Liberty Labs EU domestic

My orders to an EU country is currently taking 15+ days now. Sent an email to check if there are any problems with shipping currently as the site advertises on average it would take 2-5 days and to contact them if it takes more than 10 days.

There is a small number of clients, particularly from remote parts of the EU, whose parcels are affected by delays, I already contacted the postal agency and trying to fix this issue, the packages will eventually arrive, they are just taking longer time than expected.

All clients affected will be offered a compensation on their next order, despite that the postal agency is completely responsible for the issue.

I always try to ship the parcels the same day the client makes the order so it arrives faster, but after the parcel is handed by the agency I cannot do much more.

Thank you for your understanding.
Ordered a package to Scandinavia, the package was delayed but this was NOT LibertyLabs fault. He shipped it pretty much instantly after payment, but the courier messed something up but it eventually arrived.

Amazing support from LibertyLabs, I didn't have to reach out to him more than once and he kept me updated on things and made sure I got what I paid for - and even more. He kept updating on things without me asking status from him. This is first time I've had such an amazing customer service when dealing with AAS.

Big recommendation, amazing customer service and he works very professionally. Products were well packaged and everything seems legit.
Quick service and decent delivery time, one week from order to package received on the other side of Europe. Great prices! Will order again.

Any plans on introducing a limited selection of SARMs (personally most interested in YK-11 and MK677)? ETA on Proviron?
Using their test c right now, first time since ive been mainly test e user for the past couple of years.

Pip free which is rare for me with other labs I usually get either extreme pip + swelling (guessing its from eo allergy or something) or normal pip (guessing some other solvent or carrier oil reaction) but this is the first lab in a long time where I can't even tell I injected so MCT seems to be my bodies preferred CO.

Sex drive went way up after 100mg shot since I ran out of test for 2 weeks prior to injecting, obviously this is all anecdotal feedback so can't confirm its 100% legit without bloods, but the tests other users have provided seem to check out.