Liberty Labs EU domestic

What way do you brew your DHB? Any feedback or testing on it yet?
DHB is brewed at 25% BB only, with MCT oil, no other solvents,
it holds at room temperature, but it wouldn't be surprising that it crashes during transport, given the lower temperatures.
So if it arrives crashed, you should warm it and shake it well before use.
Is test E coming soon?
Using their test c right now, first time since ive been mainly test e user for the past couple of years.

Pip free which is rare for me with other labs I usually get either extreme pip + swelling (guessing its from eo allergy or something) or normal pip (guessing some other solvent or carrier oil reaction) but this is the first lab in a long time where I can't even tell I injected so MCT seems to be my bodies preferred CO.

Sex drive went way up after 100mg shot since I ran out of test for 2 weeks prior to injecting, obviously this is all anecdotal feedback so can't confirm its 100% legit without bloods, but the tests other users have provided seem to check out.
I recently made the switch from Cyp to Enan and i feel exactly the same, way more energy and amazing libido and energy, been in Cyp for TRT for some years now.
Makes me wonder if 1. every individual reacts different to esters or 2. switching sters at least these between 2 Cyp/Ena that have similar half life from time to time produce this type of wellness reaction (using another lab but the experience caught my attention) also less fluid retention
Picked up 5 x 12mg Saizen cartridges, arrived to the states in less than a week. Shipped the next day after ordering. All in legit boxes and original paper work, with matching manufacture/expiration dates.

10/10 first experience with these guys, will be back for more thank you!
Picked up 5 x 12mg Saizen cartridges, arrived to the states in less than a week. Shipped the next day after ordering. All in legit boxes and original paper work, with matching manufacture/expiration dates.

10/10 first experience with these guys, will be back for more thank you!
Are you sure this is the right source thread? This is EU domestic and last time I checked they didn’t sell saizen rHGH.
Sorry for the late answer, been really busy with orders and new products.
Any plans do add sarms?
I could do a small batch of the most popular sarms, and see how is the demand, maybe in future.
This week probably.
Any plans on adding sdrol, mtren?
Superdrol will be added very soon, mtren is also planned.
@Liberty Labs Good Morning

what oil is used in the products? MCT or other?
All inyectables are made with MCT oil.
I recently made the switch from Cyp to Enan and i feel exactly the same, way more energy and amazing libido and energy, been in Cyp for TRT for some years now.
Makes me wonder if 1. every individual reacts different to esters or 2. switching sters at least these between 2 Cyp/Ena that have similar half life from time to time produce this type of wellness reaction (using another lab but the experience caught my attention) also less fluid retention
As with everything - everyone is different. Even some doctors say that enanthate and cypionate affect some individuals differently even though on paper it's a slight difference (seven vs eight carbon ester form) and slightly longer half life 1-1.5 days.

Even then you need to remember that for some individuals half life can be 5 vs 7 days for example depending on how they metabolize testosterone and drugs in general. Also frequency of injections plays a significant role.

So what you experienced is not abnormal, rather some individuals just respond better to say enanthate or vice versa possibly to cypionate. I myself feel almost no difference, but I feel that enanthate is quite a bit stronger mg per mg, due to again slightly shorter ester and more pure testosterone (minus ester). I prefer enanthate just cause, but since my former favorite source shut down and other test e is hit or miss with bad pip, I prefer to be safe and use test c now.