeing any current blood work. Even if I did. I do not feel confident trying to help with something this important. Last thing, if you do have recent bloods. You should probably post them so if either of those guys take a look. They will have some info.
Hello Meso Cimmunity, i am in kind off a sticky situation.
I had my yearly checkup for insurance scheduled for about two months from now so enough time to pct and get everyting in order. But yesterday they called me and moved up my appointment to this week, next week at most. The reason is a change in facitilys so they wont be able to accept/process any papers. I already tried talking them into letting me do it after the moved but they were pretty clear that wont happen and i will loose my insurance.

My question now. I am running 600mg Test (2x 300/week) and 300 Deca. Assuming the deca is not testosterone, by next week my testosterone should be in the normal range. Estrogen is also good.(so is liver/kidney funktion, ad them testet 3 weeks ago)
my problem now is LH/FSH if i start taking Clomid and Tamoxifen today will it boost the LH/FSH enough to get it in the normal Range till next week?

Thank you for the Help!

Assuming you are running Test E or C, your test will not be anywhere close to normal in a week, try 3 weeks. Remember half life is 7 days with E. So week one is 300 (2700 ng/ml), week 2 is 150 (1350 ng/ml), week 3 is 75 (675 ng/ml) and week 4 it will be under normal if you were at 500 ng/ml to start.
I sadly can only wait till next Thursday.

The thing that has not been answered. And maybe someone can answer that.

Will the clomid boost the lh/fsh in that short time so it would show as normal in a blood test?
I know although hcg mimics lh it doesn't show up as such.

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Why do you want lh/fsh to show normal? I don't think you will lose insurance on that
Ain't too high testosterone levels more suspicious and thus a higher chance or losing insurance?
If your bloodwork is not for TRT then it's most likely they won't be checking your LH/FSH. If you are on TRT then your LH/FSH should be tanked anyway.

Yes Clomid and nolva will boost LH/FSH but the problem becomes finding a dose that doesn't raise them to very high levels. Maybe low dose of one or the other.
Well insurance in my country is expensive so if anything is off the premiums skyrocket.
Idk if they will test last year they did.

I want to wait till i have kids so a year or two and then go on trt.
I already consultet with an insurance guy on what would happen incase of trt and he said nothing much they gladly pay but as soon as the numbers come out of he norm the premium will go up fast even before a doc is prescribing me that. They just see it as "high risk". He could explain why. He just said company policy.

Also i cant change insurance carrier right now bc my job. They partly pay for everything so it saves a ton o money.

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Hello Meso Cimmunity, i am in kind off a sticky situation.
I had my yearly checkup for insurance scheduled for about two months from now so enough time to pct and get everyting in order. But yesterday they called me and moved up my appointment to this week, next week at most. The reason is a change in facitilys so they wont be able to accept/process any papers. I already tried talking them into letting me do it after the moved but they were pretty clear that wont happen and i will loose my insurance.

My question now. I am running 600mg Test (2x 300/week) and 300 Deca. Assuming the deca is not testosterone, by next week my testosterone should be in the normal range. Estrogen is also good.(so is liver/kidney funktion, ad them testet 3 weeks ago)
my problem now is LH/FSH if i start taking Clomid and Tamoxifen today will it boost the LH/FSH enough to get it in the normal Range till next week?

Thank you for the Help!

What battery of tests are included in an "annual insurance checkup"?

Since when did "insurance" involve TT, FSH and LH testing ?

Something's not adding up here fella !!!

Or is your real problem double dipping on your TRT RX?

If this is a "country issue" GOOD LUCK
bc I've no idea about the practice standards, exclusive of the U.S.
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They always did for me. Insurance try to milk everything out of people so everything is a faktor. So fertility i woukd guess is also one bc of children that they might have to cover or if your infertile bc of whatever reason maybe higher risk of cancer. They could explain it eighter when i signt.

Got blood drawn this morning. Lets see how it goes.

And yes its not the US

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