@Skull little brother i am that guy too. I miss my old gym, it had a deadlifting room (yes room, not just pad). screaming was almost mandatory. i was forced back to a chain gym and it sucks. the "rules," posted on the wall, clearly say "no excessive noises while exercising." So my war cry when i am snatching the bar off the ground or prepping myself for a big lift have had to fall by the wayside. it sucks.
So i have been lifting and pinning, just not logging. Last week my last care package arrived. EQ, and deca, each 300 mg/ml. Opened both and pinned 4 ml (1200 mg) of EQ 2 ml (600 mg) of deca. had been running NPP, frontloaded the deca to get levels up quick, and stopped the NPP. That was wednesday.
Friday was normal pin of long esters, so 1 ml (300 mg) deca, another 4 ml of EQ (1200 mg) frontload, and the usual 1 ml (300 mg) of test.
Tonight is my e3d long ester pin, down to where i'll be for another 8-10 weeks. 1 ml (300 mg) EQ, 1 ml (300 mg), 0.5 ml deca (150 mg). The EQ was painless but 3 ml per ass cheek for a couple days is a lot of fucking oil. good lord.
tbol now dropped to 30 mg a day, 10 mg PWO. this shit is the best i've had, the back pumps are so bad even 30 mg is crushing me with 15 mg taurine. fuuuuuck.
still running the ghrp-6 at 150 mg 2xday, i have it, it's paid for. the hypos are gone (and i eat befor3e they get bad). not much appetite effect.
started MT2, 0.25 mg/day, now at .50 mg/day. Tanning ed as well, am getting dark as fuck. also had a 2 hr hard on the first day i pinned .50 mg, hysterical. like grade school, nothing would make that shit go down. no sides like nausea at these doses.
will runb out the supply i have and tan every day, then see how long that lasts.
I don't lift, steroids and tv = muscle.
heh. Right.
Wednesday - legs
basically didn't eat all day, then chugged PWO and took 20 mg of Tbol PWO. fuck, this tbol is killing me with the pumps. so i ran out of gas half way through, no amount of gatorade would fix this energy deficit and the back pumps were making my eyes water.
pumps were so bad i laid on my back for 15 minutes waiting to be able to wstand up without crying. fuck. yes, my vag was achy.
just to make a bad situation worse, fucking pumps got out of hand again
smith lunges (back)
you know why i never see people doing these? because theyre hard as shit and they hurt so bad you want to hit something. weight total on the bar on the smith machine, who knows what the bar is. reps are per leg. legh extended way the fuck back, knee to the floor on the way down. form is perfect before increasing weight.
go do these. no really. throw a bunch of weight on. then steadily pull it off when you realize these are no joke. maybe it's just me.
lying glute machine (WO partner wants to have a nice ass. whatever.)
that was it. back pumps and general fatigue crushed me. was up half the night.
thursday - rest (10 sets of 10 rest presses)
friday - shoulders
db shoulder press (arnold) 30x8x3
weighted raise - front - 45 lb plate 3x10
bw leg raise (straight leg) 3x10
db shrug 60x8, 65x8, 70x8
bb raise (seated incline bench, front) - 30x8x3
lat cable raises 15x8, 20x8x2, 15x8
hammer strength shoulder press (weight is per side) - 45x10, 70x8, 80x6, 90x4, 45x10
lat swingdowns 50x10, 60x10x2
smith machine - seated shoulder press behind neck - weight is sum on bar, FST-7
40x10x3, 30x10, 20x10, 10x10x2
saturday - squats and deads.
this has basically become a powerlifting-style day. i rbought a box of pop tarts.
@Docd187123 nuff said.
deads - doing a bit of range finding for my current "PR" - in quotes because i stopped short. i had more in the tank. i also have potential injuries in the tank. reason > ego today.
i haven't pulled more than 405 off the floor in six months. i'm a happy camper.
Female lifting partner did range finding for the first time to determine her current PR (after several sessions getting her form squared away). 225 with gas in the tank, perfect form. She was amazed. gonna turn her into a powerlifter. she's got great raw power coming off the floor.
Squats - back pumps were not nice, and didn't have a whole lot in the tank.
form was shitty. i do not lift all sloppy doing half-squat good mornings. if i can't lift with proper from i either drop weight or punt, depending on why the form is off. today i was out of gas, i punted.
Sunday - rest (10x10 rest extensions)
Monday - Squats again (at the insistence of my lifting partner)
275x3x5 - form was tight for 4/5 sets, got a little sloppy in the third at the third rep. took an extra minute to rest and got my shit tight again.
this doesn't look like much but 275 working weight is a big change for me. i usually ramp to around my pr with sets of 1-2 at anything above 275. these days i'm pushing for 4-5 working sets at those weights to add mass and strength. i was pretty happy. i suppose on over a gram of supplements a week i shouldn't be tooting my own horn but fuck, i felt good.
Nine Inch Nails- Last (lyrics)
this blast is shaping up nicely, i feel like it will be really good. so far i like the EQ/test/deca combo. Joints seem happy, i'm still short calories but fuck it, i'm trying. lifts are climbing, BW around 215.8, not holding water.
progress pic next week.
thanks for tuning in...