Sheiko block 29, day 1 - bench and squats. This was no fucking joke. I thought the whole thing would be easy as pie. Heh. No. Took 2 hours, skipped the good mornings because I will being doing block 29, day 2 tomorrow (less the accessory incline bench), which is deadlifts for days.
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DB flies were at 25 lbs. my elbows were sore today from the fucking preacher work yesterday. They haven't hurt for months, basically since I stopped doing straight bar curls and preacher work. The upshot - arm day can fuck right off. I'll add one curl variation in on pulls day.
I like this, and will be following sheiko in a modified manner. Do my push/pull/legs/shoulders split for hypertrophy, rest, the next sheiko day, then rest. Repeat. That program is pretty close to my old program, Saturday was always a squat/dead day, sheiko will add in chest work which is good since I want to bring my chest up.
Focused a lot on form today, "bending" the bar and pushing straight up rather than towards my head. The 5x5 bench took a while. Form was a little shaky for the last bench block, but not bad enough for me to stop the lifts. I find when I remember to drive with my feet the lifts get easier. I faltered a couple times then drove my feet and up went the bar. It wasn't inclining my chest/body either (my usual cheat to get the load up). Very happy when I get all the pieces together, a strong lift, in the groove, everything feels right. Thanks to you guys for the direction and form tips.
@brutus79 @ROB581211 @Docd187123
Tired of the acne I'm getting, switching up the compound lineup a bit. Upping the EQ to 1050/wk, dropping the test to 350/wk. so I will be at 1050/350/350 EQ/test/deca. Going to drop the aromasin back to 12.5 EOD in a couple days since EQ doesn't aromatize as much as test. Will adjust as necessary. Weirdly the more I run AAS the less I like test. Other compounds give me the results I want without the sides. EQ is a new favorite, and I can't wait to start the mast. Will be interested to see what sort of synergy these is from that combo.
To all my PL friends on here, my hat is off. Sheiko is challenging mentally and physically, and my PRs are pretty low. I'll reset in a month and up my PRs in the sheiko program accordingly. I imagine that will push me beyond my comfort zone. Looking forward to it.
Lastly, to the dude doing flies on a bb bench. You, sir, should drink bleach. 50 guys, at least half of whom want to do bench, and you are busy occupying one of the three bb benches. I've now found the bench press equivalent of curling in the squat rack.
The soundtrack: