Long distance running whilst on PEDs

The sr-9009 IM typically 20-30mgs in the delts works in 15 minutes.
Thank you man. Injecting it is clearly necessary but IM/subq isn't discussed as much and I've seen guys suggest both.
I’ve only taken test/mast and a handful of orals. I’ll never use EPO I like my hematocrit to stay under 50.
I figured that was your answer but I wanted to ask. My hemoglobin on simple 200mg test is nearly always at the bottom of the reference range (≈13.5 typically). I've only ever had HCT at 50 once. It's a genetic trait as my siblings all share similar abnormalities. My brother has routinely been denied for donating blood because his HCT was sub 37. My sister has clinical anemia.
I use GW 3 months at a time typically doses 20mg a day
Thanks a bunch for sharing man.

Have you noticed positive effects on bloodwork from the SR? And does it mess with your sleep depending when you take it?
Thank you man. Injecting it is clearly necessary but IM/subq isn't discussed as much and I've seen guys suggest both.

I figured that was your answer but I wanted to ask. My hemoglobin on simple 200mg test is nearly always at the bottom of the reference range (≈13.5 typically). I've only ever had HCT at 50 once. It's a genetic trait as my siblings all share similar abnormalities. My brother has routinely been denied for donating blood because his HCT was sub 37. My sister has clinical anemia.

Thanks a bunch for sharing man.

Have you noticed positive effects on bloodwork from the SR? And does it mess with your sleep depending when you take it?
I can give a longer and better answer when I’m off work. Sr seems to lower lipids and triglycerides to a better extent than GW, but it will not increase HDL at all. Where as GW will significantly raise HDL.

My liver enzymes are slightly elevated after 8 weeks GW AST/ALT in the 60s.

Sr alone liver enzymes are well within range, and ldl drops daily. I’ll get back to you in more detail in a few hours brother
Thank you man. Injecting it is clearly necessary but IM/subq isn't discussed as much and I've seen guys suggest both.

I figured that was your answer but I wanted to ask. My hemoglobin on simple 200mg test is nearly always at the bottom of the reference range (≈13.5 typically). I've only ever had HCT at 50 once. It's a genetic trait as my siblings all share similar abnormalities. My brother has routinely been denied for donating blood because his HCT was sub 37. My sister has clinical anemia.

Thanks a bunch for sharing man.

Have you noticed positive effects on bloodwork from the SR? And does it mess with your sleep depending when you take it?
It’s a fast acting compound, in order to get the full effect it needs to be injected IM, it can only be suspended in DMSO.

But that’s a crazy family trait to have low hemo, I suppose EQ could work well for you. I typically sit around 47-49 on a blast, I’m unsure why mine doesn’t rise. I have read that distance runners can end up anemic somehow rbc’s get recycled faster or something but I don’t know enough to make a fact statement.

There’s some very cool literature on SR. It acts in the genes responsible for circadian rhythm, and has been shown to eradicate aggressive lung cancers in mice. I sleep great on it; and when dosed in the morning I’m wide awake, the only downside is it’s quite expensive long term. About 50$ every 10 days
But that’s a crazy family trait to have low hemo, I suppose EQ could work well for you. I typically sit around 47-49 on a blast, I’m unsure why mine doesn’t rise.
It was a realization I hadn't made until about 3 years ago when we all started getting blood panels more often and discussing the results. It's why I always come back to using small amounts of EQ long term or MT-2 if it wasn't so damn effective at tanning lol.

I have read that distance runners can end up anemic somehow rbc’s get recycled faster or something but I don’t know enough to make a fact statement.
I've read similar. I believe the idea put forth is that the hemolysis from ultra distance training is significant enough to result in clinically low levels of iron. I think there was a study that showed that distance runners have avg rbc life spans of 70 days vs 120 in "normal" people.

There’s some very cool literature on SR. It acts in the genes responsible for circadian rhythm, and has been shown to eradicate aggressive lung cancers in mice. I sleep great on it; and when dosed in the morning I’m wide awake, the only downside is it’s quite expensive long term. About 50$ every 10 days
Definitely not the cheapest but it's not significantly more expensive than generic HGH. Definitely cheaper than Pharma HGH lol. I'm going to give it a go doe 8 weeks and see what I can make of it.

I would really like to get an increase in HDL since my LDL is already quite low. But I'll see how my bloodwork turns out.

Thanks again for sharing.
I would really like to get an increase in HDL since my LDL is already quite low. But I'll see how my bloodwork turns out.

Thanks again for sharing.
I’d love to see the labs after 8 weeks if you didn’t mind sharing the lipid panel. That would be really cool to see brother

I will say triglycerides are almost non existent on sr
its just most orals cause water retention and water retention gets you major pumps and then lactic acid water retention is good for big power like bench press or squat the more water retention i have the more explosive i am when my friend used 6 iu growth a day and 40 dbol and we had to walk from work home after 15 min of walking he could not continue cause his entire legs were pumped like an insane calve pump but for running take some 1-testosterone dhb or just normal boldenone it will increase your rbc count and you will have more sufficient oxygen exchange you can also add some cialis or viagra it helps you train your breathing but what will cause lactic acid build up and muscle failure is when your muscle heats up so you want to stay cool and dont run too fast
I’d love to see the labs after 8 weeks if you didn’t mind sharing the lipid panel. That would be really cool to see brother

I will say triglycerides are almost non existent on sr
I've been meaning to get a comprehensive panel since the beginning of the month. So even more reason to check it before beginning. I'll post before and after.
Right, so a log was asked for and so it shall begin.

Fyi, I work in 8 day weeks/blocks due to work being 4 on/4 off, just makes things easier. Also, I still have fairly annoying tennis elbow so can only do lower body weights that don't involve loading my arms...fun.

Starting weight: 108kg
Current PEDs: Test Cyp - 150mg pw, albuterol - 8mg ED. Cialis - 10mg pwo on weight days. This will be changing as training progresses but I'd just started a cruise so not going to mess just yet.

Week 1 - 2.5m zone 3 run, Squat session, rest, 2.8m zone 2 run, Leg accessory day, rest, 3.5m zone 2 run, rest.

Recovering fine atm, taurine introduction has definitely banished the pumps whilst cruising so will start next week with an interval session and see how it goes. Not pushing the distance just yet until the weight comes down a little to keep injury risk acceptable.
Week 2.

Starting weight 105.5kg
PEDs - Same as week 1

2.5m run with 4 x 2:00 on/2:00 off intervals, squat session with SB 1RM, rest, 2m treadmill Z3 run, Leg accessory day, rest, 3.5m Z2 run, rest.

Week went well but busy night shifts have left me less recovered than I would like. Leg strength feels good, leg turnover when running needs improvement but that will come as I pick up the miles, trying to keep it steady to avoid any niggles for now whilst some weight comes off. That may stall this week so extra effort into next week for that.
When I was in the military I had problems passing running test. It was 1.8 mile I think and you had to make it in 14 minutes max. I was taking 400mg test e and dbol and boy I barely made it. I thought I was gonna die. Calf pumps were insane burning sensation. Later on I avoided orals and stuck to lower T and maybe equipoise or something similar shit and it was better. Just my experience.
I just got done doing a 4 hour hike and I felt the same felt like I was gonna die lol. My cardio has gone to shit ...

Any tips on a running or jogging routine to get my juice monkey ass back into shape
I just got done doing a 4 hour hike and I felt the same felt like I was gonna die lol. My cardio has gone to shit ...

Any tips on a running or jogging routine to get my juice monkey ass back into shape
Breathing is everything. Learning how to breathe in a cadence. Also a tip to anyone that wants to start running let’s say 2+ miles at a go is this. Start with a very fast walk, basically was as fast as you can. Then lean forward and start lifting your heals. You’re now jogging properly. No need to go fast, shoot for 11-12 minute miles. Within a month or 2 you should be able to hit a 10 minute mile.

As for breathing, I like to breathe in deep for 5-6 steps hold for 1 step exhale for 5-6 steps. You will notice that once your oxygen carrying capacity increases the running gets easy.
Breathing is everything. Learning how to breathe in a cadence. Also a tip to anyone that wants to start running let’s say 2+ miles at a go is this. Start with a very fast walk, basically was as fast as you can. Then lean forward and start lifting your heals. You’re now jogging properly. No need to go fast, shoot for 11-12 minute miles. Within a month or 2 you should be able to hit a 10 minute mile.

As for breathing, I like to breathe in deep for 5-6 steps hold for 1 step exhale for 5-6 steps. You will notice that once your oxygen carrying capacity increases the running gets easy.
I concentrate on big relaxed stomach breaths when going uphill or whenever the running gets strenuous. The hardest part of distance running is getting started. I understand why people instinctually dislike it. But you will always feel better after a run after your body and lungs get used to it. A good way to get into it is to set a goal like "I'm going to run/jog a half of a mile(Or less, doesn't matter) or more every day this month no matter the weather or circumstances". If you check off every day on your calendar that month you'll easily be able to up your ability after that. Run a couple hills and you will be ready for 10k/half marathon if you wanted.
I concentrate on big relaxed stomach breaths when going uphill or whenever the running gets strenuous. The hardest part of distance running is getting started. I understand why people instinctually dislike it. But you will always feel better after a run after your body and lungs get used to it. A good way to get into it is to set a goal like "I'm going to run/jog a half of a mile(Or less, doesn't matter) or more every day this month no matter the weather or circumstances". If you check off every day on your calendar that month you'll easily be able to up your ability after that. Run a couple hills and you will be ready for 10k/half marathon if you wanted.
Amen to that. It gets easier the more you do it. It’s a mental thing for sure. It’s admirable when I see people get out of their comfort zone .
I concentrate on big relaxed stomach breaths when going uphill or whenever the running gets strenuous. The hardest part of distance running is getting started. I understand why people instinctually dislike it. But you will always feel better after a run after your body and lungs get used to it. A good way to get into it is to set a goal like "I'm going to run/jog a half of a mile(Or less, doesn't matter) or more every day this month no matter the weather or circumstances". If you check off every day on your calendar that month you'll easily be able to up your ability after that. Run a couple hills and you will be ready for 10k/half marathon if you wanted.

Amen to that. It gets easier the more you do it. It’s a mental thing for sure. It’s admirable when I see people get out of their comfort zone .

Agree baby steps. We all start somewhere. Go for a walk around the block daily. Then try walking faster. Lift some light weights. Then see if you lift some heavier stuff.
I’m a long distance runner. The best endurance stack for me is as follows:

250 test
100 mast
30mgs Injectable Sr-9009
20mgs GW
10gs Taurine to prevent calf/shin pumps

You will blow all existing times out of the water on this endurance cycle.

I don’t fuck with EQ, because EQ fucks with my blood.

Hope this helps.
why mast over primo? Do your joints dry out at all?

Im running trt with a little primo on top, really consistent and hit 45-50 miles a week...