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Running first Test E cycle at 500mg per week. Pinning Sunday and Thursday

I played soccer in college and bounced around professional reserves before deciding to finish school after accumulation of injurys.

I have what people consider a party physique 24 5"9 and 170 (while playing I was 150)Deceptively strong for my size.

I have nolva and Clomid but no connection for any Ai. I have small gyno ever since puberty... My question is.. If I run nolva while on cycle to prevent gyno should I get torem for my pct instead of nolva again? On a side note: my buddy has HCG and I plan on using that the 14 days between last shot and pct of either nolva and Clomid or torem and clomid
Running first Test E cycle at 500mg per week. Pinning Sunday and Thursday

I played soccer in college and bounced around professional reserves before deciding to finish school after accumulation of injurys.

I have what people consider a party physique 24 5"9 and 170 (while playing I was 150)Deceptively strong for my size.

I have nolva and Clomid but no connection for any Ai. I have small gyno ever since puberty... My question is.. If I run nolva while on cycle to prevent gyno should I get torem for my pct instead of nolva again? On a side note: my buddy has HCG and I plan on using that the 14 days between last shot and pct of either nolva and Clomid or torem and clomid
Im curious on how your able to get Nolvadex and clomid and no AI?
Im curious on how your able to get Nolvadex and clomid and no AI?

Well my source is a personal friend and this is just the situation at the moment. I'm nervous about ordering from Chem sites but not completely opposed to it.
Well my source is a personal friend and this is just the situation at the moment. I'm nervous about ordering from Chem sites but not completely opposed to it.
There are PLENTY of sources if you look. Now everyone on this site is going to tell you your too young for AAS. But your going to do them anyway. Also I'm not sure how well you trust your buddy. So how do you know that the clo and nolva and phama grade as well? If you already have Gyno issues AAS is going to make it worse. Your best bet to do this safely(cuz your going to do it anyway) Is to get blood work. I would say it's even more important in your case cuz you've had Gyno issues. Get pre mid and post bloods done so you don't fuck yourself up. Keep reading on this site. There's so much info on here from guys that know what the hell they are talking about.
Running first Test E cycle at 500mg per week. Pinning Sunday and Thursday

I played soccer in college and bounced around professional reserves before deciding to finish school after accumulation of injurys.

I have what people consider a party physique 24 5"9 and 170 (while playing I was 150)Deceptively strong for my size.

I have nolva and Clomid but no connection for any Ai. I have small gyno ever since puberty... My question is.. If I run nolva while on cycle to prevent gyno should I get torem for my pct instead of nolva again? On a side note: my buddy has HCG and I plan on using that the 14 days between last shot and pct of either nolva and Clomid or torem and clomid
Are you using pharmacuetical grand pct meds? And what about that Ai you don't have... or the hcg?! I wouldn't leave your recovery to chance as you will never produced testosterone again naturally if you fuck it up. Order safe. Order pharmaceutical.
If you need help finding pharmaceutical grade PCT I can help

My buddy gets his bloods done and his doctor is steroid friendly... I guess I'm not 100% sure it's pharma grade... Aside from the test E I have seen the prescription. I'm trusting the nolva and Clomid because of his previous bloodwork.

Original question... Is nolva on cycle effective in replacement for an AI?

I am open to your help man.
My buddy gets his bloods done and his doctor is steroid friendly... I guess I'm not 100% sure it's pharma grade... Aside from the test E I have seen the prescription. I'm trusting the nolva and Clomid because of his previous bloodwork.

Original question... Is nolva on cycle effective in replacement for an AI?

I am open to your help man.
@guyzcool will point you where to go. I read some of his post a few months ago and seen where to get pharma grade pct. It works. So he helped me indirectly. But beware I think he's one of those good for nothing Canadians like @CdnGuy! America!
I did some time with a couple teams in Canada... I dig it.

Have you guys ever travled to the place where the 4 states meet at 4Corners? I was thinking about traveling there.
My buddy gets his bloods done and his doctor is steroid friendly... I guess I'm not 100% sure it's pharma grade... Aside from the test E I have seen the prescription. I'm trusting the nolva and Clomid because of his previous bloodwork.

Original question... Is nolva on cycle effective in replacement for an AI?

I am open to your help man.
No, use an AI. Nolvadex isn't a substitute for exemenstane, or arimidex
Running first Test E cycle at 500mg per week. Pinning Sunday and Thursday

I played soccer in college and bounced around professional reserves before deciding to finish school after accumulation of injurys.

I have what people consider a party physique 24 5"9 and 170 (while playing I was 150)Deceptively strong for my size.

I have nolva and Clomid but no connection for any Ai. I have small gyno ever since puberty... My question is.. If I run nolva while on cycle to prevent gyno should I get torem for my pct instead of nolva again? On a side note: my buddy has HCG and I plan on using that the 14 days between last shot and pct of either nolva and Clomid or torem and clomid

Nothing like another 22 year old noob experimenting with AAS and leading the way for what NOT TO DO! (Like hey dude did you ever think about the cost of pre-cycle LABS or post-PCT testing!)

It's like making a "silk purse out of a sows ear, OR requesting a fine champagne on a beer budget"

Sorry things just don't work that way kido, especially when the problem is not only limited "resources" but also a limited fund of knowledge!
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But your going to do them anyway.

And that's the cop out I've heard on a repetitive basis on Meso and elsewhere. Oh I know the option requires a legitimate commitment to actually HELPING these kids learn how to
build muscle wo AAS. And that list is endless but for starters
- Does he have a trainer
- what is his current routine
- What about dietary modifications
- oh let's see duh how about we define some goals
-etc, etc
I mean if you want to help, then help them LEARN, bc spoon feeding leads to GERBER and Gerber inevitably requires a BIGGER SPOON!

YEP bc in the absence of this info these kids are indeed experimenting and like MOST of Meso's noobs will achieve far inferior results or develop complications that could have been minimized or prevented entirely had they possessed the requisite fund of knowledge from the outset.

If you think providing a few tid bit's of info here and there is "helping" those of similar ilk your kidding yourself!
No, use an AI. Nolvadex isn't a substitute for exemenstane, or arimidex

That's fine BUT I prefer to test the commitment of NOOBS to learn about PEDs, and/or ancillary drugs for themselves by suggesting THEY REVIEW the info cited by BR on Meso's home page.

The fact the OP hasn't even done THAT is TELLING IME ....... bc in it's absence (or one of similar pursuits) the spoon feeding will NEVER END fellas!
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And that's the cop out I've heard on a repetitive basis on Meso and elsewhere. Oh I know the option requires a legitimate commitment to actually HELPING these kids learn how to
build muscle wo AAS. And that list is endless but for starters
- Does he have a trainer
- what is his current routine
- What about dietary modifications
- oh let's see duh how about we define some goals
-etc, etc
I mean if you want to help, then help them LEARN, bc spoon feeding leads to GERBER and Gerber inevitably requires a BIGGER SPOON!

YEP bc in the absence of this info these kids are indeed experimenting and like MOST of Meso's noobs will achieve far inferior results or develop complications that could have been minimized or prevented entirely had they possessed the requisite fund of knowledge from the outset.

If you think providing a few tid bit's of info here and there is "helping" those of similar ilk your kidding yourself!
I get it. You have a lot of Good points Dr Jim. I just hate reading about them after they have done everything wrong that's all.
I get it. You have a lot of Good points Dr Jim. I just hate reading about them after they have done everything wrong that's all.

Gotha, then refer them to the appropriate resource material so they CAN HELP THEMSELVES. The latter is a must or I promise these kids will continue to PIN FIRST and ASK QUESTIONS LATER, believing "we" will bail them out once anything (and I mean anything) unexpected happens.

The problem with this age group is NOT their age per say BUT on a categorical basis AGE best correlates with the gross fund of knowledge one notes in this group of cyclists collectively.

Simply put they have no earthly idea what they are doing, why they are doing it, or how to do IT, and that inevitably leads to nothing but PROBLEMS, less the "unexpected" yet unnoticed on their behalf, growth of myofibrils!

Frustrating welcome to my world where I see these kids twice a week. However bc they are in front of me I can better evaluate their sincerity and for that reason the majority do in fact listen and at least follow a more benign course in their pursuit of BB.

What most need and want is DIRECTION from those with more experience and IME it's presumptuous to believe "they will use AAS anyway" UNLESS we give them no other option by failing to mention and/or emphasize the ALTERNATIVES.
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Nothing like another 22 year old noob experimenting with AAS and leading the way for what NOT TO DO! (Like hey dude did you ever think about the cost of pre-cycle LABS or post-PCT testing!)

It's like making a "silk purse out of a sows ear, OR requesting a fine champagne on a beer budget"

Sorry things just don't work that way kido, especially when the problem is not only limited "resources" but also a limited fund of knowledge!

Never said I wasn't gonna go to the doc and get pre labs...

I wouldn't call someone who made it to the professional level in their desired athletic activity a noob.

Limited amount of knowledge... I understand the drugs I was just asking for actual experience because that's equally as important as the chemichal structure.
I'm 24 running a test only first cycle and have nolva, Clomid, and HCG on hand from the start. I have played at the highest level in my athletic event of choice I'm no noob, I understand dedication and training m. I was simply asking if I only had nolva and didn't like the idea of ordering DRUGS online would that be okay.

P.s I got pre-bloods and they are still at my doctors office.

Don't treat me like some kid that is 18 running an oral only with some otc pct when it's likely that I have exceeded your success in whatever your chosen sport is... (And yes I get that soccer isn't an AAs sport) but that's not the point. I came here with a decent foundational knowledge asking for a very small piece of advice so THANK YOU to the guys that actually helped me out.... To the other dudes you better be some pro that has the authority to act like you know every thing there is to know... Half the guys that flame 21 and 22 year olds for juicing were probably juicing young as well.
Never said I wasn't gonna go to the doc and get pre labs...

I wouldn't call someone who made it to the professional level in their desired athletic activity a noob.

Limited amount of knowledge... I understand the drugs I was just asking for actual experience because that's equally as important as the chemichal structure.
I'm 24 running a test only first cycle and have nolva, Clomid, and HCG on hand from the start. I have played at the highest level in my athletic event of choice I'm no noob, I understand dedication and training m. I was simply asking if I only had nolva and didn't like the idea of ordering DRUGS online would that be okay.

P.s I got pre-bloods and they are still at my doctors office.

Don't treat me like some kid that is 18 running an oral only with some otc pct when it's likely that I have exceeded your success in whatever your chosen sport is... (And yes I get that soccer isn't an AAs sport) but that's not the point. I came here with a decent foundational knowledge asking for a very small piece of advice so THANK YOU to the guys that actually helped me out.... To the other dudes you better be some pro that has the authority to act like you know every thing there is to know... Half the guys that flame 21 and 22 year olds for juicing were probably juicing young as well.

You know what a swiss cheese rebuttal is!

Curious are you 24 or 22 or did you "forget" the age YOU posted on your profile.

You're a "pro" in your sport? I bet those who really ARE would laugh at that suggestion!

Cant wait to see that dated lab report of yours!

Yea and I know many kids your age ARE using AAS and thats where the problem almost always BEGINS

Bottom line your FOS, try the parking lot to toot your own horn!
Are u suprised someone didn't put their real information to join a site and discus the use of illegal drugs....

Did play professionally. Professional soccer in the United States is not too glamorous i wasn't tooting my horn. I was providing reason for being rather skinny and not wanting people to compare my stats to a bodybuilder.

I was only using this site to awnser 1 damn question... Jeeeeeez