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AI's are about as common as rainwater. If you can't find that something is seriously wrong with you.

Not judging your stats but "party build"?.... Sounds pretty gay.

Nolvadex is not an AI dude and shouldn't be used as one. That's why it's a serm and not an Ai. This isn't the 1960's.

You don't like the idea of ordering drugs online. That's the safest possible way to do it as long as your source is good.

At the end of the day with your stats and goals I'd just remain natural... You don't know what your doing and your not on any serious path that requires the additional size.
Running first Test E cycle at 500mg per week. Pinning Sunday and Thursday

I played soccer in college and bounced around professional reserves before deciding to finish school after accumulation of injurys.

I have what people consider a party physique 24 5"9 and 170 (while playing I was 150)Deceptively strong for my size.

I have nolva and Clomid but no connection for any Ai. I have small gyno ever since puberty... My question is.. If I run nolva while on cycle to prevent gyno should I get torem for my pct instead of nolva again? On a side note: my buddy has HCG and I plan on using that the 14 days between last shot and pct of either nolva and Clomid or torem and clomid
get AI dec from cem and run 0.25-0.5mg eod.
nolva on cycle will keep gyno away but wont fix the actual issue of high estrogen and the related sides (ither than gyno part)
I would rec you run an AI during cycle . and clomid and tamox (or torem) for PCT. just stop hcg a few days before PCT starts IMO
AI's are about as common as rainwater. If you can't find that something is seriously wrong with you.

Not judging your stats but "party build"?.... Sounds pretty gay.

Nolvadex is not an AI dude and shouldn't be used as one. That's why it's a serm and not an Ai. This isn't the 1960's.

You don't like the idea of ordering drugs online. That's the safest possible way to do it as long as your source is good.

At the end of the day with your stats and goals I'd just remain natural... You don't know what your doing and your not on any serious path that requires the additional size.
AI's are about as common as rainwater. If you can't find that something is seriously wrong with you.

Not judging your stats but "party build"?.... Sounds pretty gay.

Nolvadex is not an AI dude and shouldn't be used as one. That's why it's a serm and not an Ai. This isn't the 1960's.

You don't like the idea of ordering drugs online. That's the safest possible way to do it as long as your source is good.

At the end of the day with your stats and goals I'd just remain natural... You don't know what your doing and your not on any serious path that requires the additional size.

Athletes use PEDs you don't need to be so big you lose mobility to consider PEDs

But yeah like previously said I'm going to find an Ai