Liquid Arimidex question


New Member
I received my liquid arimidex which is 1.5mg\30ml. Here is where I get dumb. I've read to run this .25mg EOD. Well my syringe only has .25mg incriments... Is there an easier way to dose this to get more accurate measurements?
I received my liquid arimidex which is 1.5mg\30ml. Here is where I get dumb. I've read to run this .25mg EOD. Well my syringe only has .25mg incriments... Is there an easier way to dose this to get more accurate measurements?

yes, it's called pharma grade Arimidex and comes in a 1mg pill. You snap it half then snap the other half-gives you a .25.. With Liquid (most likely RC), it's a guessing game and hope it work because if not, the end result could be a spike E2 levels and you're on your way to a nice man-boob action! :)