Long covid


A friend got it after having covid two times last year and it fucked him pretty bad. Any ideas how to deal with it? Any supplements or peptides that could help? His main symptoms are fatigue, pain, shortness of breath, dry coughing. He is unvaxxed btw.

Doctors are obviously clueless, only did some bloodwork and prescribed him some pain meds.
High dose thiamine helped alot of people that I know , look into "EONUTRITION" on YouTube he has detailed videos on how to dose etc , he also has Facebook groups and is active on reddit if not mistaken
Nad+ IV infusions. 100%

COVID absolutely destroys your bodies stores of NAD, and this is becoming the likely mechanism of long COVID, especially the cognitive and fatigue issues.

My mom dealt with it for like 6 months before she finally listened and got a couple infusions. It was magic for her. She did two 1 gram IV infusion sessions, and then now maintains with sublingual NMN at 250mg/day.
Might pay to check out Dr. John Campbell on youtube (@Campbellteaching). He has been covering a lot of the stuff around covid vax injuries and such. I think he had a far bit dealing with long covid from memory.
Here's two studies regarding long COVID and NAD.

Thanks for the suggestions. I've found conflicting reports about NAD+ IV. Some say it had some short term effects, other say it didn't help them at all. Also some sources claim that oral precursors like nicotinamide riboside actually work better than NAD+ IV. What a rabbit hole...

The evidence that NAD doesn’t enter most cells is overwhelming:

“NAD is considered impermeable to the plasma membrane, and NAD administration cannot efficiently increase NAD levels. Therefore, NAD precursors...are utilized to increase NAD levels in rodents and humans” -- Journal of Biomedical Science, May 11, 2019

“Increasing evidence indicates that NAD+ cannot enter cells directly through the plasma membrane and that it must be converted into smaller, less charged molecules to enter cells.” -- Aging and Disease, December 1, 2021

“NAD+ is highly polar and, like other nucleotides and dinucleotides, is not readily taken up by cells” -- Cell Metabolism, December 2, 2014

“In general, cells are unable to take up NAD+...” Cell Metabolism, March 6, 2018

“NAD+ cannot be taken up directly by the cell, but its precursors can...” Trends in Immunology, April 1, 2022

Still need to look more into thiamine, also a lot of conflicting reports.

Thanks for the suggestions. I've found conflicting reports about NAD+ IV. Some say it had some short term effects, other say it didn't help them at all. Also some sources claim that oral precursors like nicotinamide riboside actually work better than NAD+ IV. What a rabbit hole...

Still need to look more into thiamine, also a lot of conflicting reports.

As far as a regular thing, I absolutely agree that the precursors are far better. I wouldn't shell out money for NAD infusions unless I was specifically dealing with long COVID.

The issue there is just getting as much of it as fast as possible into your body, which you can't do as well with NR or NMN in the ultra short term.

It's worth it to get at least one to jumpstart it, then stay on top of sublingual dosing of Nicotinamide riboside or NMN each day from there.

Any human older than 40 should be using those anyways.

I keep them around and use them situationally, they're fantastic for immune related fatigue. They'll given you energy immediately back following a flu.

But being only 30, I don't have the need for daily use for anti aging yet.
For brain fog and fatigue, Guanfacine (script needed) + NAC (N-Acytyl L-Cysteine).

NAC may also help with lung stuff, it's used in COPD treatment too.

Too late for your friend, but as a preventative for anyone who is willing to spend $5 for a heck-might-as-well treatment: a quad-blind study in the Lancet recently found a short escalating 2wk course of Metformin, if started within a week of infection, significantly reduced LC.

Healthy diet. Multiple veggies/fruits every meal. Good protein and healthy fats. Carbs as needed for energy. What is he eating these days?
Healthy diet. Multiple veggies/fruits every meal. Good protein and healthy fats. Carbs as needed for energy. What is he eating these days?

Yeah, i forgot to say he lost a lot of weight because he has problems with appetite. I think he is eating good, just less than usual.
It's worth it to get at least one to jumpstart it, then stay on top of sublingual dosing of Nicotinamide riboside or NMN each day from there.

Any human older than 40 should be using those anyways.

O/T. Here is my opinion based on the preclinical studies: having extra NMN/NR on board is good in case of injury (like heart attack or stroke).

It does little for healthy people, but if something bad happens, having a quick source of NAD+ immediately available (like if you had already dosed it beforehand) might make the injury suck a little less.

Impossible to predict health issues like that, so it would justify daily or periodic usage. I'm not on board personally, but that theory makes sense to me.
Yeah, i forgot to say he lost a lot of weight because he has problems with appetite. I think he is eating good, just less than usual.
If not enough good quality food is taken in then healing will be less then optimal. Just like in growing muscle. When i am recovering from anything i chew and swallow whether i like it of not. That seems to be in my best interest.
I found L-lysine to work the best. I took like 6 or 8 grams a day, but after 8 hours my fever broke, after 12 hours my symptoms were almost all gone. I have been using lysine for cold sores and if I use it at first sign they don't manifest. If not then they get pretty out of control. The rest of my family did the same and noticed the benefits as well. Best stuff for covid. But I posted this on Facebook and it was deleted for some reason.
My 21-year-old son was diagnosed with long-term COVID (Low energy, weakness, trouble breathing, weird symptoms like handshaking, mental fog, etc..) he had it starting in July 2023; nothing worked and no doctors could help him (btw he did NOT get the vaxx.) I told him to go to Acupuncture. I said I know everyone thinks it is BS but it helped me with a health issue a while back that none of the "best" doctors had answers for. My son went 2 times to the acupuncturist in Feb and the long COVID was gone and hasn't returned. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years because it works, once you understand the science of it, it puts our modern medicine to shame when it comes to allowing the body to heal itself.
My 21-year-old son was diagnosed with long-term COVID (Low energy, weakness, trouble breathing, weird symptoms like handshaking, mental fog, etc..) he had it starting in July 2023; nothing worked and no doctors could help him (btw he did NOT get the vaxx.) I told him to go to Acupuncture. I said I know everyone thinks it is BS but it helped me with a health issue a while back that none of the "best" doctors had answers for. My son went 2 times to the acupuncturist in Feb and the long COVID was gone and hasn't returned. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years because it works, once you understand the science of it, it puts our modern medicine to shame when it comes to allowing the body to heal itself.
I believe you 100%. People often shutdown TCM, but it has been around for as long as it has for a reason.

I’ve had Covid 2 times and the first dose of Pfizer, all three instances screwed me up bad.

I started getting inflammation in my heart, palpitations and random spikes in bp and drops. My kidney function started to slow down and my liver was in a state to where the doctors misdiagnosed me with hepatitis. Gonads stopped producing test and had a cyst grow on my spermatic cord, my levels were 51ng.
This was before I started trt or any aas. I was 20 at the time.

No doctor could really help alleviate any of my symptoms of pain, fatigue and mental fog.
A combination of acupuncture and NAC, Bromelain and baikal skullcap is what helped me. I still take these on a daily basis.
Balls never started again so I hopped on test.
Bloods are awesome again and I have energy like never before. Still some lingering brain fog but I’m healthy and grateful.
I believe you 100%. People often shutdown TCM, but it has been around for as long as it has for a reason.

I’ve had Covid 2 times and the first dose of Pfizer, all three instances screwed me up bad.

I started getting inflammation in my heart, palpitations and random spikes in bp and drops. My kidney function started to slow down and my liver was in a state to where the doctors misdiagnosed me with hepatitis. Gonads stopped producing test and had a cyst grow on my spermatic cord, my levels were 51ng.
This was before I started trt or any aas. I was 20 at the time.

No doctor could really help alleviate any of my symptoms of pain, fatigue and mental fog.
A combination of acupuncture and NAC, Bromelain and baikal skullcap is what helped me. I still take these on a daily basis.
Balls never started again so I hopped on test.
Bloods are awesome again and I have energy like never before. Still some lingering brain fog but I’m healthy and grateful.
It was a nice excuse to start testosterone lol
Low Dose Naltrexone.

Had it myself, tried basically all of the above, the only thing that got me out and over Long Covid and the subsequent fatigue was 6 months of LDN.
I believe you 100%. People often shutdown TCM, but it has been around for as long as it has for a reason.

I’ve had Covid 2 times and the first dose of Pfizer, all three instances screwed me up bad.

I started getting inflammation in my heart, palpitations and random spikes in bp and drops. My kidney function started to slow down and my liver was in a state to where the doctors misdiagnosed me with hepatitis. Gonads stopped producing test and had a cyst grow on my spermatic cord, my levels were 51ng.
This was before I started trt or any aas. I was 20 at the time.

No doctor could really help alleviate any of my symptoms of pain, fatigue and mental fog.
A combination of acupuncture and NAC, Bromelain and baikal skullcap is what helped me. I still take these on a daily basis.
Balls never started again so I hopped on test.
Bloods are awesome again and I have energy like never before. Still some lingering brain fog but I’m healthy and grateful.
Man, that is great to hear something is working for you I hear so many people continue to struggle and feel like they have no hope. It is funny you mention COVID and TRT, I got COVID in 2021 (No Vaxx) and ended up hopping on TRT in 2022 because I never felt like I got my "mo-jo" fully back.
Man, that is great to hear something is working for you I hear so many people continue to struggle and feel like they have no hope. It is funny you mention COVID and TRT, I got COVID in 2021 (No Vaxx) and ended up hopping on TRT in 2022 because I never felt like I got my "mo-jo" fully back.
Thanks man, it is so sad to hear all of the horror stories and how both the virus and vaccine has hurt people.

I was on my honeymoon when the worst of my symptoms hit, couldn’t live up to my husbandly duties for a week after marrying my new smoking wife. And it was a rough first few months in the bedroom. Thankfully she is a loving and patient woman, I would never wish it on my worst enemy XD.
So ... you think TRT could help with his symptoms? He doesn't have any experience with steroids besides dbol only decades ago.

Would try lowdose naltrexone but fucking around with 50 mg pills sounds tedious