Opinions on managing e2 on a gram of test.

I plan to do 1.2g of testosterone from mid-August for at least 20 weeks. I will share how much aromasin I needed. I just know my testo : primo ratio. But not for aromasin.
What makes you think serum levels are reflective of what happens at the receptor level ?

The forums you read may not be appropriate or high level enough to find victims of such a phenomenon.

Try PhoenixRising CFS forum and Propeciahelp forum, it's a whole other level of information on biology in general.
We are doomed to be using aromatisable compounds for life after a single use of Aromasin.

Every single steroid user who goes off feels like shit, not because they are shutdown and lack androgens, but because they don't aromatise enough after using Aromasin.
You said you don't aromatise enough you said nothing about receptors.

Whatever it is i hope you figure it out good luck
Ive only heard this once before also. The guy claims he has permanent low e2 from using armidex and the docs had to put him on e2. But also said its very very rare but it can happen to some guys.
Who knows why it happens but to say everyone will get this from aromasin is very out there.
Maybe it’s just me but this is suggesting a lot of AI.
For me that's not even a lot of AI. When i throw mast in it crushes my shbg. With mast in the mix I'm taking 1mg of arimidex per 100mg of test. So 3mg Adex with 300 test/210 mast/280 npp puts me at 29 E2. 3.5mg Adex with 400 test/ 210 mast/280 NPP im at 35 e2.
And I'm not overweight, right around 10% w a 4 pack, maybe a light 6 pack
I appreciate your concern but I will never stop taking gear and blasting cycles. I have recovered from the PE and see a doc monthly and have blood work done monthly everything is looking good.
@Juicedhead Do you have an updated physique pic ? I remember the PE scare as well and have commented like @Spaceman Spiff … your profile pic was the same before you were in the hospital. Let’s see where you’ve gotten back to in order to be considering a gram of test and 500 of something else …
@Juicedhead Do you have an updated physique pic ? I remember the PE scare as well and have commented like @Spaceman Spiff … your profile pic was the same before you were in the hospital. Let’s see where you’ve gotten back to in order to be considering a gram of test and 500 of something else …
Wouldn’t it be ironic if ChaseIrons comes here and tells Juicehead he’s going to die soon for using 1gram after his PE lol.
@Juicedhead Do you have an updated physique pic ? I remember the PE scare as well and have commented like @Spaceman Spiff … your profile pic was the same before you were in the hospital. Let’s see where you’ve gotten back to in order to be considering a gram of test and 500 of something else …
Yeah I can take one. Im around 225 now i was 205 in my avatar. And guys ive put over 10 years into bodybuilding im not going to stop now its pretty much all I enjoy in life a gram isnt crazy for me considering my cycle history. When I first got back in the gym I started at 500mg test. I was off for a year and a half did a successful pct and was off off for 18 months. I was on 500mg, added eq, now just going back to a gram of test. I used to cruise on 750mg test so this is not uncommon for me at all. Yeah im not 260 anymore but 1 gram is where I like to hang out.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if ChaseIrons comes here and tells Juicehead he’s going to die soon for using 1gram after his PE lol.
haha thats probably chases cruise dose! The PE was caused from an underlying issue that I had which was I somehow got staph into my blood stream which basically made me septic and my lung was where the infection ended up. Was in a hospital bed for literally 4 weeks only got up a couple of times to take a dump. Was pissing in one of those bottles they give you. The clot started during that time in my leg and moved to my lung once I started moving again. The clot was about the size of a pea. So its not a chronic issue for me I dont have a clotting disorder like john meadows or anything like that. So its not a serious as that where john was on blood thinners for life. Ive been pulled off blood thinners for a couple months now.
Guys dont get me wrong I like to push gear trust me I have pushed gear very high in the past. Idc what chase does, what bothers me about the guy is he tries to make it out like thats normal in bodybuilding and EVERYONE is lying about their dosages.
haha thats probably chases cruise dose! The PE was caused from an underlying issue that I had which was I somehow got staph into my blood stream which basically made me septic and my lung was where the infection ended up. Was in a hospital bed for literally 4 weeks only got up a couple of times to take a dump. Was pissing in one of those bottles they give you. The clot started during that time in my leg and moved to my lung once I started moving again. The clot was about the size of a pea. So its not a chronic issue for me I dont have a clotting disorder like john meadows or anything like that. So its not a serious as that where john was on blood thinners for life. Ive been pulled off blood thinners for a couple months now.
Lol you don’t have to justify it to me, I view everything people say regarding gear usage be it influencers, pros or gymbros the same.

No matter the level of your aas usage as long as your informed and made the decision yourself accordingly to you risk tolerance, that is none of my business already. It’s not like people with experience listen to advice anyway.

That’s why it’s hilarious whenever you Americans talk about how free you are yet you dissed people who used their freedom of choice on their gear use.
Hello, I've just came out of a 9 month 1500 sust 250 blast as my very first cycle...

Managing E2 on high test is really a problem even if you're not a heavy aromatizer simply because of the sheer volume

so, for me, I decided to settle for 1mg adex for every injection

even then I still held a fuckton of water, but grew like weed

for me, raising test to 750 without AI was bad (which I did on the 3rd month after 2 months of TRT to test waters), too much acne and water retention

gotchu, i hate dealing with the bitcoin services. Pretty sure there’s a few legit sources floating around that take zelle or western union type money gram payments

trust wallet + ramp network to buy crypto from inside the app, just a recommendation for ease of use... also, do not use services that only accept BTC, it's like using gold to buy a candy bar
Hello, I've just came out of a 9 month 1500 sust 250 blast as my very first cycle...

Managing E2 on high test is really a problem even if you're not a heavy aromatizer simply because of the sheer volume

so, for me, I decided to settle for 1mg adex for every injection

even then I still held a fuckton of water, but grew like weed

for me, raising test to 750 without AI was bad (which I did on the 3rd month after 2 months of TRT to test waters), too much acne and water retention

trust wallet + ramp network to buy crypto from inside the app, just a recommendation for ease of use... also, do not use services that only accept BTC, it's like using gold to buy a candy bar
yeah it can be a problem. How often were you injecting? Id be using at least 3mg a week of adex on 1500mg sust.

I just prefer using bitcoin, less fees and you just send the shit from your house instead of having to use a money transfer service, send the money, wait for them to pick up funds, pay a fee to send it. Its just annoying. I used to only use moneygram until everyone started taking bitcoin and bitcoin is so much easier and some guys offer a discount with bitcoin.
Everyone WILL get it.

Not everyone will be in enough tune with their body to notice it or able to produce a logical reasoning as to why they feel like shit coming off steroids :)
Why does the feeling like shit go away once their hormones get back to normal?

You said its permanent if so they would never get back to good levels and never feel fine again.

Your hypothesis is very out there and you seem to think you know something no one else has figured out.

Your determination and skill to avoid key questions and change directions mid conversation might fool less knowledgeable members but i see right through it.

It's very obvious you have some issues that i still hope you will resolve.
Because you inject aromatizable compounds that increase ... estrogens !

Say that again about your reading and comprehension skills ? ;)
I was talking about people who do a pct and don't inject aromatising hormones.

You seem to have a problem following the conversation.

After their hormones get balanced they stop feeling like shit and have regular estrogen levels EVEN without inj aromatising compounds.

If what you say would be true they would never balance out after using aromasin but they do so you are wrong.

You just deflected the conversation again.

Lack of estrogen can make the brain shrivel up.

I just hope you don't have this.
I’ve heard of asin permanently lowering e2, but as far as I know it’s been a low couple individual anecdotes. Not something widespread or said to be objectively true in a measurable and repeatable way. I could be wrong, but that’s my recollection offhand.

Was it the asin? Was it something else? Do e2 levels drop over time anyway? Does e2 response to aromatizing compounds drop with exposure to those compounds over time? Dunno!

These are the questions I’d ask to those claiming that their noted correlation is due in any part to an actual causal relationship. It could absolutely be a phenomenon that occurs. I’m not saying it isn’t. I’m saying those statements need to be backed up by evidence and absent other factors that could otherwise explain the results.
I’ve heard of asin permanently lowering e2, but as far as I know it’s been a low couple individual anecdotes. Not something widespread or said to be objectively true in a measurable and repeatable way. I could be wrong, but that’s my recollection offhand.

Was it the asin? Was it something else? Do e2 levels drop over time anyway? Does e2 response to aromatizing compounds drop with exposure to those compounds over time? Dunno!

These are the questions I’d ask to those claiming that their noted correlation is due in any part to an actual causal relationship. It could absolutely be a phenomenon that occurs. I’m not saying it isn’t. I’m saying those statements need to be backed up by evidence and absent other factors that could otherwise explain the results.
This is the bias most people fall into, just because it happened to you and the group around you then you can conclude it means it is widespread in the majority of the population.

Just like going on tren and finding you and your buddies have tranny/gay thoughts, that doesn’t mean that most if not all have those tendencies as well, some of us just have tren rage or extreme anxiety lol